9mm +P vs. .40 S&W: Too Close To Call?


New member
That might be true, but a 10mm frame on my belt has my pants down around my ankles (makes it hard to draw)(LOL). At least my supenders holds up a poly 9 (LOL).

Guess I will have to wear a skirt. (my hairy legs and all).

I'm not a Glock fan, but the G29 would do the trick :)


New member
9 megawatt or 40 megawatt?

I mean sure the 9megawatt laser will recharge faster and get more flashes per battery, but the 40 megawatt really bores a hole!


This one is a little old, but it's a good starting point:


TL;DR = It doesn't really matter as long as the bullet penetrates. Of the bullets that penetrate, the bigger the better.

How much better and how much it matters is up to you to decide. When I am in my CC, I see people in Civics as suicidal. Yet data and testings show that it's not that much a difference.


New member
9 megawatt or 40 megawatt?

I mean sure the 9megawatt laser will recharge faster and get more flashes per battery, but the 40 megawatt really bores a hole!

If 9mm = 9 megawatts then .40" = 10.16 megawatts.:rolleyes: 40 megawatts would then be 1.57", which would be a very big bore pistol. I'm just saying...:p


New member
The 9mm provides a small edge in the ability to fire rounds rapidly while the .40s&w provides a small edge in the ability to defeat barriers. Both will do if you do.

Single Six

New member
Thanks for all replies. To those of you who had to mention that this thread has been done before, I'd say that many others have come up before as well, and will again. I personally haven't seen this thread before, and didn't find it when I searched for it on TFL either [yes, I know, some smarty can and probably will search for it, find it, and then post a link to it, but my point is, I didn't see it]. So, I posted this thread. I don't understand people who take the time to post on a thread when their purpose is not to contribute an answer to the OP, but rather to just post an unprovoked, ill-mannered cheap shot. I guess I need to learn to just ignore such people and focus on the more civil folks.
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New member
You know what's funny Six? I had the same exact problem as you. I searched up and down for the whole 9mm vs .40 cal discussion. And I got 999 topics returned. Then in my thread I received the same feedback as you and even received a couple of very smart @$$ Personal Messages as well. I guess that's how they treat people here. The problem isn't someone wanting to talk about or join the discussion of 9mm vs .40 or AK vs AR. Its the search function if you ask me. Now, there are some nice genuine people on here, willing to impart some knowledge, experience and wisdom. Most others are internet tough guys/gun snobs. Just got to roll with the good and the bad. Happy Forum Discussion Hunting!


New member
Single six if it were not for threads discussing topics that have already been discussed we would quickly run out of things to talk about. The old proverb 'there is nothing new under the sun' applies. It is also true that taking issue with threads that come up often is a very popular pass-time for some. Maybe the most relevant truth is some folks are only happy when they have something to be critical of. Welcome to the interwebz...;) I enjoy the discussion most of the time. Life is too short to let internet banter, and the occasional knot-head get you down.:cool:


New member
I guess I'm a sucker for taking the bait. However, here goes.

You haven't ever seen the 40 vs 9mm debate before? :p

I guess I'm a bad 'ol internet curmudgeon/tough guy for typing 40 vs 9mm +P into Google.


Picture 3.jpg

Okay I'll play, its not like I haven't before. Here is some fuel for the controversy.

Being Wrong is Important… and, admitting it is too! – (Or: Why Rob Pincus prefers the 9mm over the .40 for personal defense)

I remembered that article from this thread in September.. 9mm or .40 for personal defense

Here is a Glenn E. Meyer quote from that thread I like...

How many horses have been made dead by 9mm vs 40?

...and this one too

And no reason to go on another forum to find the dead horses. Plenty of them right here.


New member
More grains at the same speed under the same conditions is the winner or at least physics seems to say so...

40 is the winner..


New member
More grains at the same speed under the same conditions is the winner or at least physics seems to say so...

40 is the winner..

Greater control and follow-up shot capability...9mm
Greater ammo capacity...9mm
Platform choices available...9mm
Smaller platforms available...9mm
Cheaper to shoot...9mm
World-wide acceptance...9mm

Real-world effectiveness (the only one that matters IMO)... depends on who you ask

In a one diminensional discussion BGutzman you win. In any discussion that considers any of the other factors involved in the decision it is less clear. I think the 2,370,000 Google hits in nate45's post support my claim.:p

Isn't this fun?:D
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New member
Greater control and follow-up shot capability...9mm
Greater ammo capacity...9mm
Platform choices available...9mm
Smaller platforms available...9mm
Cheaper to shoot...9mm
World-wide acceptance...9mm

Greater control and follow-up shot capability - 40 slightly larger hole and more potential energy to dump = good chance you dont need the follow up shot with a 40. Not everyone finds much difference in firing either one...
Greater ammo capacity... - again if the BG goes down in one or two shots it doesnt matter at all if I have 30 shots. More shots equals more chances of missing and hitting something unintended.
Platform choices available...9mm - how many platforms do you really need? So long as you can find a single 40 cal that works for you then how many more models do you actually need?
Smaller platforms available... - certainly probably true but not by much and not that the difference matters if your over 80 lbs.
Cheaper to shoot...9mm - cheaper to shoot 22 so whats the point and if you reload its not that much a difference im sure.
World-wide acceptance...9mm - doesnt really matter... after all how many of us are traveling out of the country with the intent to CCW in a foreign nation?

