870 Express Shurshot Turkey Shooting High


New member
AZAK - I have the Vortex Strikefire mounted on one of my rifles however I would still need a mount. Been looking around my area and no one is selling one. I may have to order online or go to neighbor state (only an hour from Bass Pro Shop) to get one.


New member
You will sometimes get hold of a barrel that isn't perfectly straight. This may be your case here. If it is slightly bent, there are ways to straighten it but for a turkey gun I'd just compensate.


New member
Doyle, that could be the case here. i'm gonna try one more thing and put a different choke on it to see if the POI changes. If the barrel is the reason why it's hitting high then I most likely get a red dot so I can use that to adjust my POA. Thanks.


If the barrel is the reason why it's hitting high

Unless the barrel is bent, that is NOT the reason it is shooting high - it is the stock dimensions. There are adjustable combs and pads to allow a wide variety of adjustments to get the gun close to fitting you right


New member
Oneounceload, take a peek at the two pictures he posted. If both barrels were hitting high, I'd definately be looking at a ill fitting stock. However, it looks like the original barrel patterns to POA while the 21" barrel shoots high. That has got me leaning towards a bent barrel.

If it were a wing shooting or target barrel that was shooting high, I'd consider straightening. For a turkey shooter though, there is usually time for the shooter to compensate.