A high speed idiocy collision...yup...Taurus. Again.


New member
In an "exciting" (in a train wreck sense) new product intro, Taurus has managed to take their two dumbest ideas and mash them into one amazingly craptastic gun-like object.
C'mon Jim, stop glossing things over and tell us what you really think of it. ;)

Nah seriously, IMHO Taurus has really done something unprecedented this time- they've made a gun with no imaginable practical function other than making Youtube videos. Wait a second. Maybe that's their marketing plan. :rolleyes:
Coming out with new and different models? They should be focusing their time and efforts on developing more pocket 380's, 38 snubs and 1911 clones. That's what the market is lacking right now.
Hardworker, I sure hope you were being sarcastic and forgot the smilie, because everyone makes a pocket .380 now, Taurus offers more .38 snub models than you can shake a stick at, and there are going to be so many M1911 100th Anniversary Commemorative Editions on the market this upcoming year that, by September, I predict that some dealers will be using them as doorstops. ;)

Also, 20-30 years from now, we're probably going to see a bunch of threads from people who don't know anything about guns but are convinced they are now rich because their recently deceased relative bequeathed them a LNIB unfired M1911 100th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. #winchester1894commemorative :rolleyes:


New member
I know, right? Stupid international company, introducing their stupid new products, making their stupid millions of dollars. When will they learn from us smart guys on the internet? Never--'cause they're stupid!



New member
Meh - by all accounts, Taurus sells a lot of their judge models. So, from a business perspective, give folks what they want. The vast majority of gun buyers and owners in this country really know very little about what they are buying, and don't particularly care to learn more.


New member
by all accounts, Taurus sells a lot of their judge models.
I know two people who own them.
One has fired his once.
The other has never fired his.
If that's your marketing plan, go for it.

On the plus side, those are two owners who will never have to suffer Taurus's legendary Customer Service, or exercise their "Lifetime" Warranty.


New member
I think everyone is missing a real opportunity here. All these firearms are going to real collectible 30 years down the road, just like the Liberator pistols. People will pay big bucks for a useless, butt ugly gun for those very reasons. :D


New member
You don't like em? Don't buy 'em! I personally hate the concept of the Judge and the Governor. The Raging Judge, or whatever the .28ga model is, seems to me like a more viable revolver than the original Judge. But you see, where I am: I rarely face a snake that's venomous, though I've sure as hell seen 'em near the train tracks, but they keep their distance from where people live around here. If I lived in Texas, Mississippi, Southern California, Arizonia, etc., I'd have a Taurus Judge with 410 Bird loaded in it at all times, but that's just cause I'm deathly afraid of snakes.

I personally think that "Circuit Judge" gun looks kind of neat. Would I buy it, no! But, still. A lever action revolver rifle that fires .45LC and .410? That's a neat idea. Too bad it has no practical purpose (given you can't cap it for hunting), but it's neat.


New member
Oh, well, Taurus knows the shotgun/revolver business better than anyone I guess?
I know two people who own them.
One has fired his once.
The other has never fired his.
If that's your marketing plan, go for it.
I can't see myself ever owning any interation of the Judge, either.

But if you can honestly sit there and NOT know how flippin' well those things have sold... how damn much money and market share they've given Taurus...

...then your head is buried so far in the sand that you can't be helped.

If Taurus' goal is to sell handguns, then every kind of Judge they can make is absolutely looking like it'll work to do exactly that.


Active member
Personally, I hope Taurus keeps coming up with new guns. I applaud them for it!! I figure maybe 1 out of 10 I might really really like.

It sure beats another.......................1911:mad:


New member
I blame it all on Winchester. They started the "not quite a shotgun" fad when they chambered the '94 in 410. Which I liked a lot, I may add... :p


New member

That new Taurus got a thread started that got a picture of one of the nicest looking women ever posted on this forum.

What was she holding? :D

N.H. Yankee

New member
Someone has to make guns for those that dare to be different, obviously Taurus has hit on something because the Judge line sells. A local shop has sold many, I feel while it looks odd it fills a void for specialty needs.


New member
A gun company introduces an innovative, new firearm and everybody pounces on them because it looks unconventional (well, ok, ugly). I don't get the pervasive cynicism. As some others have said, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm all for as many companies making as many guns as they can and kudos to those that can step out of the box on occasion and offer something unique to those who might want it. If it's a gun, I like it (if even only a little :)), be it a Hi-Point or a Purdy.


New member
I think it's a bit silly, but I don't feel any particular need to talk **** about Taurus.

At least they are trying something new. They've already done a 1911. Should they try an AR15 instead?