2005 Brady Grades Are Out. What's Your Report Card Say?


An "F" from Brady stands for "FREEDOM!!"

Indiana is holding steady at a "D". Fellow Hoosiers, we need to work harder.

I'm trying - I carry an "ASSAULT WEAPON" (Glock 21) every day...:D

If we ever get up to a "C," I'll look up the states that got "F" and move to one of them!!

I want to get teeshirts made that say:
"Indiana: "D" rated by the Brady campaign and proud of it.":D :D

Overall, 32 states got grades of "D" or "F" - not bad!!
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New member
Washington D+, I am so ashamed. We used to be an F. Too many Kalifornians moving (fleeing) up from their commie state.


New member

got a D+. To get our rightful F, we've got to get rid of that Permit To Acquire a Handgun (PTA) requirement or AT LEAST allow the LTC to cover that requirement.


New member
Washington D+, I am so ashamed. We used to be an F. Too many Kalifornians moving (fleeing) up from their commie state.

What I don't get is why they try turning our fine state into a copy of the state they just fled the moment they arrive!



New member



New member
New Mexico...F again! Now if we can just get rid of that silly "no carry where alcohol is sold" nonsense, maybe we can get that coveted F- !!!

F you too, Bradys.


New member
Crap. Only a D-.

We need to get rid of the insane vehicle carry provisions, and the illegal to carry in drinking areas, and we can go for the 'big F'. ......;)


New member

This is really interesting.

First of all, yay I am from Texas (D+) and living in Alabama (F+)! Woo for bad grades!

Second, Id like to see the state-by-state violent crime (not that silly "gun crimes" nonsense) breakdown compared to these grades. Maybe Ill get on that later today... Could be interesting to see if anyone is any safer in an "A+" state.


The Pilgrim

New member
A- for Massachusetts. Would have been an "A" if not for concealed carry laws, which I find odd considering my CC permit was denied without discussion.


New member
What I don't get is why they try turning our fine state into a copy of the state they just fled the moment they arrive!
I live here and don't understand it either. Maybe you guys need a bigger fence. The PRK is an A- and trying hard for an A+.:barf: