.50 BMG revolver


New member
A friend of mine sent me pictures of what is supposed to be a .50 BMG single action revolver. Shows two of the guns sitting side by side and then a picture of a woman holding one. Grip frame looks like it might have come from a Ruger SA. Everything else looks like it was made of spare parts from an Abrams tank...This has got to be a joke, right? I saved the pictures on my computer at work, I'll try and post them tonight. Actually, I don't doubt somebody came up with it, it may actually be a little easier to control than the S&W Scandium .357's....


New member
I will be posting the picture tonight...rolling your eyes won't help...
I don't believe its real either...but...its indeed big enough...


New member
Not without precedent.

Jaw droppingest I have seen was 5 shot wheelgun......in 20mm. Chief's special on sssssteroids



New member
The picture

got it forwarded to me...know nothing of its origin...


  • 50 cal handgun.jpg
    50 cal handgun.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 6,347


New member
I dont roll my eyes at you man,but I sure do at this example of B.S.-I'll place this one next to the pic of the .454 Casull Glock.


New member
Eh, I dunno. Where I work we're swamped with artists who can work absolute magic with Photoshop. I consider myself pretty good at being able to pick it out. This one looks pretty legit - the shading and highlights on the guns in the top pic look perfect, but more importantly if you zoom in there's not a whiff of outlining and/or touchups. That's really hard to fake.

I could believe this is just some goofy custom job that may not even fire. But then again, what would be the point if it didn't?



New member
Its ok...I rolled my eyes when I first saw it..no offense taken... I keep trying to figure out how you would fake it. If it was just a blown up picture of a Vaquero or something I could believe it...but its not. All the dimensions match up for something that size. I'm leaning more towards a REALLY bored machinist somehwere out in the middle of nowhere...made a bet over a bunch of beer....


Moderator Emeritus

Believe it or not, not everything you see on the 'net is BS.

I've seen stranger things done by gunsmiths before. In a world of BB miniguns and .600 Nitro Express revolvers, it was only a matter of time before someone with a dream (a sick, twisted dream, but a dream nonetheless) and too much time and money on their hands made a .50 BMG "revolver".

Besides, Doomfish never provided a picture of his imaginary "Raging Glock"; I know, I was there. ;)


New member
Oh man, that has photoshop written all over it.
That's even more ridiculous than the Taurus Raging Crackhead 375 H&H Magnum. :D


Moderator Emeritus

You know the one thing that makes me think it isn't?

That knurled basepin that's bigger than my thumb. That's just the plausible kind of "Tim Allen's More Power School Of Gunsmithing" thing you'd find on something like this, and not the kind of detail someone who didn't know what they were doing would bogue up. (This is obviously a "handgun" in name only, as even Shaq would need to shoot it off a rest...)


New member
I would have trouble shooting it.....even once.

The distance from the back strap to the trigger is more than the distance on an N frame to the front of the trigger guard. I couldn't reach the trigger with the grip hand.

Used the .50 BMG round next to it for scale and then took measurments off of my 50. Lots of paralax error doin it from picture but think I am in the ballpark.

Not much for recoil suppressor either.

Inclined to think it is a real object but not a functional firearm.

Still want a pair tho.
