A 6 shot 9mm or a 5 shot .40sw for CCW?

Read the post then answer

  • 5 shot .40

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • 6 shot 9mm

    Votes: 40 58.0%
  • Just want the results.

    Votes: 6 8.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Here is the situation-

Two guns. They are both exactly the same except for caliber. One is 9mm the other is .40sw. The 9mm holds six rounds and the .40 holds five. You can shoot both equally well, equally fast and with equal comfort. You are an expert. Your have enough money that you can buy .40 and 9mm practice ammo with equal ease.

Money, recoil comfort, feel, weight, ability and platform are not factors.

The only factor is that one is in .40sw and one is in 9mm. The 9mm has an additional round for a total of six.

For CC would you rather have the balistic benifits of the .40 or the extra round in the 9mm? All other things are equal.

This is not about me, its just a question.


New member
9mm or .40SW


I may be facing that dilemma soon. The Kahr P9 & P40 are on my short list. The gun show is this weekend, and I am leaning toward the P9. It is 15.8 oz vs. 16.8 oz for the 40. 7 + 1 rounds of 9mm in that small package is pretty awesome. We'll see............


New member
You can shoot both equally well, equally fast and with equal comfort. You are an expert.
Under those criteria the choice is easy: the .40 cal. Because after two shots to the head, the BG is stopped, cold.

But, in real life, where very FEW of us are experts, chose the gun you shoot the best... and believe me, there is a BIG difference in controlability between the .40 vs. the 9mm. That should be the deciding factor - not the presence or absence of one round capacity. But if you can shoot both guns equally well, get the .40.
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Officer's Match

New member
I agree w' elwaine, both in chosing the balistic advantage of the 40 (and I'll add the greater diversity of load range) and in disagreeing about the plausibility of the premise of the poll.


New member
My Choice

About 5 months ago, I had this very choice. I was choosing between a Kahr MK9 and an MK40. I have a .40 Sig and believe it to have some balistic advantages for penetration. I asked the man at the gunshop which he would recommend, the 6-round magazine of the 9mm or the 5-round magazine of the .40. His words were, "If you can handle the .40, then definitely the .40. He is a former police officer and match shooter. So I chose the .40! And I bought an extended magazine to get six rounds, plus one in the chamber. No regrets!



New member
Tough call, but I went w/ the 9mm simply b/c that's what I have. I've seen alot of negativity towards the 9mm round, saying it's not powerful enough. The best shooter I know carries a 9mm and he'd stop anyone (well, maybe not some dude hoped up on drugs, etc...but you know what i mean!).


New member
disagreeing about the plausibility of the premise of the poll.

Its not meant to be plausable. Its meant to remove all other variables and concentrate on the question. Are five in .40 better than six in 9? If I diddnt remove all the variables with silly comments like "you are an expert" everyone would just post

whichever you shoot best

I already know to choose a gun based of what I shoot best. I just want opinions about the question and not advice about gun buying. Im not saying its bad advice, but Im trying to avoid it.

RevJim- That is the exact reason that I am doing this poll but I have already decided for myself which Im going to get. I just wanted to see what other people think.

Marko Kloos

New member
In a gun that's so small as to hold only six 9x19 or five .40S&W?

The 9mm, no question.

Easier to shoot, faster follow-up shots, and one more round to boot.



Sorry, I just had to post this!:D


New member
I would take the 9mm. Ballistics are close enough with primo ammo that 20% more rounds, when you only have 5, is a huge gain.


New member
I have a Kahr PM9 and have shot the .40. The 9mm in a sub-compact is a better choice for control and follow up target aquisition. All things being equal the additional round doesn't hurt either.


New member

My reasoning? Getting shot sucks regardless of caliber. Having an extra round handy in a high stress situation is always a plus, and the added controllability of the 9mm over the .40 cal should (all things being equal) better your chances of placing your shots more accurately.


New member
I think its about time I posted my opinion.

I choose the .40.

While I understand that anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice it also occurs to me that in there could be a situation where I have to pull my CCW and I only get one shot. This being a possiblity I want the largest fastest bullet in the smallest package. So Im going to get a MK40. I just wanted to see what other people thought.


New member
Why limit yourself

to 5 or 6 rounds, may as well get a revolver that most shoot better anyway.
I'd say how about a S&W MP40 with 15 rounds, then you know your not to run out even if you miss a few.


New member
Funny how the majority that bothered to post all went with the .40 but the poll shows the 9mm out front. The Balistic difference far out ways the one extra round and as the other poster said just buy the extended mag for the .40 if you are worried. The .40 is better man stopper than the 9mm.