$250-Beretta Tomcat or Kel-tec P32 ?


New member
I own the .32 Tomcat and the 9mmm Keltec....

You are RIGHT on TARGET...The Beretta WREAKS of quality. The weight, the feel, EVERYTHING.

2 negs onthe Beretta. I take a LOT of people shooting. I have not found ONE female (out of maybe 30 ish) that can fire the Beretta. The trigger must be pulled COMPLETELY rearward, which is no problem with finger strength and knowledge. The girls just have a HARD time with it. The second is the brass. Mine ejects straight up and back. FAST. If I am not holding it up high, AND with hat pulled dow, and glasses, I WILL catch one in the face. I have had a few go down the shirt.

DO NOT make the mistake of thinking I dont like this firearm. I AM MADLY in love with my Tomcat. I carry it as a backup, or primary when I am in a sui or such. Dropped in the pocket with a sleeve it is NICE...

The Keltec feels like you said. Cheap, But mine is a 9mm, and has SW hicaps so light with 16 rounds is a LOT of firearm in a limited package.

If I could own one, of the two, I would have to buy the Tomcat again. The Keltec has a Lifetime warranty, but its role as pocket pistol is invaluable to me. Loaded with Hydra Shoks I feel VERY good with her in my pocket.

Good Luck


New member

You are right. 8 oz. could feel like alot of extra weight if you carry all the time. I didn't realize that the difference was that great. I have held both but not at the same time. It's all academic in my part of Kalifornia at this point anyway. Keltec is not on the "approved" list since 1/1/01 so new ones are out and I haven't seen many used ones around.


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Forget You're Carrying One?

When I first got my P32, I shot it and went home and cleaned it. Put in a loaded magazine, and the phone rang. Answered at my desk and talked for several minutes.

Hung up, got a Coke, went back to my cleaning gear. Oh, yeah: Put up the P32. Uh - - - - Where IS it? Let's see--Phone rang, look at desk. Nope. Kitchen, near the 'fridge. Noooooo - - -

Cleaning table? Naw. Man, I AM getting old. Desk drawer? Kitchen counter? OPEN the cleaning gear box. Check jeans pockets. No, that's a .45 magazine.

Going crazy.

Phone rings again--friend tells me his new address. Went to shirt pocket for pen and a card.

Oh. The Kel Tec was in my shirt pocket, behind half a dozen business cards. With a loaded mag in place. Most .32s are too thick or too heavy or both, for that to happen. This doesn't necessarily make the P32 right for everyone, but - - -

Disclaimer: I live alone, but I still try to keep up with my loaded firearms.



New member
Well Said!

Well said, Johnny Guest, I am sure you agree with me that the P32 is a perfect always gun. Regards, Richard


New member
If any of you have a problem with the grip on the P32, try putting "Agrip" on it from BrooksTactical.com. The stuff really does work.


New member
When the Tomcat first came out, I really wanted one. When the P32 first came out, I really wanted one. But before either of these fellow hit the market, I bought a .25 Jetfire and I love the little sucker. Too bad the .25 is so anemic, still would not want to be stung by one.

The Jetfire is so so reliable. I am not recomending a Jetfire over either the P32 or Tomcat, I just like the thing.


My wife couldn't work the slide OR the control for the tip-up barrel of the Tomcat. She didn't like the trigger at all.

She can work all the controls on the P32. She has no problems with the sights, nor do I. They are different, but, IMO not inferior. Especially when you consider that they won't poke or snag. Although she is recoil sensitive, she had no trouble shooting a box or two through the KelTec.

If I were going to carry a gun as large as the Tomcat, it would be in .380, not .32.

One other point...
Tip-up barrel guns should be thought of as inherently less reliable since they don't have an extractor.


New member
I do not like a plastic weapon. A weapon FOR ME should be blue steel and wood. I own and like the P32. For what it is designed for you really do not need sights, crisp trigger pull etc. If I use this gun the bad guy will be close enough to hit. The weapon does a fine job at the range that I have fired it, (20-25 feet)


New member
Keltec P32

If you need a gun that can be with you all the time, don't hesitate on the P-32. Once you determine that your copy is reliable carry it always. My is never unloaded except when I fire off the carry rounds monthly. It will feed just about anything, is accurate for a belly gun, and doesn't hurt to shoot a lot.
The Tom Cat on the otherhand is just a much larger pistol and is not a locked breach. When that thing goes off you feel it. Mind you it isn't that uncomfortable but you wouldn't like to put a hundred rounds down range with it. The P-32 is much more a pleasure to shoot. JMO