1911,M9, Glock


New member
You can leave a revolver loaded indefinitly with no problems but you must rotate clips to preserve the spring tension.

I was under the impression that spring strength did not degrade by being held compressed, but by the act of compression and decompression. Is this incorrect?

I dont rotate clips or MAGAZINES :D


New member
Reply to above statements:
This is of course opinion-based. Which is why I stated some reasons why I dislike revolvers and specifically stated "In my opinion..."

-How long does it take to load a mag?
This is irrelevant because you don't load mags when you go to defend yourself.

At the range you have all the time in the world. Even when you are at the range people have to dump the cylinder while I am already loading my second or third round in the spent magazine. At best a revolver gives you 8 shots before you must reload (slowly relative to semi-autos). The tedium to reward ratio of reloading every 5-8 rounds is worse compared to the tedium to reward ratio of reloading every 10-20 rounds. Also, I tend to not load my semi-autos to full capacity at the range either, but then I don't have to dump the rounds still in the cylinder either before I begin to reload. Usually my friends load mags while my other friends are shooting and when we rotate we can shoot without having to load mags first. No one can load a cylinder while I'm shooting. That is a team work thing requiring more than one person, though. And, please allow me to stress again, this is in my opinion.

-Picking up brass is annoying.
Does the tedium of reloading your own ammunition not cancel out any time saved picking up brass? This doesn't make sense to me. And, semi-auto ammunition tends to be less expensive than revolver ammunition which kinda negates the need to pick up brass to reload.

I acknowledge that some people want to have an easier time to reload and reloading is worth it to them for the savings and the fine tuning of loads. Which is why this is still just my opinion.

@44 AMP: I did not claim that someone else had the same likes/dislikes as myself. I was just inquiring as to why certain things that bothered me didn't bother another person (just in case there was something other than personal preference going on there). There wasn't... but I just wanted to find out if I was missing something.

I apologize. I did not mean for my comment to be interpreted as me claiming that my likes/dislikes belonged to another person.
"This is irrelevant because you don't load mags when you go to defend yourself."

I don't plan on needing to reload my revolver when I'm defending myself, either. I normally don't even carry a reload.

James K

Member In Memoriam
When I was a LEO in plain clothes, I carried a 3" square butt Model 36 and one speed loader. I never had to fire a shot at anyone, but never felt unarmed and helpless, either.

On one site a couple of years ago, a poster said that he carried two "big" Glocks, two "little" Glocks, two spare magazines for each (8 magazines plus those in the guns), two boxes of ammunition, a big bowie knife, and nunchuks. I suspect he was pulling our chains, but given the seemingly absurd desire to carry ungodly amounts of ammo, plus backups to the backups, I wonder.


44 AMP

Sorry for misunderstanding you iMagUd, my apologies in return.

Its just that when we start talking about revolver vs auto, our likes and dislikes, its a very personal thing. And what is tedious to one person may be something another one enjoys.

For example, I like reloading ammo. I can't for the life of me see how anyone would find it tedious or boring. Its fun!

But I know that some people do not share my enjoyment of sizing and priming, etc. Must be a bunch, or we wouldn't have progressive presses (which, btw, I did try and gave up on).

I like shooting single action revolvers. My father never owned one in his life (he didn't like the feel of the grip). I dislike GLocks, but have no prejudice against polymer frames, just that particular design. My choices are what I enjoy, and yours are too, I'm sure.

We are all different in our likes and dislikes, which is why we have so many different designs available to us.


New member
I like shooting autos because it's what I've shot. I would love to get into a nice wheelgun and see what all the hubbub is about.

And as far as pure aesthetics go, there are some far more sexy revolvers than autos. To me, a SAA is a beautiful form of a weapon. Not sure I've ever used the word "beautiful" to describe a semi auto. Though there are some purty ones out there...


New member
I have both and prefer the semis for defensive carry and the revolvers for shooting at the range.

To me, a revolver (and a bolt action rifle) is like driving a manual shift car where you control everything the machine is doing - there's a visceral pleasure in it. I acknowledge that paddle shift/auto transmissions will shift faster and win in a race, but I have more fun driving the standard.