1911 firing underwater???


New member
Now that underwater test is kinda meaningless to me.

I want a gun that's gonna fire every time when I'm in DEEP ****.... but I don't know who's gonna want to do that test.


New member
There's a lot misinformation and some just BS here.

Nightwatch, I'll have to say that your little spiel was dramatic but pretty much everything you said was false.

Stupid? Why would anyone do it? Why does someone bungee jump? Why does someone climb a mountain just to turn around and climb back down? Why do people race cars around in a little circle? All of these seem totally senseless to me but if, for whatever reason, it gives these folks a little stiffy to do it, who cares.

I have fired well over 100 rounds UW from a number of different weapons including shotgun and rifle. It's really not a big deal. The danger of shock damage to the body is purely BS. Standard hearing protection is all that is needed.

9mm bullets can travel over 20" depending on manufacturer. I have shot many "full-power" FMJ's as well as JHP's.

Penetration is no great but enough to kill or seriously injure at close range. The .45 will penetrate at least 2 and sometimes 3-1" pine boards and the 9mm will generally do about the same from 2' away or so. At 6', they both become pretty ineffective although they will still leave a pretty good dent in a board.

AR-15's don't fair so well UW but an SKS will do fine although it won't often function reliably.


New member
mayland resident buying in va

as a maryland resident can i buy a shotgun or rifle in va or west va or pa is it cash and carry i know i cant buy a handgun or anything regulated but just a shotgun or riflr like from walmart or cabelas thanks for the help


New member
Just an add on to sound underwater, it is loud but not as much as one would think. I'm also a diver and have used 'bang sticks' and 'powerheads' from .357 to 12 ga. for 40 yrs.


I wonder what percentage of Dave Lack's business is from keeping Glocks (as opposed to 1911s) running? I'd guess somewhere betweeen zero and infinitesimal, but closer to zero. ;):rolleyes:


New member
As bad as I hate 1911's, I will say that the one we used performed flawlessly UW both in slow and rapidfire. The Sig 226 never got a round off and the BHP had a Type II malf every shot. The Glocks and the 1911 did fine.


New member
I don't understand why anyone is upset about this "test". All it shows is what it shows. I didn't read where they were trying to show that it was normal operations, nor that they hated Glocks. It's also not the first time I've read about shooting guns underwater.
If anything it did reveal that the owners of the guns believed that they would endure such mistreatment.


New member
...you may not be firing a pistol underwater, but I can see how a pistol that has been say in a holster as you ford a stream may be put to use after being submerged. Firing underwater would not be the concern, firing after the gun has been submerged however seems to hold a lot of validity


New member
Thanks For The Excuse

Thanks. I was running out of excuses to the wife for gun purchases. Now "honey I need this new pistol because it can shoot under water. If we are on vacation swimming in the lake I can protect you"....thanks again.:)