Search results

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    Ruger P89 Trigger improvement

    I just finished installing a 19# replacement hammer spring from Wolf, oh boy did it make a difference in trigger pull. I wish I had a trigger pull scale, so I give more accurate information but it is as different as night and day. It take less then 5 minutes to install and is really easy. I...
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    22Rimfire Velocity Question

    I have been looking for information about the difference in velocity for .22 rimfire between a pistol with a 4in barrel and a rifle with a 16 or 20 inch barrel. Most of the information I can find just give a stat and does not specify the barrel length. Anyone able to help with this?
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    Only 1 Rifle

    Every so often the question gets ask, "What if you could only have one rifle, What would it be". That is not my question, I was wondering how often that rifle changes? I have notice that for myself, my idea of the single rifle changes about every 2-3 years.
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    Looking for a 9mm carbine

    I am looking for a 9mm carbine that uses with mags. I know Beretta makes one and Ruger made one, but are there any other companies produce a Carbine and pistol with interchangeable mags?
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    Scope Lapping

    How important is scope lapping, is it something that should be done for every scope? Also once the rings are lapped do you refinish them?
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    Hunter goes Beserk and kills five.

    Wisconsin Hunting,2933,139211,00.html Does anyone have anymore information about this?
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    Do you know what this is?

    I have this shotgun/ rifle combo. All I know is that it is a double barrel 16 Ga, with I believe to be an 8mm rifle barrel underneath. The only name I can find on it is "Kruppscher Stahl", there are a couple of stamp on it but that is it, the rest is just engravings. Here are some pictures...
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    Need help.

    I have a buddy in Iraq and he has some crappy M9 mags made by Checkmate that dont feed more then 2 rounds. I want to send him some mags, ASAP, I need to know who makes DEPENDABLE M9 mags.
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    Pen Gun Questions

    What Class of Firearms does a Pen Gun fall into? I had a relative stop by this morning; he found a .410 Pen Gun in the garage of a deceased relative. I was thinking that these are Class III weapons but I wanted to be sure before I told him to throw it in the lake.
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    Has this ever happened to you?

    In Jan. I purchased a M1A, and I fell in love with that rifle. When I go to the gunstores I don't get excited looking at the new rifles, I have very little interrest in them anymore. I loved bolt actions, now I have no desire for them. I loved shooting any rifle I could get my hands on. Now I...
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    First 3 Gun Comp.

    I just got home from my first 3 Gun Comp. I had to get up at 4am and it is now after midnight. I am sun burned, my shoulder hurts and my feet are killing me, and I would do it all again tomorrow if I could. The Comp was at ,which by the way will be featured...
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    Has there ever been a gunowners march in Ca.?

    I was wondering with all the gun law in Ca. being created, have the gun owners ever marched on the capitol. Has there ever been a gun owner’s march on Washington. Do you think a march to sunset the AWB would help?
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    Md. Candidate Unveils Gun Control Ad --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Md. Candidate Unveils Gun Control Ad By JOHN BIEMER ASSOCIATED PRESS ANNAPOLIS, Md.- Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov...
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    Need a place to hunt in TX

    I am trying to find a place to go deer and hog hunting in Texas. I cannot afford the expense lease and day hunt fees. Does anyone know of a place to go? I am not looking for trophy bucks and hogs, I am just looking for a place to get dinner. If you have any suggestion of an inexpense place...
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    Advise wanted

    I have decide to confine my firearm purchases to one of four calibers. 1. .22 This is pretty much a given choice I feel. 2. 9MM This is a decent pistol caliber that can be use for defense and is also inexpense to plink with. 3. .233 I love my AR, and it is a cheap fun caliber. 4. This is...
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    Wayne LaPierre on Donahue

    I just watched Donahue interview Wayne and wanted to throw up. Did anyone else see it?
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    New Shooting Partner

    My new shooting partner was born today. Quinn Thomas Taylor 18.7 inches 5Lb 13 ounces. He will have a Chipmunk .22 waiting for him when he comes home.
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    Anybody want a copy of the Al Qaeda Manual I am currently reading it, I figure that it may help to understand our enemy better.
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    I found something interresting.

    I found a website that list the equipment used by the Marines and it also list the cost. All of the prices are based on purchases in 1995. M16A2 $586 M14 $576 1911A1 $242 M2 .50 $14,002 M40A1 $2,105...
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    One Policeman and Two Badguys killed HOUSTON -- A Harris County sheriff's deputy and two suspects were killed early Wednesday morning after a botched home invasion robbery. Video Watch Team Coverage On Search, Reaction See Team Coverage On What Happened The...