30-30 Get's no respect!


New member
After a lot of debate about calibers and guns, I went with :

10/22 Ruger
.357 Marlin lever action
30-30 Winchester
30-06 Bolt action w/scope

I can't find anything that those will not work well for. If I can't knock it down using one of those, nothing else is going to either. Good access to reasonably priced ammo, available everywhere, and proven reliability.


New member
ill be purchasing a 30-30 someday. and a 45-70. pretty sure both of them will drop what every i point them at as long as i do my job too. :) plus how cool are lever actions? rememeber the rifleman? that guy was a badass!


New member
If it were 1900 and I wanted a rifle that was light, handy, and accurate to the ranges that I could reasonably expect to shoot to with iron sights; I would pick a 30-30. Deer, black bear, personal protection. The scout rifle of 1900.

I like that gun today. It's just that it isn't as versatile for hunting as a scoped bolt action 7-08.


New member
I shot this 59 model 94 Winchester at 200 yards today; discovered it really likes $12 a box Federal 150's as well as Hodgdon's book max of H4895 and a 150 Sierra. I managed a couple of three-shot groups with no fliers, that went 3 1/2" or a shade under. That's all I can ask of an open-sighted carbine. I may hang a Lyman 66A on it and see if that helps the 'me' part of the equation, which is obviously the weak link.

Bottom line is that the old gun possesses all the accuracy I can use from field-rest positions, to the distance my last few kills have occurred. It carries in my hand like it was ground to fit it and it comes up quick with the sights aligned. The are some qualities in a rifle which are almost unquantifiable, but when they all come together in the 'sweet spot' you will definitely know it. Old 94 Winchesters in 30 WCF are that sweet spot for me, regardless of whatever Super Short Ultra Mag graces the cover of this month's gun rags.

I reckon I am a poor consumer of current offerings.


New member
No love for the old 30-30

I used to have a Marlin lever action 30-30. I used it for California Coastal areas where shots are generally not too long. One season I picked up my buddies Remington Mountain rifle in 30-06 and realized that it weighed less than my 30-30. Hmm, more accurate, the ability to shoot 400 yards instead of 150, lighter too. I sold that rifle as soon as I got home and purchased a Ruger model 77 lightweight in .308. A very light, handy rifle with more capability.
Nope, don't miss that thutty thutty a bit.