On the other hand all else being the same physics says the heaver round with the same speed takes more to stop it... Wait let me guess you re-invented physics... :eek:

Im not saying that 9mm is not a deadly round... what I am saying is mass and speed matter as well as overall bullet design. More mass and equal or greater speed has a pay off.


New member
Guys... Please.... Let's step back a second.

Has nobody addressed which round is more effective against a zombie apocalypse?


New member
Andy; I thought the consensus on that was 10mm?:D

9mm, 40, 357 mag..... for SD where you may never fire in anger, what's it matter? Carry one or the other, whichever you're most likely to not leave under the seat or in the glove box.

The checkpoint is to have a reliable gun that you're trained on with you at all times.

Don P

New member
Guys... Please.... Let's step back a second.

Has nobody addressed which round is more effective against a zombie apocalypse?

The answering of this question is only allowed in the month of October when Zombie related threads are permissible, so unfortunately you will have to wait until October, 2012 for an answer.:eek::eek::mad:


New member
On the other hand all else being the same physics says the heaver round with the same speed takes more to stop it... Wait let me guess you re-invented physics...

A classic straw man argument. You continue to beat your one dimensional drum.:rolleyes:

Let's look at your arguments.

Whether or not everyone finds the .40 more difficult to shoot and effectively place follow-up shots is valid. What the physics that you are so enamored by will tell us is that the heavier round will produce more recoil, and the higher case pressure will cause a recoil profile that makes for a more difficult follow-up shot by by most.

The notion that less .40 hits on target are required to incapacitate ones target does not seem to be supported by the evidence. It makes for good rhetoric though.

You are perfectly willing to argue that differences in caliber, recoil, weapon selection, and the importance of cost are subjective, yet unwilling to concede that for the same reasons 9mm is a perfectly acceptable choice when compared to the .40 S&W.

Im not saying that 9mm is not a deadly round... what I am saying is mass and speed matter as well as overall bullet design. More mass and equal or greater speed has a pay off.

What I'm saying is based on the evidence at hand, the difference in "pay off" when comparing these two calibers is not enough to dogmatically state the .40 is a better SD round.


New member
9MM or .40Cal

I currently own five 9MM’s, five .45 ACP’s and own no .40 Cal. semi-auto pistols. I have extensively shot all three calibers. I prefer the 9MM as my “Go to” EDC pistol for the following reasons.

Milder recoil 9MM
Quicker follow up shots 9MM
Most accurate rapid fire shot placement 9MM
Larger capacity magazines 9MM
Total weight of loaded pistol 9MM
Benefit of modern cartridge design 9MM
Smallest overall package 9MM
Compact design small, light, slim and concealable 9MM
Less muzzle flash at night 9MM
Cheaper ammo, both to buy or reload 9MM
Lower pistol prices both new & used 9MM
More product selection 9MM
NATO round 9MM
Most widely used US service round 9MM

This list is only how I rate the three calibers and what best works for me – your mileage may & can vary. Any of the three calibers will do the job for civilian SD.

We humans come in different heights, body strength, hand size, muscle tone, noise/recoil sensitivity and many other strengths and weaknesses. SD caliber selection is not a “One Size Fits All” situation. It is a very personal choice. I can’t and won’t select for you and you can’t and won’t select for me.

Shoot until it stops! Dan


New member
What I'm saying is based on the evidence at hand, the difference in "pay off" when comparing these two calibers is not enough to dogmatically state the .40 is a better SD round.

My one dimensional drum says a pellet gun can be just as dangerous as either with accurate shot placement.

More recoil in a 40, why yes quite possibly..... Equal and opposite force, more recoil = greater forward momentum (or whatever ultra scientific term you would like)

No where did I say 40 beats 9mm hands down what I did say is the numbers say 40 can and does win for potential. Accuracy as always is king along with CNS but for sheer damage 9mm is not the equal of 40 nor can it be..

The diameter difference is miniscule, and I get it but it does exist, the end effect may not be vastly different... CNs is cns.... but I wont split more hairs with you.... enjoy the 9mm and take a breath its not all that serious... :)
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