A couple of Glock Questions


New member
Has anybody ever seen the Glock target sights which are supposed to be
a standard feature but is only listed as such to get enough points for
importation? :rolleyes:

Are the vestigial finger grooves on third generation Glocks of any use to
anybody? For the life of me, my strong hand's thumb doesn't want to rest
on it. Given the rectangular profile of a Glock, the thumb just doesn't go

By the way, I like my Glock 17. It is accurate. Fit and finish are good,
especially for the price, and there's nothing wrong with the trigger as
others have posited.




New member
Has anybody ever seen the Glock target sights which are supposed to be
a standard feature but is only listed as such to get enough points for

I could be wrong, but I believe the white U rear outline is what makes them target sights (As far as the government is concerned). Their combat night sights are the standard three dot configuration, so.... Once again, I could be wrong.

Are the vestigial finger grooves on third generation Glocks of any use to
anybody? For the life of me, my strong hand's thumb doesn't want to rest
on it. Given the rectangular profile of a Glock, the thumb just doesn't go

Fits my hand perfect. ::Shrug:: My hands are funny though.


I really dislike the finger grooves on the later generation Glocks. Which is why I will stick with my second gen Glock. Not all hands are the same size, making finger position a very personal thing. This why molded permanent finger grooves are IMO a bad thing.

As for Glock triggers, agree again...nothing wrong with them. But the Glock trigger is no where near the clean and precise triggers that can be had on some other standard issue handguns.


New member
I don't like the finger grooves for the most part; give me a smooth grip any day and my hands will be much more comfortable.


New member
I mean the finger grooves on the side of the third generation Glock roughly
where a thumb safety would go.


New member
Creature said:
Same difference...pretty much useless.

My thoughts also. The whole import point system is worthy of old Byzantium.

Creature said:
As for Glock triggers, agree again...nothing wrong with them. But the Glock trigger is no where near the clean and precise triggers that can be had on some other standard issue handguns.

Single Action trigger on my 686 is just great. Compared to that the Glock trigger is a little spongy.


New member
They're shipped from Austria to Glock USA in Smyrna, GA with adjustable sights that are then removed and replaced with the standard sights. At least this is what I was told by the company rep that I ran into at Gander Mountain the other day when I asked about them.


New member
Borch said:
They're shipped from Austria to Glock USA in Smyrna, GA with adjustable sights that are then removed and replaced with the standard sights. At least this is what I was told by the company rep that I ran into at Gander Mountain the other day when I asked about them.

That's what I heard too, but has anybody seen these sights? Or are they
shipped back to Austria just for the purposes of jumping through importation
hoops once more? :rolleyes:


New member
I think these are the sights you're talking about. I didn't change anything on my Glock so far, they are the factory adjustable sights from Glock. I would never put them on a carry gun though, they are way too fragile.

I like the finger grooves and I also like the trigger. Glocks are not the ultimate combat pistols that a lot of say they are, but I love them :D


New member
Silvanus said:
I think these are the sights your talking about. I didn't change anything on my Glock so far, they are the factory adjustable sights from Glock. I would never put them on a carry gun though, they are way too fragile.

Thanks! I've thought about getting a G35. I'll be sure to replace the
stock sights with aftermarket sights.


New member
A couple of Glock Questions

Has anybody ever seen the Glock target sights which are supposed to be
a standard feature but is only listed as such to get enough points for

Are the vestigial finger grooves on third generation Glocks of any use to
anybody? For the life of me, my strong hand's thumb doesn't want to rest
on it. Given the rectangular profile of a Glock, the thumb just doesn't go

By the way, I like my Glock 17. It is accurate. Fit and finish are good,
especially for the price, and there's nothing wrong with the trigger as
others have posited.



Your 1st question is answered in the photos above.

The recent Glock frames do in fact point much better for me than the earlier versions.

The guns themselves are more accurate than I had given them credit for. I recently shot my son's Glock 22 from a 'bullseye' stance at 25 yards, and was surprised at the number of 9's and 10's. I also shot it from an isoceles postion, and was able to keep 7 of 10 in 2 3/4" while firing at a moderate rate.

The trigger is different, but like anything else can be mastered with effort. Really, my only gripe with the gun is that the stock barrel isn't amenable to lead-bullet reloads- and that's pretty easy to remedy.


New member
I use the Glock adjustables on a 17 and 22 I use for IPSC, and find them plenty durable; unless you're rappelling out of a helicopter and fall on top of them, or let the slide recoil into a window-frame, I don't see what more you'd need. On a side-note, I've also got LARGE hands, and find the 2nd-gen frame far preferable to the 3rd-gen; the thumb-divot doesn't bother me, but the fact that my ring finger ends up right on top of one of the finger-ridges does.


New member
SDC said:
I use the Glock adjustables on a 17 and 22 I use for IPSC, and find them plenty durable; unless you're rappelling out of a helicopter

Well, there goes my weekend.

Hey Susan, cancel my weekend warrior helicopter commando weekend thing ... yes yes I know the boys will be ticked off .... the sights just won't take the abuse ... Susan, that's uncalled for and besides I would need to take a lot more yoga for my body to take that configuration.


New member
I'm glad you like the sights, but my experience with them has not been as satisfiable. Once the sights were off after an extended range session (hostering/unholstering the pistol a lot). Another time, while cleaning my Glock it fell to the ground and the sights were completely drifted to the right. I realise my gun should not fall to the ground in the first place, but on a self defence pistol, I want sights that can withstand a little abuse.


New member

Saab1911 is correct. The Glock sights are way tougher than most give them credit for. They are plastic, it is a tough material though. I've never had a problem of any kind. And I carry a Glock and have for several years. They are also excellent, highly visible sights. They are one of my favorites from the factory. That is not true of Glock night sights, they stink as do everyone elses. I know of not one "weak" link on Glock 17,19,22,23 pistols from the factory. If you purchase one of these models, leave it alone and don't dick with it. For punching holes in paper a lighter trigger might be appropriate. They perform very, very well. Just my opinion but it's based on actually using a lot of pistols.


New member
I had the target sights on my 34. They were nice, but I couldn't get them adjusted far enough to the right. (the rear sight is adjustable)

I like the finger grooves and don't care one way or the other about the thumb dent.

I really didn't like the extended magazine release, which you luckily don't have.