.223 good for deer?


New member
.223 for deer?

Under exactly perfect conditions, etc. a .223 will kill any deer, period. But like I mentioned, PERFECT CONDITIONS, (head shots or neck shots preferred). However, perfect condions usually don't occur on most hunting trips.
So, why not use a caliber that we know will do the job, such as:
.30-30, .308. .270 or .30-06. On the lighter end, a 6mm or .243 would be my second choice, but they will do the job alright. Actually, I have taken whitetail deer with all of the above over my years of hunting for venison. I have personally found that my .308 handles most every situation you can run into, (short range, long range, etc). So that would be my choice if you only could choose one caliber. If not, then get a .270 and a .30-30 and you can do any kind of hunting you will ever need to do here in North America, (except Griz). Good luck.


New member
I wouldnt trust a 30-30 NEAR as far as I would my Ar15. I have a few. They aint even close to as accurate. 200 Yards.. Forget it. If you hit it, itll go down. You jsut have to be patient with your shot.It makes ayou a better hunter. It is much better than putting the sites on fur and pulling the trigger. There is way more too it than that. You have to be precise with a 223. But , that is what they are good for.

Brad Clodfelter

New member
I'll go ahead and say this, and I myself don't recommend the 223 as a deer cartridge just so anybody doesn't read in to what I'm about to say. A 223 will in fact kill a deer. I think a 223 will in fact kill a big deer as well. I myself if I was to use this cartridge on deer which I won't, but again if I was, I would probably elect to shoot a deer standing still and in the center of the neck in order to produce the deer to drop in its tracks. I'm not a big fan of neck shots on deer due to the fact the neck on a deer can move in a instant as your squeezing the trigger resulting in a poor hit. Again you have to make sure the deer is presenting you with a standing still broadside shot. To me there just is not enough bullet mass to drive the little bullet from this cartridge through both lungs on a deer and hopefully out the other side especially if you shoot through a rib bone. Yes, it probably will mean certain death to any deer, but there is the what if when using a minimum cartridge to do the job on deer when it would be much easier to just use a more appropriate cartridge in the first place.


New member
Dont take a broadside head shot on a deer!! That is how the "Jaw gets blown off" Always take it from the back of their head where they cannot see you. I didnt really want to post this pic, so Ill warn you..
Nasty graphic deer head.. shot with a 223 55 Grain Vmax at 100 yards.
Ok Seriously, you are squeemish, dont click.

I have warned you twice
This Big spike destroyed my feeder for the last time.
We had 12 Spikes on my 25 acre Super secret hunting spot. We decided to Cull a few of them out. This is the feeder destroyer. He was a pretty big deer. He Never knew what hit him. Yithian as my witness, Non optional parts flew 20 yards. Notice there is only one ear in the pic. I guess that is an "optional" part
This is pic is to defend both my use of the 223, and the 55 Grain Vmax.

Dont whine at me about posting this pic... it aint gonna show if you dont click on it!!


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New member
That is freaking awesome ATTT. I never would have used the V-max until now. I've got a mini that is itching to give a go. I've got to grab a box of 55 gr to load up. All I have is 50's.


New member
Thanks for the feedback Wpexpert. I expect many :barf: comments, dry heaves perhaps, but I did warn about the Pic. I did a thread years ago.. "Smashedhead syndrome" that was pretty much the same thing, but with a Armalite Ar 30 300 Win mag. It makes as big of a mess. I got lots of nasty comments about that one. That is why i really didnt want to post that pic. I did it to show those that are ok with viewing it, a 223 will do the job. Yes, the 223, with the correct ammunition in it, leaves very devastating holes in game. This aint your grandpas 223 bullet.


New member
I went and found the thread you said. Insane damage with that 300. I've never taken a head shot. I'm about 95% bow hunter. From WV and never had open country to hunt. I've been stationed in SC and AR. Never any private land to really get on. So me and the bow whack and stack. I have run a 100gr Grim Reaper Broadhead down the ear hole of a doe at 25yds. She yelled/groaned and fell over. I shot a doe in the neck at 125 with a 7mm Mag loaded for Moose (175gr) last year. Went thru the spine. Left a softball sized hole on the other side.

Awesome Brother. There are always going to be folks that don't approve. But I'm usually against the grain in these kind of settings. I've said it before, if you are confident in your equipment and abilities, do it.

For those of you that haven't seen the thread search Smashed Head Syndrome. Graphic Pics
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New member
It took me testing out various bullets, and unsuccessful pig hunts, to determine that the V-MAX was no ordinary varmint bullet. All other ballistic varmint bullets I tested resulted very much as most here have warned against. Wounded animals that ran away and suffered.
I went down a long road to forgive myself (ATTT's family had to come to my work to thank me for killing pigs whether I harvested them or not. BIG varmints)
...and eventually found the perfect surgical bullet.

I call it surgical because I can hunt for animals within the confines of an active ranch and livestock. There is no fear of ricochettes or follow-throughs.
The V-Max does indeed disintegrate within the animal it hits.
But what sets it apart, from even Sierra Blitzkings, is that the projectile does not actually explode until it is inside the animal. Inside by one to two inches.

I have used V-MAXs from the lightest .204 caliber, to the .308, 110 gr.
All performed excellent.

The .308 110gr will actually do far more damage than is needed.
I hit "Egg with Legs", a very large and rotund sow, behind the shoulder and it turned a 9 inch length of her spine into splinters. That was 6 inches of bone and muscle, then spine, and then some of the other side.
I shot a skunk with it and the skunk vaporized. The entire skunk.

So, is the .224 bullet enough for deer?
Is the V-MAX my recommended bullet to use on deer?
Do I recommend head shots with the V-MAX?
Even if you miss the brain, the bullet will still explode on contact and knock the animal down. It will shatter skulls, and remove entire necks.
As you can see from ATTT's pic, if you hit the skull, the skull becomes its own bowl of soup.
If somehow you miss, the animal runs away with either a scratch, or nothing.
And, the bullet still disintegrates on the first thing it hits. Most often, dirt.

I never recommend using any bullet to shoot uphill. Or if livestock is directly behind your target.
Remember, the V-MAX must hit something to explode on, before it reaches valuable property.