2005 Brady Grades Are Out. What's Your Report Card Say?


New member
The Brady Trash have issued their 2005 State Report Cards.

<stevelyn does end zone happy dance>

The 2005 report cards are outhttp://www.bradycampaign.org and just as I predicted on another thread awhile back either here or on THR, I predicted Alaska would drop a letter grade when the Bradys updated their report cards.

Well, I like being right. Alaska has dropped from a D- to...........................

F+:D :D :D <applause, applause>

Let me offer my condolences to you folks unfortunate enough not to have gained any ground in the socialist cesspools you're living in.:( :mad:


New member
Pennsylvania gets a D+. ***!!! We need to get an F.

Compared to our neighbors we are paradise, even with the unlawful state handgun registry that the state police are not supposed to keep.


New member
Pennsylvania gets a D+. ***!!! We need to get an F.

Compared to our neighbors we are paradise, even with the unlawful state handgun registry that the state police are not supposed to keep.

That alone should get a Brady A+. I filled out that form last week that has to be signed by the police and asked for your SS# occupation and more. :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
F next year

Indiana will get an F next year House Bill 1028 "Life time conceal carry permit licence" passed the Hoouse.


New member
Indiana will get an F next year House Bill 1028 "Life time conceal carry permit licence" passed the House.

Yes!! Great news. Has the state Senate yet to vote or is the bill ready for the governor to sign?


New member
Sorry, had my bills backward
House bill 1028 passed house and expected to pass senate (Senate bill 54). This bill means its fair game to shoot intruders, burglars, carjackers, ect without retreating.

House Bill 1176 is lifetime conceal permit passed the house and is in the Senate.