.45-70 Derringer


New member
lol, i want to shoot one. My interest is sparked. And by one i probably mean one time. Ill shoot anything once and this would be one of those id shoot just to say i shot it.


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A real man

Saying it takes a real man to pull that trigger is like saying it takes a real man to let Chuck Liddell take a free swing at your chin. If you want to, then by all means. . . . ;)


New member

maybe it's just because factory remington loads are week sause but I have a synthetic handi-rifle in .45-70 and I find it fun to shoot with just the factory recoil pad. scored the sucker at an auction for $100 bucks and it looked brand new.


New member

About those big bore derringers... here is mine...


Its .810 / 20,74mm and it sure kicks like mule angry one...


New member
I want one. I never knew there was such a thing. You can get really watered down 45-70 to try it out and move up to super hot stuff as you get used to the thing. I love absolutely useless guns chambered in rediculous calibers that are just terrifying in theory. I gotta get one.

Where might a person find such a delight?


New member
You can get really watered down 45-70 to try it out and move up to super hot stuff

Super hot 45-70 out of a derringer? Yeah, ok. I had a buddy loaded up some super hot 45-70 and we fired them out of a Siamese Mauser with a recoil reducer in the stock and a recoil pad. Recoil doesn't bother me much. I can shoot guns all day other people complain about after only a few rounds but lemme tell ya, three rounds out of that baby was all I wanted.:D


New member
I got no doubt that I wouldn't want to tangle with the chunkiest of the chunky. But ya get my point. You could hand load some weak 45-70 just to try it out. And move up as you got more confidence and perhaps a little more insane. I would love to have one of these for no other reason than a conversation piece. I got a BFR in 450 marlin and trust me when I say I'd never want any part of it in gun this small. LOL.

44 AMP

.45-70 Derringer? Yikes!!!!!

As someone who ownes four .45-70 caliber firearms, and has been loading and shooting that fine round for the past 25 years, all I can say is "Yikes!!":eek:

I have a Ruger No.3, A Marlin 1895, a Siamese Mauser, and a T/C Contender barrel in .45-70, and let me tell you this, even though the Contender barrel is 14" long and has a bunch of them little holes in the end (which are supposed to reduce the recoil), IT KICKS! A friend of mine, a fine young man who came to visit before getting deployed wanted to shoot it. So, I let him. But I made sure I told him that it kicked. He watched me shoot it. He watched me shoot it one handed (to prove it wasn't completely unmanageable). And he did a fine job of locking his wrists when he fired. Unfortunately for him, he didn't "lock" or tension his elbows!, and the gun came back, up, hit him in the face! The edge of the red dot sight took a divot out of his nose! And he bled a bit. We all had a good laugh (try hard as I could not to). He did hit the target! I guess my nearly 40 years of handgun shooting gave me skills that I didn't conciously realize, at least compared to the 20 year old. I failed to realize that when I told him it kicked, he didn't understand it the way I meant it. He did find out though.;)

I saw the ads for that .45-70 Derringer back when they came out, and passed on it then. I would pass on it today, as hand damage and nerve damage are something I can gladly do without. I don't heal up like I did when I was 20 something.

Shoot the .45-70 derringer? go ahead. Shoot it with a hot .45-70 load? go ahead, if you want. Just remember that doing that belongs in the "Hey, y'all wanna see somethin?" or the "Hold ma beer and watch this!" category.

If you get it on film you might be able to sell it to the people who do that Jackass movie thing!


New member
44MP I got one in t/c 14 inch also and I had the same thing happen to a friend of mine. Samething exactly except he had glasses on and it shoved the little plastic peices in his nose and smashed his glasses. I had to dig one of the plastic peices out with tweezers. I love shooting that thing.


New member
If you want one, all you have to do is lay down the $500 + to order it....wait 4-5 weeks and it's yours!!!
You can even pick barrel length, and also have 45/410 in one of the barrels...
BTW......a 400gr hurts really bad !!!
hmmm... my 14" Contender in 45-70 is my regular deer hunting gun, I shoot it well, & often, & don't give recoil a 2nd thought when shooting it...

... I'd like to try a derringer with a factory load in 45-70... but not "bad enough" to go out & buy one...:D

44 AMP

Ain't they great?!

MagnumWheelMan, I've seen the pics you posted in the past, and our guns are nearly identical, except my barrel is either stainless or still "in the white" (not sure which). I have the Pachmayr grip& forend as well. Right now it has a cheapo Red dot sight on it, but I have a couple of scopes that I use as well, depending on my mood and what I am using it for.

great gun, recoil isn't that bad, to me. But I (and apparently you as well) have been shooting handguns for a while. Put that gun in the hands of a beginner and it is something else. Sometimes funny to watch though.:D

Not something I would do to somone who is just beginning to have an interest in guns, too much too fast scares people off too often, but a young man with a strong interest, just not a lot of practical experience is another story. For him, it was a challenge, and even though the gun hit him, he did hit the target (steel plate), and had a good laugh. AND, he shot it again! this time without any problems.

Fine gun, lots of fun. Enjoy yours, I do mine!


New member
You guys are hilarious, especially you 44AMP, "hold ma beer".
Except for the youngin' that said "it takes a real man to shoot one of those" and "that would make a great CCW piece", he's just crazy. :D


New member
Uh-uh. Not one chance in hell. My .45-70 Contender tells me that it is no fun at all, but a Derringer? Just plain crazy. I suppose you could play with the factory 405 gr Winchester or Remington loads, as they're only 850 fps or so, but those 300 gr loads, especially the Remingtons, are verboten! They purely suck in my Magnaported Contender. Light a Cherry Bomb and hold it in your hand if you really want that effect. It's cheaper, and won't leave you with another safe queen.:D


New member
I know it'll be a useless gun. It MAY get shot twice a year if that. But it's just the absurdity of it all. I wonder if it will even kick all that bad. The gun has to be all chamber with like a half inch or bore. I bet most of your powder ignites outside of the gun. And what a fireball this thing will put out. It's a one shot drop for sure. 45 cal slug in the chest and a truck sized ball of fire all over your body. LMAO. I GOTTA GET ONE OF THESE!


New member
I've got one of these! I compare it to holding out your hand and letting someone take a swing with a 16 oz. hammer in your palm. I shot it probably 10 - 12 times and my friend has a few times. I can't tell that the gun has had any adverse wear.I do have the over sized grips that extend down and have 3 finger grooves. This was one of my dads guns (And yes, he lived in Alaska) I did shoot it ounce with the stock grips on, and you could barely hold on to it. The other barrel it a .410/.45 long colt.
I've been contemplating trying a .454 Casull in the 410/45 chamber???


New member

Where can I find one? I want one so bad!!!

A guy I work with has one. He has shot it once. It broke bones in his hand. He is desperately trying to find someone who loads "mild" .45-70 so he can try it again. All it is now is a funny-looking paperweight. :)