.45 ACP vs. 9MM Rant


I don't guess the opinion of somebody just back from the war zone counts but I saw this today:
Jim, This "email from the front" was discredited and the thread it was posted in (on another forum) was quickly locked. Seems that many of the details in the full "email" were inaccurate and the mistakes were ones that a marine (the supposed originator) would be extremely unlikely to make.


New member
I would say that the .38 RN would actually be more effective thant the 9mm FMJ in that the lead bullet would expand when hitting the target
The RN would deform if it hits something solid (ie bone), but in flesh it passes right thru. That's why it was replaced by the LSWCHP because it did expand in flesh.


New member
Now wait one second

We all know if you hit some one in the arm with a 45 it will blow the arm right off.
And we also know of the guy that got 12 9mm in the body and still ran the boston marathon and won.:p

Your right, but your not helping:)


New member
The RN would deform if it hits something solid (ie bone), but in flesh it passes right thru. That's why it was replaced by the LSWCHP because it did expand in flesh.

It usually deforms no matter what just due to the softness of the lead and the hydraulic pressure. In some military testing a while back. The RNL loads were always penetrating less in hogs and human cadeavors, usually deforming as well.


I met a kid that took 7 45 FMJ's and survived. One of them made an index finger-sized hole in his neck. To this day, you can stick your index finger down that hole.

There are numerous survivor stories on either side. The bottom line is that every person is different and you won't know how he'll react to being shot untill you shoot him. He may die instantly, or he may take your gun from you and shove it up your arsh. You won't know until you try.


New member
I stopped reading those commercial magazines years ago. The same articles are recycled every 5 to 7 years or so. The only magazines worth buying IMHO are Rifle and Handloader from Wolf Publications. Of course I get the American Rifleman too. There is so much good info on line that I don't see the need to spend money on those advertisement journals, money better spent on guns and ammunition.


New member
..Luger...pay attention..the standard load for a 9mm for decades is the 115 gr. and the standard load for the 45 acp is 230 gr.....good grief!!! thats what I am comparing with ......even if we start getting off on some handloading tangent..then the 9mm hot load will get plastered by a 45 hot load... but I used the standard load for a comparison...the 9 is faster...the 45 is bigger and heavier...don't drag me into why I don't think the 9mm is any good..I have never said that on any thread...but if you're touting guns , I 'd rather shoot a gun (Colt Gov't) that is king of the hill than one that is 'queen' of the hill...
Get your facts straight asspan1964, 115gr is NOT a standard for 9mm :rolleyes: FYI 9mm NATO is 124gr (which was the original bullet weight for 9mm) and is equal to +P in North American loads, so much for your standard ammo comparison... Still 147gr ammo is just as common as 115gr so your statement is wrong again ;) Oh and btw .45 was originally supposed to be 200gr not 230gr. :eek: :D

and for the record .45 is not king of the hill, well mayeb of a small hillock called US of A :D
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Harley Quinn

I prefer the 9 mm glock 17L

To most of the pistols I have fired in my time. Accurate and easy to shoot and hold on target. That means second and third shots come quick.

As far as people living with bullet wounds, sure it happens.
But since I can put all of my shots into the 10 and X ring at a target within 10 yds most of the time, slow or medium fire. Never outside the 9 at rapid. I sure would not want to be the receiver of my gifts.:)

If I am doing slow fire and had a bench hold you are talking smal groups as in touching...Out to 25 yds. (that is as long as the indoor range is)...

Not bragging just telling you how it is...If you want to shoot like that all it takes is 45 years of practice... But then I was as good if not better 35 years ago. Just practice, practice and more practice. I am really not that good anymore compared to others. It just depends on who you are with on the day of the shoot.

I use a 6 oclock hold and shoot at Black circles.
Small, medium and large. Small helps you hold better and when you can put them all in the black go out to the next distance. From 7 yds to 10 yds then to 15 etc...

One of the other reasons to shoot 9 mm the ammo is pretty cheap. I know I have shot 1000's and 1000's of it.

I have a mdl 22 glock in 40 cal I don't shoot it as much, but it is a very nice pistol and a good round. I like the idea of larger magazines, and multi magazines are within you reach. Pretty awesome fire power in the right hands.



New member
Again, we have a thread in which the original poster's sentiment is that he's sick of the 9mm vs .45 debate, and again, it develops into an amateur ballistics theory convention. I am beginning to believe that this is one of the few truly predictable phenomena in the universe.


New member
IMLugger said:
Really? You just can't stop to contradict yourself
Yeah, he was totally like, serious right then, dude.

IMLugger said:
Light .45 may have more power (most of the time) but it will have as much penetration as my thumb
I can't tell if you were being sarcastic here, or exaggerating to make a serious point. lol :)


New member
9mm vs .45 ACP

You know... enough's enough. We ought to just take a live 124gr 9mm FMJ round and a live 230gr .45 FMJ round, fashion a little ring for them to fight in, and place our bets while we let them go at it in a no-holds-barred fight. It'll be like the UFC, except with bullets instead of human beings. The excitement of such a match will no doubt be uncontrollable.


New member
But.....the 1911 is still better than the Glock and 5.56 is a vicious manstopper and our military really doesn't need the 7.62.....

....um....which arguement was I on?
