6 SKSs buried since 1993.

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Regular Joe

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Don't we all remember the kits that were available back then? Big PVC pipe with end caps, and the whole SKS kit. If that's how they were interred, I say leave it be. Go back only to make sure that you remember the location, and maybe get a GPS fix (though the planets' magnetic field is indeed deteriorating, and in 2012, it may be irrelevant). Satellite surveillance has matured, and you have no way of knowing who is watching. Don't dig until/unless it's time to use them.


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I think that this forum is going to be like DasBoot's safe forum. Did you ever get that open Das
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If you used generally accepted long term storage techniques I would definitely leave them where they are. Then I would go back in time and delete this post.
Posting how many rifles you have, that they are on your jointly owned land, etc. sort of defeats the purpose.
I am not saying you should have a secret cache of rifles unless there is an apocalypse, but if you do have one you shouldn't be telling anyone about it.

On the GPS:
Several years ago the Chinese blew up a satellite. I am sure most of you remember b/c the news made a big deal about it without going into details. Using weapons in space is supposed to be a no no even for testing, but space is a lot closer than say Washington State, so it isn't that hard to do. The Chinese were really just tired of us getting on international TV and bragging about how elite our troops with GPS were and about how no country in the world could defeat our advanced GPS technology. So China just lauged and pointed out that there are about a dozen countries that have the technology to create massive blind spots in our GPS system if the need to. How lost do you think our armed forces would be then? How many still know basic land nav?

US military can shut down GPS or lock access to mil only. They do one or the other quite often in the AM while a friend of mine is on balloon flights(sort of complicates the ground chase).

To the point, if you need these rifles there is a good chance GPS will be down. Tagging it for convenience might be a good idea, but have a back up plan.
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New member
stories like this make you wonder about what other people have buried... maybe forgotten about, or something has happened to the owner and now their stuff is just buried with no one knowing about it.. makes me want to get into metal detecting... haha ... im subscribed to this thread now and anxious to see how this turns out


New member
I can't even find 600 rounds of 7.62x39 to feed my vz58 and you've buried 6000? You could make me feel a bit better and tell us it's all corrosive communist block stuff left over from the 50s. :D


New member
um wondering, why bury sks-s? how do you say the plural of sks anyway? but id keep it at my house, and shoot it. i wont bury until the department of change begins confiscation procedures.


New member
We buried them as an experiment. Many people were doing it at the time and we thought it would be fun. Then later on it seemed to be even more of a SMART idea. We figured 1000 rnds per rifle should be good enough. It was a nice round number. Pronounced esskayessess?? lol

Plus they were fifty bucks a piece man. It's like who really cares?!!

Non corrosive ammo btw.
It always says non-corrosive, even if the primer turns to ash when you ouch it and the the HP bullet is actually a rusted out FMJ.

My details are a little sloppy, but I think many will agree.


New member
well i guess at 50 a piece its a okay idea, i see sks-s seriously what the plural of sks? for 219 pre obama 350 post obama, and ammo at the same price as -06, unless you buy wolf:barf:


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I'm a very sarcastic person. This wouldn't be the first time I have ****** someone off and it won't be the last.

It was never meant to be rude.

If you want to cry about it some more, I can lone you a tissue. :rolleyes:

P.S. Send self addressed envelope for tissues. ;)


New member
The cheapest SKS I bought was a Chinese SKS for $79.00 out the door. The stock was painted with red paint.

So it looked horrible, it functioned.

Mine are not buried though.

Curious to learn if the entombed arms are rust buckets or not.


New member
With those four-five rifles and huge amount of ammo, you guys could hold off an entire platoon of marauding Canadian soldiers with "girly guns" who will seek even cheaper US pharmaceuticals and gullible, long-legged Wisconsin women to carry off and impregnate, creating even more ravenous Canadians.
I once had a medical unit from the WI National Guard supporting my detention facility. Dig up the rifles, we need to protect those Wisconsin hotties!!! :D


New member
This is a fun thread. To keep it going you should digup the SKSs and show pics.! The whole thing will be kind of like dinosaur dig. Everyone here would like to hunt dinos. Some with shovels, most with Howitzers. The point is you have our attention so don't leave us hangin dude. We are all Jonsin for more.

P.S Thanks for starking such a fun thread!


New member
I agree cool predicament, burying 6 SKS's and then forgetting about them. Man I wish I had that problem. I would dig them back up and put them in a safe. But I guess if you are confident that they are properly preserved and no one knows of their whereabouts keep em in the dirt. You never know you might be growing an SKS tree by now.


New member
You never know you might be growing an SKS tree by now.
Yeah but the downside is that they only bloom in late July to early September. I over pruned my AK-47 tree last year and now it's only yielding Wasr-10's with thumbhole stocks...


New member
I just remembered... A tree with a half bottle of Old Grandad hidden in it... By a creek in southwestern Washington... Probably evaporated by now....


New member
Yeah but the downside is that they only bloom in late July to early September. I over pruned my AK-47 tree last year and now it's only yielding Wasr-10's with thumbhole stocks...

Hahahaha. That's funny. :D


New member
i guess i can understand why they were buried(not really since i didnt bury anything)...but i dont understand why they were left there, they were never banned were they? was it a science experiment?


New member
It seems to me that there is a real possibility that the rifles have been reduced to rusted, slimy, fungus covered biohazards by now.

Seriously, I have read elsewhere of rifles cached with great care and attention, yet being badly rusted after only a year or two. Sure, you say, "But not mine." But you don't know.

There is still time to check on them. You don't want to wait until AFTER the slavering Canadian hordes swarm across the border, to find out the rifles have deteriorated.

Check on them.


New member

Here is an update guys. We have all agreed to "meet" up north in the first weekend of march. We do NOT all agree (as of yet? :) on digging them up. Two members are very strong in their beliefs that we buried them for a reason and buried they should remain. Yes, Chris is one of them. lol It was in fact quite the production to put them where and "how" they are now right now and would indeed be a LOT of work just for a "look see". I have to say that I am NOT against digging them up nor am I against just leaving them put as I completely understand Chris' position on this. We could not come to a unanimous decision as it was split pretty evenly between us.

2 said HELL YEAH lets dig them up.

2 said Hell NO leave them alone.

2 said I am OK either way and will go with what the majority of the group decides. (I am one of these)

Some of us haven't "seen" each other in years and years so this "meet" is long overdue if you ask me. The internet, although a wonderful tool, can make us quite complacent when it comes to human interaction. I look forward to hangin with the guys again. We haven't all been there together at the same time in over 10 years. I will keep you updated as things evolve. Exciting indeed.
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