6.8 mm


New member
Biggest point I read about the 6.8 was that it was supposed to have better penetration against armor. I suppose it was more intended for CQB and ranges more like 200 m instead of 500 m sharpshooting. I heard the 7.62 x 39 can pierce the APC armor on the LAV 25's (a marine told me this but I still have doubts about how often it happens) and the 6.8 was supposed to have close to the same performance :confused: anyway the .308 win is probably a better choice anyway.

Zak Smith

New member
Biggest point I read about the 6.8 was that it was supposed to have better penetration against armor. I suppose it was more intended for CQB and ranges more like 200 m instead of 500 m sharpshooting.
To dispell these and other myths, please read the following article. It has information from the inventors of 6.8 SPC, who certainly knew what they were designing it for.

The 6.8 SPC, Is it all that? [Shotgun News 60(21):4-16. July 31, 2006]

Also, armor piercing rounds exist for 6.8 SPC, which match or beat the penetration of M995.


New member
As Zak states, read the article. There is also information and links on the 6.8 SPC at Wikipedia. Just search for "6.8 SPC" at www.wikipedia.org

The primary design goal was to increase lethality over 5.56 not to increase armor penetration.


New member
"It will never truly be "alive" unless it's adopted by our or someone elses military"

I saw a great quote from Gary Roberts

" No military has adopted the .40S&W and it seems to be doing fine" :p

The way prices on 5.56 are going 6.8 may soon be cheaper....and in some places it is already more available


New member
6.8 Spc

The military can do what they want. But this round is replacing
some .223 Remington rifles on my own little armory. This is
a damn fine round that will accomplish most of what I do with
centerfire. Extremely efficient as well. Plus, I just like it.

