A high speed idiocy collision...yup...Taurus. Again.

Jim March

New member
In an "exciting" (in a train wreck sense) new product intro, Taurus has managed to take their two dumbest ideas and mash them into one amazingly craptastic gun-like object.

Yes, it's the new "Trail Judge". Marketing wonks on a three-day bender decided to take the "Ranch Hand" lever-pistol-Firefly-thingie in 357 and 44 and re-chamber it in, you guessed it, .410. Extra-long shells makes sure that not only will you be flinging near-harmless rounds, you also won't have very many of 'em, esp. considering this critter has to weigh 4lbs plus.

Ye Gods and little fishies.




New member
In the eye of the beholder I guess...

I think it looks wicked cool - in a Steve McQueen/Josh Randall kinda way.

Are you talking about the picture above or below the caption?

The Trail Judge is the "Mare's Leg" - which bears a resemblence to the rifle used in tthe 50's TV series Wanted: Dead or Alive.

The Circuit Judge is the revolver looking thing.


New member
Just another opportunity to bash Taurus, that's all this is.

How's that Gen4 spring thingie working out for ya'll?


New member
I find the Raging Bull in 28 gauge to be an even stranger item. I have lots of handguns I can find no utility for a 67 ounces, 28 gauge handgun.

Weird. Oh, well, Taurus knows the shotgun/revolver business better than anyone I guess?


Active member
A little off topic - as I scrolled through the shot show pictrures, I noticed the Kimber Solo in 9mm - hmmmm, that's an interesting little gun that I'd like to know more about.


New member
I don't want one, but it doesn't bother me if they want to try to sell them. If other people want them, they'll do well. If not...I don't guess it will be around very long.


New member
What on earth is Taurus thinking? Coming out with new and different models? They should be focusing their time and efforts on developing more pocket 380's, 38 snubs and 1911 clones. That's what the market is lacking right now. It's like they've never taken a marketing class.

Jim March

New member
I'm talking about the lever-action 410 handgun. Sorry, that thing is nuts. The 357/44 versions looked OK in a fun-but-near-useless sort of way, but...this thing is silly.


New member
I would actually consider getting that .410 "Mares Leg" as a feces and grin gun, just to hunt the elusive and highly dangerous empty soda can. Other than that, Nah.

Willie Lowman

New member

No, you want stupid? A lever-action-revolving .410 [/facepalm]


New member
I am not a Taurus fan and definitely not an owner. However, I have to give them credit for at least coming out with new guns frequently. Things like the Judge have fans and critics BUT at least it's something different. The mare's leg guns are a niche item but it does fill a niche. So, they DO deserve credit for innovation.

Jim March

New member
The Taurus that I thought was massively cool this year is the Tracker in 22LR/22Mag convertible with a quick-change DA cylinder system. Yup - they figured out how to swap DA cylinders without tools, giving them the kind of flexibility the Single Six has had for generations. And they did it with high-round-count cylinders in both calibers.

Kudos, seriously. I don't trust their QA so I wouldn't buy one, but...it's a damned good idea.


New member
If I had money to waste on what ifs I would see how that 28 ga. handgun would fair for rabbit hunting. If not as effective as a shotgun, it could be fun as hell.

Coltman 77

New member

What on earth is Taurus thinking? Coming out with new and different models? They should be focusing their time and efforts on developing more pocket 380's, 38 snubs and 1911 clones. That's what the market is lacking right now. It's like they've never taken a marketing class.

Yes, or focus their attention on improving the manufacturing and quality control of the guns they currently produce. :eek: