.22s for Christmas


New member
Why not just get one rifle and let everyone share it? Find a youth model that you can buy an adult size stock for later and if they all become mad about shooting buy another for them on their birthdays.


New member
Must it be a bolt action?

I've always been fond of break-open rifles.

When I decided to get back into target shooting,,,
I purchased a H&R Sportster in .22 lr.

I have been extremely happy with the rifle,,,
A lady at my range shoots 2" groups at 200 yards.

I'm not that good with it yet,,,
Cheap ammunition,,,
Older eyes.

The rifle comes in two versions,,,
The Sportster with 14.5 inch length of pull,,,
The Sportster Compact with 12 inch length of pull.

You can cheaply ($26.00) replace the rear stock as your sons get bigger,,,
I bought a shorter rear stock for when my little neighbor shoots it.

Mine retailed for $139.95 a little over a year ago,,,

Hey, I'm no expert on target shooting,,,
But this little rifle is sweet,,,
Give it a look.




New member
You must let us know,,,

Please let us know what you get for your sons,,,

You will delight the people who recommended what you buy,,,
and you will provide "discussion fodder" for all those whose suggestions you did not take.


New member
Will do.

To all who suggested a chipmunk, thanks, but no thanks. I don't dispute that a chipmunk is good for what it is, but even I don't have the patience for them, and I am pretty methodical at the range.

When we are running Hunter Ed, I think the chipmunk is the best thing ever invented;)

My thinking on a bolt action is single shot just until I am confident in their range safety behaviour, then I can issue a mag full at a time. A bolt action will slow them down enough to keep me from going broke.

If I had all 3 shooting 10/22s, I would have to get another job just to buy ammo...:p


New member
Please excuse the fact that I forgot you are a Hunter Safety Instructor. :eek:
Are you aware that many firearm's manufacturers offer a special purchasing program where you can buy firearms directly from the factory? They all have a different set of requirements and what is common, is that you provide them with your FFL dealer information.
Might be something you want to look into. I have been using these programs for many years.

Be Safe !!!


New member
Pahoo beat me to it.

Your Hunter's Ed credentials are enough at times to get some pretty good deals on firearms.

Have you considered the Marlin 925? From what I can see they do not offer a youth model, but you could cut the stocks to fit the youngsters and then buy replacement full sized stocks down the road when they get grown.

Once you settle on a model (or a couple of contenders) I'd call the manufacturers and see what deals they're running for instructors.


New member
Another CZ scout comment. I bought my daughter one when she was 10. Off of sandbags it will hang with my full sized CZ452 and it can't have an OAL more 3 ft or so with a short length of pull. If I were home I would measure it for you but I'm sure the dimensions are on CZ's website. Take a look at one. 5 and 10 shot mags are available.


New member
I find most single shots kind of boring to shoot. Many kids will also once the novelty wears off of being able to shoot.

I would get two rifles: Full sized Savage Mark II for the oldest and a CZ Scout to be shared by the two youngest. Let the youngest go a year or so before you choose one for them based on the range experiences and their interest. BB gun was just fine for me when I was 9.


New member
Pahoo and RnR,

I checked into the special purchase programs. Problem is multiple rifles. If I remember, and I will check again, all of them were 1 gun/year.

I was hoping to get multiples of the same gun for ease of manual of arms, but that might not be possible.

And of course, now I have dinked around long enough that a "present on the way" card may be the solution.


New member
Yeah, I looked at the local Hunter's Ed resources page on our wildlife site and at present they have Savage listed as a company doing gun promotions, but you are correct that it is one per year.


New member

My thinking exactly on the single shots. These are kids raised on computers and video games. The bolt solution is trying to find a balance between entertainment and wasting ammo.

Despite the age of the oldest, he is SMALL. He is about the same size, hieght-wise as my 8-year-old. He is just not going to be a big dude. He is very thin and wirey, unlike his brothers who are more like tanks...


New member

I bought a Savage MkII years ago from WalMart years ago for 80 bucks. Those basic models can still be found for around 125 bucks here and there. But for a little bit more you can get a new MkII-GY youth model with a nice wood stock.

I would check with a local gunshop about getting two of them for under 500 bucks.

Mine shot very tight, I had no trouble keeping up with my brothers CZ.



New member
If I remember, and I will check again, all of them were 1 gun/year.
Yes, most!! but not all. You have to keep looking. Know for a fact that Savage is one per year. I know our conservation bought two Marlins but that was about six years ago. You could buy one from different companies but as you say, time is running out. Just thought the info might be of some help.

Be Safe !!!


New member
Just a quick update to all who helped me out on this.

I am working with my local dealer to get 2 Savage MKII GY (youth models). After I see how they fit the older one, I will add another - probably adult for him.

They won't be here on Christmas day, but then that also means I won't have to pack them in the truck and run to the range either....

My buddy is getting them each their own brick of ammo.