A homemade demooning tool...

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
I'm just getting my feet wet with the use of moon clips as I enjoy my new S&W 625-8. What a wonderful gun! A good and helpful friend loaned me a demooning tool until I could procure one. As the thought processes kicked in, I decided that an old unused golf club might come to the fore. Pun intended. ;)

About 15 minutes of time, a hacksaw, a file, and the golf club were all that I needed to make myself a spiffy demooning tool. I made it long enough to where all six cases drop down into it, where they can then be quickly dumped into my spent brass container. Here's a photo:


If you decide to try your hand at making one, the "notch" that you cut out of the shaft is just enough to leave the "tab" sticking out about 3/32 of an inch, and the tab is roughly 1/2" wide. I'm really liking mine and perhaps this photo will be of help to another gun nut out there somewhere. :D

Yoosta B. Blue


New member
Yoosta, I'm not foll0wing what what you did here with a golf club. Looks like you are using the part of the shaft just below the grip. Are you using the shaft to hold the moon clip while you lever the empty cases out of the clip? I have a 625JM model also, so am curious as to what you are doing here.

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
SVO, as I slip the demooning tool up on an empty casing as far as it will go, I'm holding the moon clip steady with my left hand and with my right hand I'm twisting the grip of the golf club. That loosens the empty casing from the moon clip and it then drops down into the tool. Repeat that action five times, and you then dump the brass out into your container...



New member
I used a piece of copper pipe to make mine for my 646. It works great.I even had one of the spray on bed liner guys spay on a handle for it.

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Heck, I was trying to be helpful to other revolver enthusiasts in posting this. Looks like I should have posted this one over at Comedy Central or some such place. :eek:


Evyl Robot

New member
I glued a piece of a .50" OD stainless pipe into a wooden ball and notched the end to demoon my .357 clips. The golf club idea is great though!

nutty ned

New member
Yoosta B. Blue :
The golf club was a good idea.
I've used a screwdriver, a 5/8's socket, and an unfired rnd.
Then cut a 6" piece of 5/8's copper tubing and plugged one end, same one works for 9mm, 10mm, and .45acp.
Once you get the hang of it, as you have, that extra raised portion on a commercial demooner is not nec.


New member
After spending what I did nearly 5.5 yr back on a new 625MG ($579 then!), I could still muster enough for a Brownell's nutdriver style de-mooner. Today, they are still affordable - <$18 list - much less wholesale. Works great - looks like it belongs in your range bag. The 10mm one, oddly cheaper, works great for my 627s' moonclips (8 x .357M).

Golf - my favorite hole has a windmill. The clown-faced one scares me. They frown on your 'adapting' their putters, anyway!


old bear

New member
Neat idea

Yoosta B. Blue; Thanks, necessity is the mother of invention and I love home done engineering. :cool:
I use my teeth to get the shells out of moon clips. Never had a problem so far.
Why am I not surprised?

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
For anyone interested out there...

Today was the first "real test" of my golf club demooning tool. I used it to remove 60 fired casings from a dozen full moon clips. I'm happy to report that the little jewel works wonderfully. ;) I especially like the fact that it is long enough to hold all six casings, which makes it a piece of cake to then dump them into your brass container.
