.40S&W, any thoughts good, bad??


New member
The .40 S&W is an answer to a problem that didn't exist. Government agencies love to spend their budgets (our tax dollars) on stuff like that.


New member
The .40 S&W is an answer to a problem that didn't exist

I love this argument. Human ingenuity rejected all in that one sentence.

We had the model A, who was the moron that came up with the Ferrari?

Ships and trains were cool, who needs airplanes?

Heck, why do we even have semi Autos, a good revolver and a few speed loaders and we're all good to go. :D


New member
I like the .40 S&W ( and I like the 9mm and the .45 acp ) in a semi-auto as well.

Like the .45 acp - the .40 is usually better left to a heavier gun like a 1911 or something like a Sig 226 in all stainless. But having said that - I think there is some merit to carrying a compact frame - like the Sig 239 - in .40 vs 9mm to give you a little more punch in a defensive situation.

Having a .40 is an inbetween caliber - but for me it fits pretty well / but can you get by with a 9mm and .45acp - yes.


I'll continue to complain about it. I stand 6'2" and weigh in at 285. I'm not a wuss, I've handled guns all my life, and that Keltec P40 makes my hand hurt after 50 rounds of practice.
It's not the caliber....it's your choice of handgun.


The .40 S&W is an answer to a problem that didn't exist.
I disagree.
It's the answer to this:

The desire for a bullet that's just as effective as the .45ACP (and more effective than the 9mm)....and one that can still be fired from a 9mm sized pistol....and still maintain a magazine capacity similar to the 9mm?

The answer is the .40S&W.

I predict that it will go down in history as one of the greatest calibers ever invented.

vox rationis

New member
I'm with easyG on this one:

I'll continue to complain about it. I stand 6'2" and weigh in at 285. I'm not a wuss, I've handled guns all my life, and that Keltec P40 makes my hand hurt after 50 rounds of practice.

Dude, you could be 7 feet tall and 400 lbs, shooting .40 out of, what like, a 15 oz handgun isn't going to be comfortable!

To drive the point even more, my USPc in .40 is quite comfortable while shooting a limitless number of rounds, whereas my 15oz (unloaded) 638 snub is quite UN-comfortable after 50 rounds of .38 special...should my conclusion then be that the .38 special is way too snappy and recoils too hard?!


New member
The .40 S&W is a good caliber with a fine street record. As far a recoil goes, it is sharper in my glock than recoil is with a .45 in a 1911. Of course then we're comparing a 21 ounce gun to one that weighs 36 ounces. People often overlook that bit of information.


New member
I can't believe how many of you actually think that the 40S&W kicks so much! Have you ever hunted big game with a handgun? If so, would you use a 9mm? Do any of you hunt with a high power centerfire rifle? If you think a 40 S&W kicks hard you must be absolutely terrified to shoot a 12 guage slug gun, or a 3" mag turkey gun! If you want power, every gun will have some degree of recoil. Get used to it!

The 40S&W is a great round, having more power than a 9, and more mag capacity than a 45. It is very popular and available in several bullet weights. To dismiss it because of recoil is rediculous since there are many much more powerful, hard kicking handgun calibers that are doing very well for their intended purpose. I don't hear too many people advocating the use of the 44 special for big game hunting instead of the 44mag because the mag kicks too much.
Ignorant assertion:
The .40 S&W is an answer to a problem that didn't exist

Thoughtful reply:
We had the model A, who was the moron that came up with the Ferrari?
Ships and trains were cool, who needs airplanes?
Heck, why do we even have semi Autos, a good revolver and a few speed loaders and we're all good to go

What is this obsession with limiting our choices? Do we really want to find the 1 'perfect' cartridge and then get rid of all others?
OK, then there should be only 1 car company and only 1 type of bread.

I imagine if this came to pass, then those same folks who rant over 'new' calibers would complain that they have no options.

Don't care for it? Then don't buy it!
But give the rest of the interested parties a break and don't whine.
I'll continue to complain about it. I stand 6'2" and weigh in at 285. I'm not a wuss, I've handled guns all my life, and that Keltec P40 makes my hand hurt after 50 rounds of practice.

It's not the caliber....it's your choice of handgun.

Bingo..... we have a winner!
To drive the point even more, my USPc in .40 is quite comfortable while shooting a limitless number of rounds, whereas my 15oz (unloaded) 638 snub is quite UN-comfortable after 50 rounds of .38 special...should my conclusion then be that the .38 special is way too snappy and recoils too hard?!

Your (SOVT) synapsis are put together better than some (keltyke).


New member
I'm 6' 235 lbs. I was at the range this morning. Put 200 .40 cal S&W rounds through my HK P2000. I feel great, it shoots great.


New member
40 S&W, It's all Good!

