6 SKSs buried since 1993.

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New member
Hey all. I just came across this post http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3284221&posted=1#post3284221 and it reminded me that I have 6 SKSs buried up north along with 6, 000 rounds of ammunition. Yep you read that right. And the funny thing is:

I JUST REMEMBERED! :eek: :eek:

No foolin. Honest Injun*.

Now my question to all of you loyal (TFL) readers is this:

Do I go and dig them up to "check" them. I will probably just bury them right away if all is in working order.

Or, do I just leave well enough alone as once again it may come in handy in the near future?

Let me hear what you have to say. Thank you. -Goodspeed

*(No offense intended towards actual Injuns living or dead.)


Dig 'em up just to make sure they're okay, then bury 'em again but make certain you can find them in another 10 years.

I read that thread too, and the guy said it was possible to lose track of where his stuff was buried. GPS, non-vegetative landmarks and hill contours are your friends.


New member
Inspect them, regrease them as needed, and replace the ammo with fresh ammo.

I would do this on a regular basis.


New member
...give me a minute...

OK. I've done the math. One person and six SKS's.

You'll need me and four more volunteers!


New member
I'm really curious how you prepped and packaged them. This is seems like a great experiment because most people wouldn't have the patience to wait 16 years to see what happened.


I'll make this easy for ya, just give me the location of the rifles and I'll go check them for ya.;)



New member
...give me a minute...

OK. I've done the math. One person and six SKS's.

You'll need me and four more volunteers!
Im afraid hes right im young and muscular I hate to say it but youll HAVE to bring me allong to dig the hole...and carry some SKS's home :p


New member
OK guys, thanks for all the responses so far. I really do appreciate it. Believe it or not, there are 6 of us who jointly own a sizeable chunk of property in "middle Wisconsin" and have done so for many years. After seeing Delaware_Dans post yesterday (http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles2/wood115.html) I couldnt even begin to relate to you the excitement I felt as it literally jogged my memory. At that very instant! I would have to say that I haven't thought about those SKSs in maybe 8 or so years. Wow, what a neat feeling. The best way I can think of describing it to you would be a combination of two things.

1.)Ahhh CRAP! What a dumbass I have been all these years to forget something like that. :eek:*smacks forehead*

2.)How COOL is this gonna be?!?!?!? WOOOOT!!!!:D

So if you take those two things and combine them, you kinda get what I was feeling all at once. I was on the phone back and forth with 4 of my friends last night. Picture this:

Me- "Shaun it's me."
Shaun- "Me who?"
Me- "Me, me. Goodspeed!"
Shaun- "Oh hey. What's up?"
Me- "Guess what? We're total dumbasses!"
Shaun- "OK. Tell me why you're a dumbass."
Me- "Remember those rifles?"
...Long pause...
Shaun "What rifles?"
Me- "The ones we buried up north, ....dumbass."
Shaun- "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaammn! I forgot about those. (YAY! I'm not the only one!:D)
"Apparently so did you." (hahah, I was so busted:D)
Shaun- "Should we dig them up?"
....long pause.....
Me- "OK, you call Mark and Phil, and I'll call Paul and Chris."
Together- "Bye!"

So as you can imagine this went on throughout the evening back and forth, back and forth. Call waiting. Busy signals. Voice mail. Dead batteries. Until finally My 14 yr old daughter showed me that my cellphone could do this AMAZING thing called CONFERENCE CALLS. WOOOT!!! Don't-cha just love technology? :D

As I said I spoke with 4 out of the 5 others that also own a share in this property. Their reactions were all very similar to that of Shaun. Except for Chris.

Here's the jist:

Me- "Chris it's me."
Chris- "GOOOOOOODSPEEEEEEED! What's goin on man?"
Me- "Guess what? We're total dumbasses!"
Chris- "I'm not a dumbass"
Me- "Remember those rifles?"
Chris- "Yeah. Why?" (soooo, Chris was always the smart one:D)
Me- "We should dig them up."
Chris- "Nope, they're right where they need to be."

So we're all waiting on a call from Paul today. I can't tell you how exciting this is. I recently turned 40 so as some of you more seasoned fellows can attest to, most of the excitement has gone the way of the Dodo. Trust me when I say that I'm going to milk this one for all I can. I'll definitely keep you all posted as to what we decide to do. I have to say out of pure curiosity I want to dig them up just to see what they look like. A part of me also want's to just leave well enough alone as if memory serves I paid $50.00 per SKS and $69.00 per 1000. I know the SKs were $50.00 for sure, I'm just not sure if the ammo price is right. I'll check for a receipt. We shall see what the future brings. More later. -Goodspeed
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