1st smelt


New member
HisSoldier - Can I get more pictures or a diagram of your bottom pour batch pot? (especially the gate and control rod) That is a nice looking pot.



New member

Showing thermometer in protected housing, the thermometer screws into a 303 1" dia. holder that goes into the melt to protect the probe, I've made many such probe holders for babbit pots for lumber mills.


Looking down into the pot, the valve rod is 1/2" dia. 303, in fact all the valve parts are 303 or 304 except the bolt and roll pin. At the bottom of the pot is a 1" diameter valve body that screws into the base plate of the pot, there is ample guide area above the valve opening to ensure that the rod cannot come clear out of the valve body, which of course would be a catastrophe!

The top of the valve link, simple minds, simple designs. :)

You didn't ask, but here's a sideview of my snail trap. I have a 5 page set of drawings for anyone who PM's me, suitable for any plasma torch programmer to get burnouts made. 3/16" T-1 at maximum 30 degree angle to the strike, handles (Not in drawings) to lift and carry, and prong holders (not in drawings again) to hang targets on.


New member
Oh yeah, note the bullet strike in the bottom of the steel door in the last photo, a .45 ACP shot into a phone book earlier I think, one that got through! :eek:


New member
I just finished searching the city storage buildings looking for old lead water pipes. No luck but we did find the old melting pots and stove used in the past. I will try and purchase them from the city. There is also an old forge with a hand crank blower in mint condition stored away in the attic. I have to research that item some.
What is a good source of pure lead?? The local hardware store states they have no source for it anymore.


New member
What is a good source of pure lead?? The local hardware store states they have no source for it anymore.
Try commercial roofers. I just bought 500+ lbs of lead flashing from a commercial roofing company. It comes in rolls about 2ft wide. The first 2 layers on the roll were oxidized and beat up, but they melted just fine. The inside of the rolls were still shiny and once meted there was very little to skim off the melt.



New member
I am happy with my cast bullets!

Man is this fun. Am I glad that I started casting my own. Just checked with the local shop. Winchester White Box 45 ACP is at 45.99 for 100. That is way too high.

May start looking for an electric pot for casting from rather than the frying pan on the grill burner.


New member
I will give that a try. Was the price you paid relative to scrap price or was it the market value of the flashing?

Thanks for the tip:)


New member
That new pot I bought sure works nice. Its a bit on the small side. Wish it were a 20# rather than a 10#. But, you know that ya buy what ya can get right now. It heats up fast and pours very smooth.