222 Rem- The ideal whitetail cartridge!

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New member
I actually debated about using a .223 to shoot a deer this past fall. I had been watching 2 nice mule deer bucks that were hanging around my place before the season started. I knew if I took a shot at all it would be really close. I have a couple neighbors that live sorta close, so I would have to make sure the shot was pointing away from their houses and also away from the highway. I also wanted to make it a head shot instant kill because the one neighbor is kinda squeamish and wouldn't want a wounded deer dying on his property. I thought about the 223 just because it is a lot quieter than my other rifles. Less disturbance to the neighbors.

However, it is not legal to use a .22 centerfire rifle for big game in Wyoming. Yeah the odds were miniscule that I would get caught, but it wasn't worth the risk. Finally, I decided to go with the .243. Sure enough, I finally caught the old guy in the right spot. It was a 30 yard shot right behind and below the ear. Absolutely, the .223 would have killed him right there as well, but the 243 did it just as well. If a 55 gr bullet will do the job, then a 100 gr bullet will do it even better.


New member
"in montana the minimum for deer size game is a .22 centerfire cartridge"

since when?

"There is no rifle or handgun caliber limitation for the taking of big game animals. In addition, muzzeloaders, shotguns with 0,00, or slugs, archery equipment, and crossbows are legal."

I have used a .22 mag to kill deer but I wouldn't consider it anything close to ideal. You just have to know what you are doing and be careful of where you put the bullet.


New member
This is my new favorite website because it has some actual testing.

Some of the .22lr rounds went 12 or more inches. Seems like that would kill a deer as long as you don't hit bone.

I use a 20g slug bc that is what I have, and I don't want to have to drag it that far back to the stand.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Morgoroth, the deal is tissue destruction and blood loss. You hardly get either from a .22 rimfire. "Clean, ethical kill", remember? Sure, the animal may die--two miles away and no blood trail to follow. And, absent perfection, even a head shot is a maybe.


New member
Quote- Morgoroth, the deal is tissue destruction and blood loss. You hardly get either from a .22 rimfire. "Clean, ethical kill", remember? Sure, the animal may die--two miles away and no blood trail to follow. And, absent perfection, even a head shot is a maybe.

Actually I agree. There are really two questions here. 1. Is a .22 lethal to a white tail deer? Yes it can be. (even if you only hit one lung or gut shot it that COULD be lethal.) Questions 2 is would a .22 be a reasonable choice for deer hunting under normal circumstances? No, not really. Unless the deer has long floppy ears, a cotton tail, and answer to the name Peter.
Now the average weight of an adult bull elk is 600 pounds. The average weight of an adult whitetail buck is 150 pounds. The elk weighs 4 times as much as the whitetail. So with the figures given above divided by 4, we get the following:
OMG. So what do i use on rabbits? A rubber band with a folded over piece of paper like I used to to hit the guy three seats in front of me in class? Think about your logic on this one.

To someone into shooting enough to spend time on a site like this 22 mag is probably OK because they probably send more rounds down range in a month than most hunters do in a lifetime and spend equally absurd amounts of time out in the field so they will pass on those iffy shots.


New member
No, cut 'em cheese under buffalo hide, the pointed spear, even when properly hardened, steamed w/possum fat and slow roasted in charcoal bed, can not pack enuff wampum to penetrate light of feet, good to eat, spirit of my ancestors jumping over campfire.

Runs like woman, so weary my ears; must have knapped flint, long as wrist to middle finger, lashed to end of spear, 1 & 1/2 length of your height, for adequate penetration. Sharp stones are for squaws scraping hides and cutting meat!

No, old man, w/few moons to muse, gone are days when you could fall from tree and land on tasty treat. Corn ears need to be ground for fish waiting to leap in boiling bear fat not as bait for private corn hole.

Young bucks all alike and should listen to wisdom and follow head between ears. If peace pipe still smokes no need to keep digging clay. Dance w/what you brung, flung dung.

Ha! Your tongue sharp as wooden ladle. You struck w/flint envy coz you only sling little flint on short stick.

Lay off the peyote buttons spirit world dreamer. When I was your age there were no sticks to sharpen and we hunted leaping jerky to the creek, uphill both ways in blinding snow w/nothing but round rocks to hurl.

Squeaks like dead wood when squatting as woman; your tales of ancient glory makes me long to hurl. However, I need to borrow the pony to go into town...
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