1911 Safeties?


A grip safety only blocks the trigger.

It will not prevent the hammer's being jarred off of the sear by a blow.
If the hammer is struck hard enough, at the right angle, the thumb safety can be forced off and the gun fired (even tho no parts are broken). I know this because I managed to do it, thru the less than intelligent use of a crowbar as I tore down an old house.

If a 1911's hammer, sear, and thumb safety are not properly fitted, a jarring blow can fire it, too.

2 seconds sounds to me like somebody was REAL slow getting the stop watch started. :)


New member
I have carried C&L for many years myself. From a BHP to my current carry, a Springfield Micro Compact. I have had the problem of the safety disengaging a few times over the years, it was mostly on one particular BHP, although it has occured on my various 1911s but not very often. I have never had a A\D. Although the local Chief of Police does rib me on the C&L carry saying that it will go off some day like that. I keep reminding him of one of his officers that had an A\D with a holstered revolver while spraying his vehicle off at a carwash.

I have carried w\duty holster, strap between hammer and firing pin, Yaqui and currently have the Bianchi Carrylok for my Fullsize Kimber and Springfield Micro Compact. I really like the way it carries the pistols. No straps to contend with.

I have revolvers from .38 up to .44 mag and have qualified with all but the .44 mag. I would rather carry a 1911 C&L than anything.


New member
Before I carried mY Kimber Compact cocked and locked, I carried it for a month UNLOADED with it cocked and unlocked. No problems and did a lot for my faith in the carry method.

Dave Sample

Capt.Charlie could be the BPS of the Year! (Bowling Pin Swinger!) I really do think anything is more fun naked! Except at my age.........................

Dave Sample

Thanks! I have to say that I so glad to be past females and have no room for them now in my life. It is almost stress free now. Hang in the Capt. Charlie!


New member
test it

do this little test:
carry your 1911 with an empty chamber cocked and locked for a week. if the hammer drops during this period youve got cause for concern but it shouldnt.

it sounds stupid, i know but if itll get you over your concern about condition 1 carry do it. i had the same problem. as long as you dont bump it too hard it wont go off. also take it to pieces and examine the parts for wear and tear. good condition = good to carry.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
No, it doesn't sound stupid at all. Lycanthrope suggested the same thing, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. (why didn't I think of that? duh.) Thanks guys.