22s for Self Defense


New member
I can shoot extremely accurate with my ruger mark 2.with a 10 round mag and one in the chamber,adding in how fast and accuratley i could unload all 11 shots into a tight pattern target,I believe it would be a very deadly weapon if I need it to be

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
When I first went into B-52's, we were told that the U.S. Air Force used to supply a 22 cal fold-down rifle in their survival gear with the intent to hunt for food. They took it out of the survival kit (69 pounds afterwards for the Martin-Baker MB-5 ejection seat) because, we were told, it was against the Geneva convention - that it is considered not a "killing" weapon, but one for "maiming." Any thoughts on that? I have often wondered about its legalities; though, if one can hit the target well, like the guy said, "it beats my fists."

That's BS - wrong convention, no such doctrine.


New member
wouldent be my first choice but taking a .22lr to the chest must hurt.

Buddy of mine got shot in the arm during a mugging, by a BG who was using a 22. He said "It hurt like" (blue blazes shall we say.)"

I've always believed that being shot with anything, will tend to make most anybody want to stop what they were doing that got them shot in the first place.


New member
I grew up with a 22LR Mark I as the home defense weapon and never thought to question it nor do I remember anyone else questioning it but that was before internet forums.

It is not my first line HD today but that is because I do not want to loose it if I had to use it and I have a couple of IMHO better options at my disposal.

That said, if I knew trouble was coming and had time to prepare it would also be loaded and ready to go.



New member
six "Devastator"-brand .22LR cartridges, which contained small lead azide explosive charges designed to explode on contact.

If these had been shot out of a longer barrel they would have exploded and these folks would be dead. He chose a short barreled gun tho so no velocity.

Used to be able to buy these but no longer.

I would NOT wish to be shot by any caliber, having been shot once. It is very uncomfortable.


New member
well the way i see it, the .22 lr's mean business. Someone starts flinging 22s your way, you need to get the hell away from that or you're going to die.

I got a .45 at my bedside but im not delusional to think a .22 can't end someone's life in a few seconds. It certainly can. 22's are not pellet guns and if they are aimed right, a shot to the heart will kill somebody. Shot to the brain, spine, liver, heart, all of that can be fatal. It aint a bb gun.

The 22's dont have the thump of a hollow pointed 9 or 45 but they DO have the ability to stop a fight and kill somoene in the blink of an eye. Anyone that says different is giving really bad misinformation to the public.

A .22 calibered firearm is a gun. You can take or save a life with this gun. The caliber doesn't make it insignificant at all.


New member
I'm of the mindset that any gun can save your bacon. A .22 is better than a knife for the most part, imo. I personally don't carry 22's for self defense, but it'd sure beat just carrying a sharp stick. I've been tempted to tote a mkII with me, just because I'm soo confident in them and I love em', but my smallest defensive pistol currently is an LCP.


New member
While my .38 is on its 5 week and counting vacation in Miami, my only "handgun" is my P-22. With two mags loaded with stingers, I am confident that I will be able to deter or STOP a BG. In just a few seconds (ok maybe a little more than a few) I can place 21 shots inside the 9 ring on a target from about 12 yrds. Which is the distance from my hallway to my front door!:cool:
At about halfway through the 21 shots, I wouldn't think the BG will stop and say "wait, that sounds like a .22"
But if they did, I would have made it back to the 12ga!!;)


New member
Yep, it will do that except when it doesn't.

So what if it doesn't? Anybody who so determined to hurt me that I had to shoot them, meant to hurt me BAD in the first place. I doubt it will matter much if he's madder at me. Hopefully, I managed to sting him a few times, and now he's bleeding and getting weaker.

Sure there are better options. You can say that about most anything, but the 22 beats crying, and begging "Please don't hurt me."
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New member
I'm not against .22LR for SD if that's what someone wants or needs. I do not like rimfire rounds simply because of the lack of reliability for ignition. Sucks to hear "click" when you want "bang", even at the range. At least use the highest quality rounds, like CCI Stingers, if you're going to use them for SD.


New member
While there are certainly better calibers for self defense, a .22lr could serve someone quite well. The cost of ammunition is very cheap, and thus you're more likely to shoot it often, and actually learn to hit what it is you're aiming at. Also, most people don't want to get shot with any gun, and most bad guys aren't eager to pursue matters when faced with the business end of any pistol. 99% of any serious confrontations are ended by the mere appearance of a gun with no shots being fired. So again, while a .45 ACP would be much more preferable, most BG's would not care to be shot by a well placed .22lr

Nite Ryder

New member
I bought a S&W 351PD a couple years ago, and immediately bought a pair of Crimson Trace Grips for it. I noticed as soon as I took the gun to the range it was shooting about three inches to the left at 25 yards with the iron sites. Thank goodness for the Crimson Trace Laser grips, I zeroed it in to hit point of aim at twenty five yards, so it's just a bit off at 20 feet. I didn't mention yet this gun shoots 22 mag cartridges, it's noisy and has some muzzle flash, but I love shooting it. My wife does very well with this revolver also, but she isn't used to using the CT grips. I don't know how well one of these guns in a 22 Mag would protect you, but I understand this cartridge will shoot through a bullet proof vest, I don't know if that is truth or fiction. The one thing about this gun I don't like, it holds only 7 catridges and would be slow to reload. One thing I know, a 22 will definitely end a life. Years a go I investigated a shooting and viewed the body of the victim who took one hit from a 22 in his chest, near his left nipple. Only one small black dot was visible on his chest, and there was no exit wound. A well placed hit is deadly with almost any cartridge., with the exception being a 25 Auto. I say that from experience.


New member
Carry two NAA 22mags.Before I bought them I carried a Kel-tec P-11, and a Davis 22mag derringer, The derringer is the only one I ever fired in a situation. That time I knew I was entering a dangerous situation. Had a Firestar45 in my rear waistband.The derringer was in my front left pocket with my hand firmly attached, I'm left handed. When the BG attacked with his knife, it took only a fraction of a second to draw and fire what was meant to be a warning shot, think I took off a piece of his ear, or at least close enough to scare the P out of him. Anyway it got his attention and turned him into a whimpering coward begging for his life from a tough guy with a knife.One of my NAA's has a 4" barrel and shoots sub 4" groups at 25 yds. My next gun will be the 30 round 22mag auto from Kel-tec, if they ever hit the stores.