A Great!! old school one is about to be retired.

Curious as to opinions others promote. I've had a carry permit for 22 plus years. I also have been carrying the same weapon for all those years in a comfortable Milt Sparks holster. But, I now am considering the idea of retiring my old friend. A HK-P7m8. After a visit to my local firearms dealer I now know I haven't really kept up with all the changes? But, as a replacement? I would like to have a weapon that is no smaller than 9mm. and knowing I'm kind of old school when it comes to a carry weapon. Lightweight, accurate, and simplicity are all key subjects I must have. I feel if I get these three requirements. I will encounter the forth and most important one> Dependability. So guys what do you think?

Paul K

New member
Well I hope you keep the P7, as you won't find another gun like it. Furthermore, maybe check out the Walther PPS in 9mm. It's very well made, compact, reliable, accurate... Hey! Kind of like the P7!! :D


New member
I dont think theres anything as quick and safe as a P7. If youre ok with a little less safety I agree the PPS is imho the best pick given your criteria, it is much lighter than the P7M8, slightly less accurate, and much more simple in design and maintenance
Thanks Paul for your input. That old squeeze cocker sure wasn't the norm. Just try taken one apart >You'll see. :eek: lol
I'll have to check out that Walther PPS though. Does it have a large capacity clip Paul? For myself, that is an item I would rather not have if possible. Compactness is more important to me. All the same Thanks, SSMcG


New member
Stick with HK. :cool:

Move into the world of polymer and world class ergonomics with a P2000sk. This is the gun that makes me smile more than the P7... it's that well designed and made.


New member
I too retired my P7.... and I began carrying a Walther PPS 9mm in its place... world of difference in carry weight that is for sure.

I sometimes carry a 4'' 1911 as well.... but I can't say enough good things about my PPS.

Jammer Six

New member
I think he's doing as good a job as anyone could, and if he continues that pattern, I'll probably vote for him.

Far better that than some fool like Romney.

It's bad manners to bring politics into a non-political discussion.

Do you see why?

Shadi Khalil

New member
If light and compact is what you're after, you're in luck. I don't know how out of the loop you are but that has been the trend for every big manufacture these days.

Like a lot of people mentioned, the PPS is a good one; it's small, light, thin and single stack. I would also look at pretty much anything from Kahr and the Ruger LC9. Anyone one of those would make a great carry gun, IMO.


New member
I don't think I'd bother replacing the P7. The only thing I could think of that might be an improvement would be the Walther PPS - just because it's a little lighter.
After looking around this last saturday at different stores. i.e. Cabelas & Gander Mtn. and a local firearms dealer w/ a store front. I almost ended up cross-eyed checking out all them compacts.--In the end I've desided to purchase the HK 2000-SK. "Oh my what a lovely piece it is." Spendy!! --but that's what Lay-away Plans are for. A little mola put down every month on its Tab and by next Christmas it should be mine. "What a Great Christmas present!!" Thanks for those comments guys. As they all, were appreciated. SSMcG


New member
It is interesting that you are retiring yours. A whole bunch of people have just started carrying them from the relatively recent availibility of German Police surplus P7 PSP's avaialable at good prices. I often carry one, but the weight can be an issue in the summer when light shorts, and no belts come into play.

The Walther PPS is a great choice, as is the Glock G26, HK P2000sk, and XDm compact. Something slightly bigger but still concealable would be the aluminum alloy frame CZ RAMI.
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New member
Since light weight, compact size and a single stack magazine are important to you, consider the Kahr line of semi-autos. My criteria for an off-duty gun is similiar and I'm very pleased with my Kahr K40 (.40 S&W). I did have a substantial reliability problem with a Kahr CW40 but their 9mm models seem to be working well.


New member
In the end I've desided to purchase the HK 2000-SK. "Oh my what a lovely piece it is." Spendy!!

Worth ever penny. I bought mine a while back when they were around $600 (full price), and that was a lot of money then too. Never regretted it though. Which of the three triggers did you select? I have the V.3, but I'd have been happy with a LEM as well.

I've carried for years in a Galco Concealable, a very nice holster.

Just in case you were unaware, the P2000sk will also take the higher capacity 13 round mags for the USPcompact or P2000. They just poke out the bottom a bit more.

A couple of the other HKs here with my SK.
You know it was so hard looking at all those compact pistols. I wanted one of each by the end of my window shopping experience. I'm not a real die hard fan of HK products. But it seems whomever designs their products puts forth some real ingenuity to get a near perfect product. Not a near copy of some other competitors product. The availability of used p7m8s now in the market for the time being is OK for those who have dreamed of owning one. For a short barreled weapon its reliability is outstanding as is its accuracy. I applaud anyone who purchases one. You won't be sorry. But I've been there and done that. Time for me to move on and catch up with the times.--- And your right PILOT: about not wanting to carry while wearing shorts. P7m8 does have a tendency to look a little out of place under a T-shirt in the summer time. Carrying one around under those circumstances definitely could get you a quick trip via patty wagon to lock-up. Might include a shot of mace too >just for fun and remembrances.::)--- TLM225: I had a Kahr Pm9 in hand that day. A very nice weapon. But it seemed it just didn't appeal to me as something I wanted to own at that moment. If you can talk me out of that p 2000 sk idea?-- By all means go for it!!
PSP: I don't know which trigger system was on that SK model I held? As I don't recall the sales person ever describing what was available even? The SK just appeared to be double auctioned from what I do remember. Why? Did I miss something?


New member
Why? Did I miss something?

If you liked the trigger, who cares. There are three triggers commonly available; two LEM, one standard and one a bit lighter, which is a constant pull for all shots and the third is a normal SA/DA with a decocker.

They're all good.
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