.357 Revolver at 100 yards


New member


ohen cepel

New member
Nice shooting. I have been wanting to give that a try but haven't gotten around to it.

What load were you shooting? From what position? I was thinking about doing it old Elmer Keith style.


New member
Definitely nice shooting.
When I was a kid, my shooting pals and I used to try to outdo one another, hitting water bottles at 100 yds, with our .357 and .44 magnums.
One fellow could do it with his .380, but only when he laid down on the bench and turned himself into a rifle.
It would be fun to try it nowadays, but the local range disallows handguns on the 100 yd range, thanks to some dummies missing the backstop, and sending rounds out of the park.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Hey Bushmaster, I'm proud of you and with an old gun to boot, nothing says success like doing what most people wont try and doing it with a gun asome people would be afraid to shoot at any distance. The rest of you quit wishing and get doing, we need more 100 yard shooters, it is good for the soul the ego and the sport. :D


New member
Off-hand one hand, excellent. Standing two hand, very good. Off a bench, average.

Wow. At 100 yards I am happy to hit all shots on that size paper with my 29-2 8 3/8 incher. Benched. The sight covers the whole thing at that distance. or so it seems, awfully blurry!


New member
Off-hand one hand, excellent. Standing two hand, very good. Off a bench, average.

Strong words. I'll just say you seem better than me and I have killed deer at that range!

Super nice gun you have there! Love the T grip!

James K

Member In Memoriam
I can't do it today, but at one time I was able to keep most of my shots in about 6" at 100 standing, one hand. Most target shooters can do that well if they want to win any matches; it is just that they rarely try because they don't shoot over 50 yards.

Off a rest, I could usually keep them in 3" with a Highway Patrolman. The best 100 yard 5-shot group with a revolver I ever saw was 1 1/2 inches, but I didn't shoot it; it was done by a friend off a rest, with a Model 27 8 3/8" barrel with a scope.

But at a year under the big eight-aught, I don't do that well any more. Age does catch up with us all.


Strafer Gott

New member
I think the people who say it can't be done can't do it. I think people who think it can't be done, can't do it.

"Not think, do!"- Master Yoda.

Strafer Gott

New member
Bushmaster that's a S&W. There should be at least two more chambers bored true. It was in an article about when a six gun is really six guns. It does eliminate a variable, if you can use the same chamber. Nice shootin'!


New member
The side to side spread was 2.5"

I will try to squeeze out a closer vertical spread if I can.

Maybe it will help if I support the frame in addition to my hand