I don't have any problems shooting the 40 S&W with either my Glock 27 or my PT140 MilPro. Some people say it's snappy and hard on the hand. What A Bunch Of W....! :)
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New member
Relativity, will bite you in the arse every time, aint it a b*tch!?
I've been experiencing several epiphanies as of the past few years which have taken me to a new level of awareness in society, let me explain..

First about going to Iraq, EVERYONE, said don't go, you'll get killed, it's so dangerous. My wife especially begged me not too, at least until the checks started rolling in, then I had to beg her to let me come home. Well I spent 16 months there, had a few close rockets & mortars, but I lived. The odds of getting hit are like being struck by lightening h*ll, it's more dangerous driving I-240 every morning & afternoon here in Memphis.

The 1911, the God of Guns, your not a true American gunowner unless you own one of these. I tried......twice, cannot shoot this design well. Good design, ALOT of people do well with it, but not me.

The .40S&W, geeze, it's so loud and has tremendous flash and harsh kick, you just cannot shoot it accurately, not to mention it's just not a very well designed bullet and just cannot be accurate. And I believed it, all of it. Until I paired up my G19 up against my bud's G23 and thought...wow! This isn't what EVERYONE said it was. None of the detractors of the rounds I found to be entirely true. Sure the recoil is more, but not prohibitive....to me. It's a little louder, it's a little brighter, but it's also a bigger bullet and alot of them fit into the same sized gun. How could that be ignored? It couldn't, for me.

I cannot tell you how many times I've been asked, after saying I live in Memphis, if I've been to Rendezvous. That place IS Memphis! It's the best, NOTHING compares. Celebrities from all over make a special trip just to go there. Well, we finally went, had to pay to park at a garage, a begger hit us up for cash so he could stay at the homeless shelter, was up from LA because of Katrina which killed his wife. Anyway, place was shoulder to shoulder, standing room only, 40 minute wait in a crowded bar with lots of rowdy drunks. Finally got a seat, but had to stop so this dude could finish off the rest of the beer out of the pitcher, half of which went to the floor. Got to our table and the little old rickety chairs were as old as Mark Twain and had to balance ourselves on them to hopefully not crash to the floor.
Anyway, the service was good and the food was ok, not what all the hype was about.

So, lesson after lesson after lesson hopefully learned. Hype ain't worth spit. When EVERYONE does it or likes it......be aware. One thing I always hated hearing my daughters say is, well everyone else wears it, does it, eats it, says it. I tell them, I don't give a hootinhell what everybody else wears, does, eats, says they don't matter. Do your own thing, everyone else will climb on-board.

By the way, you want really good Memphis BBQ, Central BBQ is tops in our book, they have one on Central Ave. and one on Summer Ave., and we're not everybody.


New member
The whole recoil thing really is over stated. In my experience new shooters have no more trouble with pistols chambered in .40S&W than pitols chambered in 9mm or .45acp, despite subjective, even quatifiable, differences in recoil.


New member
The .40 is a fine round. Big gaping hollowpoint. feeds well. Does it's job at the BG's end.
If you prefer more capacity there's nothing wrong with the 9. If you prefer bigger bullets there's nothing wrong with the 45.


New member
folks, like it or not the .40 cal has become a standard pistol cartridge. more so than 357sig. dont wanna believe that? then go to a gun shop, read a gun rag or just go look at the ammo shelf at wal-mart. what do u see the most of besides 22, 380 & 38/357? u see 9, 45 & 40. the cops use it, the feds use it and we use it. its here to stay. 45 stopping power in 9mm capacity. the 357sig is a good round but its niche was already took by the .40 and the 45gap is good but too expensive and exotic for its own good. (not that i have any problems with people having choices, by all means shoot what u like, i personally prefer the ammo i depend on be readily available but to each his own)

FWIW i cut my teeth on a .40 fullsize polymer. yes, it has some kick and i could see how it might take more range time to master then, say, a 9 or a heavy steel .45 but its nothing i cant handle and ive run serveral hundred rounds in an hours time with no ill effects. and that was a polymer. a heavier 1911 or cz75 style steel gun would obviolsy kick less...

BTW Keltyke, dude, your shooting a heavy caliber out of a really small, really light gun... wut tha heck did you expect?!?! before you judge the round why dont you try shooting a .40 out of a full-size gun and report back on the recoil then. size matters, as much with the ammo as with the gun itself

personally i recommend the .40 round to anyone looking for a good SD/HD pistol. the stopping power has been proven on the street. marketing ploy or not, it worked. its effective, easy to find and moderatly priced. and if your not willing to spend time at the range to learn how to effectivly use your gun (as in safe handling, accuracy, handling recoil, ammo feeding reliability, etc) then maybe u shouldn't be considering getting a gun at all