9mm Purchase - Mag cost are HUGE!


New member
Thought I had decided on my choice for a 9mm. Then knowing I needed (or wanted) about 5 or 6 mags total, I started looking at extra mags. Well this is a sad and ugly discovery, I can't afford 40 plus bucks for extra mags. So I looked around, and most good 9mm mfg. have Huge prices on their mags. It's almost equal to the price of another gun when I add this all up. :eek:

Anyone have a suggestion for a 9mm 4-5" in the 500 - 600 dollar range that have mags priced for their value, not for the raping of my wallet?

Not really a question above, just venting I guess. I thought 25 bucks was too much for mags until I saw this.

I have some Pro-Mags that are working very well for me and they seem to be a better deal. But do they always work good in every gun?

Any ideas?


New member
It seems the best mag values are with Glock. Their factory mags have been running under $30 in most places down here.

Even S&W mags are painfully high these days. To say nothing of H&K & Walther.....


No. Pro-mag is jammomatic for most people I know. I'd never use anything they make.

And where are you looking? One of the best brands is Mec-Gar, and they can be had for $16-$18 each for hi-caps on most guns from places like CDNN. You'd be hard-pressed to find any complaints about Mec-Gar mags...they're solid, and go into the gun with a quality feel that's entirely absent of the ultra-thin-steel stamped cheapies.

I just got a bunch of PT92 mags for $16 each, 17rds blued, by Mec-Gar.


New member
You might look at the S&W M&P. It comes with two mags and, until the end of the month, you can get a "rebate" of two more mags (and a range bag via a separate offer until 7-15). Bud's Gun Shop has them listed for $439 and free shipping. Add $25 or so for a dealer transfer fee on your end and you've got a 4 inch 9mm for $465 and 4 mags. You can buy more factory mags at about $35 each.

Now, I don't think one should buy a pistol just because of a discount on mags but the M&P has been well received. I recently purchased one and like it a lot.
I feel your pain, Zero. I have a 915 S&W I have trouble finding mags for. got a couple ProMags. they seem OK but I'm going to buy couple MecGars - everyone says they are tops.


New member
Glock all the way here. I've tried two aftermarket mags, one even had a +2 extension for the G17 (actually held +3 for total of 20!) and they were both crap. Glock 17 should be in your price range just fine.

Glock factory mags can be had for $19.72 on


and my personal advice, FWIW, is accept nothing other than Glock Perfection for your extra mag needs. I've got 4 factory mags that haven't caused a jam yet, and couldn't be happier with them. :cool:


New member
Browning Hi-Power. Aftermarket 17-round mags are $15-$20, and "factory" Mec-Gar 13-rounders aren't much more.


New member
you can try some of the online auction sites... I just bought 3 brand new glock factory mags for $15.00 including shipping, and 2 CZ 75B mags for $18.00. Getting 3 new Steyr mags online for $18.00


New member
I agree with the M&P recommendation.

Smith sells a M&P package called the "carry kit" that comes with 3 magazines, a holster and double-mag carrier. You can probably find one that will fit into your price range.

Then, with the addition of the two free mag offer, you'll have five magazines.

Other than that, Glock has the cheapest magazines that I'm aware of. But to me, the M&P is a much better value.


New member
I share your pain. I wanted a couple of spare mags for my Beretta Cheetah. I've heard horror stories about third-party mags, and decided to bite the bullet and get genuine Italian-made Beretta mags. They were $40+ each, but hopefully I won't be buying any more.


New member
Springfield XD9 mags are about 20 bucks or so and the XD9 is an excellent pistol. I like that the mags are metal and not plastic, but that is personal preference.


New member
You can find used Sig 226 mags for around $16.00. I have about 15 spare mags. I didn't pay more than $15.00 for either factory or Mecgar mags.


New member
Sorry if this sounds harsh but buying a gun based on the cost of the mags rather than the quilty of the arm, it's fit to your hand, it's duribilty et. al. is probibly putting undue emphasis on a less important factor.

Yes some guns ahve expensive mags, BUT what is yoru life worth? And what are you going to comprimise on to have a gun with "cheaper" mags?

I woudl never use non-factory mags for any self defense arm... sorry not gona chance it.

Your gun will last how many years? You can buy one mag a year? or look for good deals here and there?

Think about the big picture here, unless we are talking one of those collector type guns with 100 dollar mags, the cost of mags should not be an insurmountable obstical to whatever gun you end up thinking is the best for your use.


New member

I would generally agree with you, but I have a closet full of guns that are my toys. This time (this purchase) I am just looking for another new toy for the range. I really enjoy and love to shoot and the extra mags are needed for club range fun shoots etc. I am a friendly competor far from professional so it's not really trusting my life in this case, or depending on a 1st place win to make or break my day.

I also have a few toys that I would like to get extra mags for so I can shoot in my club shoots where 2 or 3 and sometimes 4 mag changes are part of the game. It's an old man/retired thing I guess ..... :cool: Maybe that's why my cary gun has a wheel and custom grips that fit really nice. It is a double action, I'm not that old... yet!

To the Glock guys, I have a 23 and like it but wanted to look around at something different in a 9. I was thinking of a Buckmark, Ruger or S&W. However, I am also looking at the Glock 43 (?) I may have the wrong model but it's the 9mm long target model. Anyone have anything to say about this model Glock? I thought I would like to try the longer sight plain.

And since my last post, I read a thread about CDNN, if it's the same place, I shall procede with caution.

Thanks for all the replies!