35 Remington User Input Requested


New member
I had a 336 Texan in 35 Rem. It was my first CF rifle. Dad got the RC (I think) and my brother got the C model and both of theirs were in 30/30. We argued for years as to which one was better for deer. I don't think there's a real answer to the question. Dad shot a zillion deer, as did I. My longest shot was 260 yards and that was really stretching the caliber. And man could I ever sling lead with that rifle. Way back when, I shot 3 deer in what was probably less than 10 seconds. It was legal back then. Had to go round up brothers to help get the deer out of the woods.

As to sights, Dad and the brother put 4 power scopes on theirs and I stayed with the iron sights for a while. The scopes gave them a significant advantage in dim light, so I finally caved in and bought a scope with my lawn mowing money. That was a good decision.

The 35 was a great deer round, but was limited on range. I finally moved on to a 270. I don't think it killed them any better or faster, but I could do it at 400 yards, versus the 150 yards the 35 is really good for. And one thing you really got with the 35 was a blood trail that Ray Charles could follow. I always used 200 gr CoreLokts.

If you hunt in the woods, there really isn't a better cartridge. Maybe one as good, but surely not better.

My wife got on me years ago about having so many guns, and I sold the 336 Texan. Worst gun decision I ever made. I'm still sick about it. Dad gave me that rifle when I was about 15 years old. I'd pay triple the value to get it back.