.25 acp with trailboss


New member
Anybody tried hand loading .25 acp with trailboss? That's the only fast burning pistol powder I have. Thanks.



New member
Yes sir, I am. I have everything ready to go; brass, die set, bullets, and the pistol. I know it is a hard caliber to load, but I don't care.



New member
Haven't tried it.
Some quick estimates from a certain ballistic calculator put a 95% charge (0.83 gr) at ~5,600 psi and about 475 fps; with a COAL .905" with a 50 gr RN. (Trying to maximize powder capacity - seating deeper just makes things even more sketchy.)

So definitely watch for squibs.

I think if I were to do it, I'd count donuts (granules) rather than weigh the charges.


New member
Thanks. Was it quickload that you used? There are too many donuts to count in 0.83gr of trailboss, I am afraid. I plan to dribble at first and to make a powder measure out of a 22lr casing when I find the load.

I surely will pay attention to squids, as always with any other calibers.

I heard I lot of people said 25 acp not worthy of hand loading. I wonder they knew the going price of the caliber. North of 30 cents a round at the moment. I'm doing it!

My advice would be to buy another powder; something with established data in the 25ACP. I've loaded 45, 45lc, and rifle rounds with trail boss for soft loads but I wouldn't try anything smaller.

But if you do try trail boss, please report back so others can learn from your experience.


New member
Hodgdon has load data for trailboss in 38 long and spl 32 mag and 32 long.
but agree if your saving $0.30 a shot you can aford a can of powder. The good news it that it will load thousands of rounds with such tiny charges.


New member
I will start with trailboss and will get other powder if needed. I like trailboss and have used it for loads with no published data; 7.62 Nagant, 38 s&w with hot glue bullets etc. It is easy to ignite, fast burning, low energy, and low density. It is well behaving as long as not compressed. It becomes hard to throw below 2gr though, so some other method must be use.

Will report back. In the meantime, any input or comment is welcome.



New member
I tried accurate 5in .380 and despite great promise, it wasn't good not enough pressure, heat, overall power to fire that charge. I suggest the wildest, craziest primer possible, back your beginning load off a little more.

Accurate five threw out unburned powder that was still shiny, not eve scorched

You can test for sunburned powder by wrapping tape around cardboard sticky side out and shooting through it. You can use magnification or snap a picture and view with magnification.

I'm just concerned, as some others are, that you can't get proper burn with 6,000 psi and a grain of powder, specifically a slow one.

Not saying don't try it, but don't put your vintage Browning at risk until you've proven the load.


New member
22lr casing could be too big, which is good. I will file it down for the load.

The caliber needs fast burning powder. Don't have accurate 5 on my burn rate chart. Is it faster or slower than red dot? I think trailboss would do well, especially for cast bullets. I will see.



New member
I don't know about red dot, getting an ounce of bullseye from a friend would be a good try, if the data is listed.


New member
The question was actually about accurate 5. You tried it and it was lousy. Just wondering whether it is faster or slower than red dot.

Bullseye is faster than red dot, similar to trailboss.



New member
Accurate #5 is slower than Red Dot. Exactly how much I don't know for sure, haven't used it a lot but I think of it as closer to Unique than to Red Dot

TB is in your burn rate range but it's so bulky I wonder if you can fit enough of it into the case to be useful. Let us know what you find


New member
Not a lot of room in that case. You can probably look at the density chart from Lee to determine how bulky a charge will be, and determine what the actual capacity of the loaded round will be.


New member
We will see. I reckon it will take about 1gr without compressing. Perhaps it would be enough for cast bullets. If not, I probably will go get a pound of Bullseye, or something.

Thanks gentlemen. Will keep you updated.

After this, I will do 9mm Steyr.



New member
Why can't I be serious? I loaded a few weird cartridges before. Nobody doubted my resolve. Why this one be any different?

The alternative to hand loading is to pay 30 cents for each of the tiny cartridges. Are you serious?


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