25-06 or 6.5x55 Swede?


New member
The swede is less available regarding factory loads in the us than the .25-06. But, it is sweeet. It just has class and appeal to me. .25-06 has put me off in that it doesn't do anything better than the .270 win.


New member
I'm really excited, I'm getting the CZ 550 American in 6.5x55 Swede Tuesday morning. It's quite a bit less than what I thought I'd have to pay for it so I can put that extra money towards good glass. This weekend is going to really drag by now!


New member
I'm looking at a couple of Leupold scopes now. One is 3-9x50 and the other is 4-12x40. I have a 4-12x40 on my little .17HMR, but it's a Simmons 8 Point so I expect the Leupold to just completely blow it away in clarity and brightness. I tend to think I want the higher magnification for longer distance target shooting and it probably won't hurt for Antelope hunting either. Any thoughts?


New member
I would get the 4-12x40 in Leupold. My experience is that you will never regret buying a leupold. They are a no brainer.


New member
If you are buying a scope, look into the Burris line. I saw their quality control and testing setup and I was very impressed. IMHO they are verymuch underrated.:)


New member
Thanks MacGille, I have been looking over the Cabelas scope comparison table for awhile tonight and I've narrowed my choices down to Nikon vs. Burris in both the $200 and $300 ranges. I'm thinking that I want to get some ammo, a bore snake, sling and case when I buy the gun so I might just buy a $200 scope for now and after I shoot for awhile and get better and start reloading and working up loads I will probably upgrade to a ~$600 or so scope. I didn't get drawn for Antelope this year, so I won't be hunting them yet with this rifle. That leaves me Cougar which I don't anticipate shooting at too great a distance and Coyote which I might take at a distance. Other than that, I'll just be having fun with this at the range and shooting the best I can with what I've got. So anyway, here are my finalists as of right now in both price ranges. I might still decide to step up a hundred bucks after I go to the store and actually examine the scopes.

$200 Range
-Burris Fullfield II Riflescope 3-9X40 M,BPLEX

-Nikon Buckmaster Series Riflescopes 3-9X40 MT BDC

$300 range
-Nikon Buckmaster Series Riflescopes 4.5-14X40 MT BDC

-Burris Fullfield II Riflescope 3-9X50 M,BALPLX

I definitely like the ballistic plex scopes and that is why I removed Leupold from my list. Of the two Leupolds I was looking at they were both just simple crosshairs and I think I'll appreciate the ballistic plex type scopes for the kind of shooting I see myself doing. Especially if I end up bumping this scope to my .17 HMR when I upgrade to something nicer.

Between the $200 scopes I'll make the call at the store after I examine them. For the $300 range, I see myself leaning more towards the Burris Fullfield II Riflescope 3-9x50 with the ballistic plex. I like the idea of having the bigger bell and depending on how much brighter it looks than the $200 that might just be the difference in me stepping up to the $300 range. I can see myself calling preds (Yotes, Cougar) in the early and late hours pretty regularly so I like the idea of having a lot of light. Then again I've been told you can never have enough eyeball so if I decide I can spend an extra hundred on glass I might select the Nikon 4.5-14X40. That one will probably be better for the range, but for a hunting scope I like to have the lower end magnification for moving targets and the higher light-gathering capacity. So since I'm hunter first, target shooter second I will probably only go to $300 if I see a huge difference between the 40mm and 50mm bells.

I guess I'll make up my mind when I'm at the store checking them out, but I would welcome any further suggestions from everyone. Between now and when I hit the range with this new shooting system I'll be pretty much online obsessing over everything :p The joy of buying a new gun, it's always so much fun!
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New member
Now that I think of it, I might not really be able to accurately evaluate the difference in low-light of the 40mm to 50mm objective lens since it will be bright in the store.

So if you guys have experience with both, I'd appreciate your opinion on this: if all else is equal is a 50mm bell worth an extra $100 over a 40mm?


here are my finalists...

$200 Range
-Burris Fullfield II Riflescope 3-9X40 M,BPLEX
-Nikon Buckmaster Series Riflescopes 3-9X40 MT BDC
$300 range
-Nikon Buckmaster Series Riflescopes 4.5-14X40 MT BDC
-Burris Fullfield II Riflescope 3-9X50 M,BALPLX

Currently mounted on my Savage 12 (.260 Rem) is a Nikon Buckmaster 4.5-14X40mm with Side Focus and Mil-Dot reticle. Only have a few rounds through the rifle with this scope but I'm very happy with it.



New member
I wanted a Leupold since they offer the lifetime warranty (like Nikon and Burris) and they are made in the USA. I read something like 80+ reviews on the Leupolds and they were almost all good.

Unfortunately Leupold doesn't offer the reticle type that I want in my price range so I removed them from my list. They don't meet my requirements at either price range because of that.


New member
I ended up buying a less expensive Nikon Prostaff 3-9X40mm. It looks pretty good to me for the price and I think it should work out fine until I can afford to put around $600 or so into a nicer scope. Someone told me once that you should spend at least as much on the scope as you do on the rifle and more if you can afford it.

I put my CZ 550 American on hold and I pick it up tomorrow morning at 9 am. Then I have 3 nice, uncrowded weekdays off to have some shooting fun.

Thanks for everyone's comments and advice. I'm excited to shoot this since it's my first centerfire rifle. Other than shooting AR-15's and AK-47's I haven't fired a centerfire since I shot a .300 something when I was about 17. I don't know if it was Win Mag or Weatherby Mag, but it had a lot of kick to it. I imagine this will be quite manageable in comparison.

