1851 Navy Loading Questions


New member
loading rifle from flask

It may or may not be safe.
Been doing it for 40 years. And yeah, I know it only takes once.
But, After I shoot I always blow down the barrel and it is usually
a minute or so before I reload.
I either have to walk out to target to confirm where POI was or wait for partner to walk back.
If hunting I usually take a few to listen for a confirmed hit.
Also I don't pour from flask direct with the gate open.
I fill spout close gate. I pour from an angle with spout back off to side.
But thanks for your concern and warning.


New member
That's all well and good but don't think the closed gate in the spout is going to keep the flask from blowing up. It wont.


New member
Due to work I couldn't answer anything last week, maybe this week will be better.

OK loading from a flask is a no no. I understand why. I assue this only applies to a recently shot firearm. OK I get it. No unnecessary risk here.

My nest stupid question, does cork make a good filler material between powder & ball. I am thingking about soaking it in hot lube and then cutting to size. Anyone with any actual experience.

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