9 compact or sub compact?


New member

... we do this because of so many guys we encounter, both on TFL and in real life, who DO NOT take their significant other to the range, and are then unpleasantly surprised to find out that she doesn't like the one they bought.

Some guys just seem to think that since she doesn't know much about guns, they'll just choose a good one for her.

Ask Pax about this phenomenon sometime.




New member
plom he is asking our opinion on a gun, not HOW he should make his decision.

I guess I just give members here the benifit of the dought that they have searched here a little bit and have seen it posted 1000 times to "take her to the range" "what ever fits her hand at the store" (which is wrong-unless they have fire it at the store) etc.etc.etc.


New member

He is asking our opinion on a gun HE likes; he has not stated anywhere that his wife likes either model.

If she does, then he can tell us so, and we can give him a direct answer. If he hasn't received her input, I won't give a direct answer.

My girlfriend has small hands, and even with small hands the Sub-compacts just don't feel good to her. Plus, they tend to have a little more re-coil than the slightly larger compact. I would say go with the Compact and trade later if she doesn't like it.

N.H. Yankee

New member
I have a XD 9mm subcompact, it is accurate and 100% reliable. I never owned a Sub M&P 9mm, but did own a full size M&P and had problems right out of the box. I had to send it back to S&W twice and it still wasn't satifactory and I traded it for the XD. The gun had 2-3 out of 5 FTE's. Sent it back and they polished the chamber and replaced the extractor, then it wouldn't group, found the barrel had severe tool marks all the way down the bore.

The XD comes with one flush fit magazine and one extended magazine. I have shot the gun offhand at 20-25 yards and get consistant sub 4 inch groups. I easily get 2 inch 5 shot groups at 25 yards from a benchrest. My 15 year old grandson has shot it at 25 yards offhand and can keep all the shots inside of the head on the target. As others say try to find a range so that different guns can be tried. I also bought a FN FNP 40cal that has really impressed me. They are about the size of a Sig P229. The CZ P-01 is also a fine gun, yup I have one of those too.


New member
Sub compact

I took my gf and mothershooting and they both founds my concealed carry Taurus pt111 pro a perfect fit for there hands. My gf has also shot the G19 and G17 from glock and finds the handle too large. She did like my friend xd sub with 15 rd clip a good gun for her hands. My mother actually loves my Pt111 9mm but found the G21 I am buying nice but grip was a little too large. The pt small size makes for alot more recoil though. I find it feels almost the same as the G21 and more recoil that the G19 or larger 17