In the end, I'm sure I would have been almost just as happy if I'd have gone with the Savage in .25-06, but I think as I get into hand-loading I'll appreciate the versatility of this awesome round a bit more.
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New member
A good choice of rifle and cal.
I have the full stocked version in 6.5X55, shoots very well with handloads.
Also have a 452 .22 in full stock, make a nice pair.


The 6.5-55 won't do anything a 25-06 won't do. Even with the heavier bullets. It is a no contest for speed in the real world. What animal in the North American continent will ever notice the supposed extra power from bullet weight the 6.5-55 has. None. I still prefer the 25-06 for it's speed and reach. I load for both and I see the difference. By the way, the 25-06 DOES NOT eat barrels. Maybe improper cleaning and shooting knowledge. I have no problems with the 6.5's, but there are a lot of quality, high B.C.,S.D. hunting bullets for the .25's out there. Plus the .25's start out much faster. Put 120's in both and get a real reading out of a chrono and see for yourself. I love the 25-06, I have also recently purchased a .257 Weatherby. I purchased this even over the .264 Mag. I have reloaded, shot , and played with it enough to have my own evaluation of it. In a nutshell, good luck finding anything that will come close on reach, killing power and accuracy, and still enjoy shooting it. Ungodly flat shooting. Crazy.


New member
If you are still indecisive then one like this ought to seal the deal for you. I bought it off a THR member, His pic.



New member
I have a .257 Wby. Mag. and the ballistics are similar to the .25-06 and I love my .257. I'd also consider the availability of ammo. If your not a reloader, then the .25-06 might have some advantage here. My nickel's worth--take the .25-06.


New member
Thanks guys, I already went with the Swede and so far I love it. I'm happy I went for the 6.5x55 SE for a number of reasons. I'm sure I would have liked the 25-06 as well, my friend has one so I'll eventually get out with him and shoot both and compare. As my first centerfire rifle I'm really happy with this choice.

I've been shooting the 140 Federal Power-Shoks and the recoil is mild enough to shoot all day from the bench but powerful enough that I feel like I'm putting something downrange with enough authority to get the job done. I guess that is one thing I really like about this round, the pure efficiency of it. I was out coyote hunting yesterday and day before and yesterday as I was leaving I saw two Antelopes bounce over a ridge. I drove up to the top of the ridge west of where I saw them go over and stalked back towards them. Terrible conditions, the wind dead at my back and blowing my stink right to them. Even so, I was able to glass them out and stalk up to within 150 yards or so by using a big prickly pear stand as cover. One was a really nice buck with ~16" horns and a big body. If I had a tag and it was season that would have been my animal. I hope I get drawn for Antelope next season, I'll be so stoked to get out after them with this rifle! As a side note, they slipped down into a valley and I scoped out 18 of them in all and I also found a cool old Antelope shed horn.

But back to the Swede. I like that it is a military round too, I ordered a 200 round "battlepack" of ammo and that should be fun for going out target shooting. At 50 cents a round it's not too bad. Much cheaper than the Federal and I read a lot of guys say they were actually getting great groups with it. I can't wait to start hand-loading, I'm going to get that all set up after the early archery season. (I got drawn for the 12A bow hunt on the Kaibab Plateau here in AZ!)

In case anyone else is looking at this thread while trying to decide between these two great cartridges here are some of the things that I considered when I decided to go with the Swede. By the way, I named her "Ingrid" ;)

-Availability of Mil-Surp Ammo
-Great BC/SD
-Handles a broader range of bullet weights than the 25-06
-Outstanding reach, bucks the wind well (many mentioned records being set on the 1000 yard line these days with the 6.5mm bullets)
-Long neck, good for seating the bullets close to the rifling lands
-Vast number of knowledgeable reloaders cooking up loads
-Extremely well-established round (been around for over 100 years)
-Outstanding record as a proven hunting round for all kinds of game

There might be a few more things that I came across while I was researching, but there's a handful for now. I would say that in hindsight I probably should have taken a better look at the .260 Remington. I probably still would have gone with the Swede, but it's interesting that the .260 can be built in a short action (good idea if you want a lighter-weight mountain gun) and the cartridges can be made from other rounds like 30-06, .270, .308 whereas the 6.5x55 SE cannot. At least, that is my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't even begun reloading and I'm only going off what I have read elsewhere.
I dont use the Silver Scnars, I shoot too much and am too cheap to spend the extra $$

I was at this gay costume/nude party in Key West years ago, what a wild time!

WildlotsofleatherunderwearAlaska TM

Rob Halford, is that you?

Nevermind. Just, nevermind. I dont want to know.

sneaky pete

New member
Azsisshooter--a supply for ammo

Sneaky here: I noticed you mentioned hunting ammo--There is a company--Georgia Arms that is an ammo manufacturing Co. in Villa Rica Georgia that I have bought 6.5x55 Swed 120gr Nosler ballistic tip Precision Plus with a list velocity of 2850 ( I ran the ballistics on JBM Ballistics [range 1000yds/10mph wind-- windage 9.6 MOA peed mach 1.107 time of flight 1.623sec]) from, that I used in my m96/38 Swed mauser on an exotic hunting trip in Texas. It is excellent quality NEW ammo,velocity consistant, and priced reasonably. I have bought .45, and 9mm both new and re-loads that is also good. Check it out. THANX--SNEAKY
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