A duty to protect

Well then, it is obvious that if it is about personal responsibility, then we just blame the criminal if the criminal hurts someone in an illegal act. It is just so simple.


New member
Double Naught Spy said:
Well then, it is obvious that if it is about personal responsibility, then we just blame the criminal if the criminal hurts someone in an illegal act. It is just so simple.

Personally I wouldn't have it any other way... The problem that frequently comes into play is the store won't let you take responsibility for your own safety and won't take responsibility for it either.


New member
Our laws have begun to decay as our civilization has evolved. In a society such as ours where we are the only nation that accepts every race and religion to practice their beliefs without persecution, lawmakers forget that what gave us our freedom was that everyone is equal, thanks to Samuel Colt. America is a complicated nation because of our democracy and beliefs.

We are not a nation that have cast societies. There are no lords,princesses,or kings. We here in America have the same rights as everyone and we are not above the law that as a society have approved through democracy by choosing to vote or not. What has become obscure is that most of the lawmakers in positions of power and authority make decisions from their ivory towers, surrounded by an army of security personnel and their fore feel entitled.

My second amendment makes me feel entitled and I bring no harm to others and if the situation ever arises I hope that I can protect the weak. There is an old saying that goes like this. "Evil preys on the weak because it fears the strong". I am strong not because I carry a firearm but because I believe in good, because I am a man of good morals and character, but mostly because I believe in GOD and am willing to give up my life for it.
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