.308 or .30-06?

Para Bellum

New member
Federal now makes HE (High Energy) Cartdrigs that push 4.121 Joule / 3.040 ft/# out of a .308 with a 24" barrel.

If you were to buy a new hunting rifle for boar and deer, would you go for a .308 or a .30-06?

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I was faced with the same decision about the two calibers a while back. After doing quite a bit of research, I noticed that the two calibers are almost identical out to around 300 yards. After that, the 06 has a little advantage, but since the longest shot here in southeastern Oklahoma, where I hunt is around 250 yards max. I decided to go with the .308 because of the difference in weight, and recoil.
I have harvested lots of deer and hogs with it since, and the farthest shot I have taken was a little over 150 yards.


New member
Neither. I wouldn't buy a rifle based on the performance of 1 new load offering.

Ballistically, they are almost identical: within ~150 fps on similar loadings, close on ft lbs, etc.

And the comment on recoil for the .308: Newtonian Physics. If you push the bullet harder, you are going to get pushed harder. Sorry, that's the way it works.


Neither, I'd opt for a .338 Fed:

.338 Fed 180gr@ muzzle: 2830 FPS // 3201 FPE

.338 Fed 210gr@ muzzle: 2630 FPS // 3225 FPE

30/06 180gr@ muzzle: 2700 FPS // 2913 FPE

30/06 220gr@ muzzle: 2410 FPS // 2837 FPE

Use whatever .308 you want to compare.


Inside 300y their differences are moot. The animal won't be able to tell the difference either.

And explain to me what significance muzzle energy has to do with hunting animals that are never shot at muzzle contact?


How's this?

.338 Fed 210gr @ 300yds: 1880 FPE
.338 Fed 180gr @ 300yds: 1820 FPE

30/06 220gr @ 300yds: 1301 FPE
30/06 180gr @ 300yds: 1666 FPE ** all numbers taken from the 2007 edition of the Gun Digest

That better for comparison??


It all depends on rifle choice. A shorter, lighter rifle can be had in the .308, and it makes for a darn handy woods carbine. The .30-06 comes in many platforms, and will be knocking on the door of the .300 mags. with Hornady Light Magnums--very versatile. I've owned both and always loved both. Wives tales of accuracy fables are just that. Either one can touch holes with a good load. Solve your delimma and get both!;)



New member
You can't go wrong really with either round. The .308 has a little less recoil and a little less performance and operates with a shorter bolt throw.

Real world, the deer or the boar won't know any difference. Pick one you like and go with it.


New member
The .338 Fed is just another solution in search of a non exsistant problem.

The others are right. Out to 300 yards, most animals wont be able to tell the difference when you shoot them. But the 308 gives you a short action rifle and less felt recoil.

I've hunted with both, and both are great cartriges, but I prefer the .308.


Well, I do appreciate your expert advice, but I've hunted with all three and do beg to differ. But that's OK as there's plenty of calibers for everyone to have a favorite, even if it's one you don't like or know about:D


New member
I was choosing between the .308 and 30-06 myself not too long ago. ballistically for all intents and purposes they are the same. 30-06 always has a slight velocity edge and can handle larger bullets. the surplus ammo for the 30-06 is fading out and the .308 is a current military round and you are able to find cheap ammo (russian/surplus) much much easier.

I went with the 30-06 b/c of its history, and i like the look of it! (since they seem like 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other to me) And remember you can use a high energy loading in the .308...... but you can do the same thing w/ the 30-06 so the 30-06 out paces it again. IMO flip a coin. i'd look more into if your friends have the same caliber, if cheap surplus/russian steel cased stuff is a priority for it, if you want a long or short action rifle ect. If you are going to go hunting for things on the upper end of the spectrum like elk/moose/bear i'd go with the 30-06. if its going to be a regular gun for deer/black bear either would be good. If you are looking for factory bullets with target bullets i'd lean toward the .308.

Either way you cannot go wrong. and like others said, and i'd agree when a deer gets hit with one its not going to notice any difference and i dont think you are going to see any difference in meat damage between either given the same bullets/distance ect.


Mr Freakshow10mm, If your .375 had no more recoil (you do do know what that is?) than the .308, 30/06, or .338, than I'd agree. But I doubt ANYONE here would agree with that. The fact that the .338 Fed does what it does, with NO MORE recoil than the 30/06 (which was alluded to in the initial posting!!) makes it a different animal, well in my opinion, anyway. OOOPPS, silly me:eek:
When someone asks about a specific caliber/recoil level, I choose to remain in the EXACTLY/U] the same range. Simply my opinion, of course And perhaps you might look into those facts.


New member
I shoot the '06 myself. With RL 15 powder and a 150 grain bullet, Hodgdon shows the old soldier outruns the new kid by up to 150 fps. I shoot the Sierra 150 Prohunter over 48.0 of WW 748 which yields 2810 fps. There isn't a nickels worth of difference until you start shooting 180s and up; I still like the '06 and 2700+ with IMR 4064 and a Remington CoreLokt for deer and bear here in Klintonia.