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  1. T

    Want info from Glock 30 onwers

    What is ammo do you use when you go plinking. When I shoot my 9mm I used Wolf, it worked well and was cheap. I put a two box of Wolf 45 through my Glock and several did not discharge and had a problem ejecting another. I also put several boxes of UMC, Winchester, and Fedral Speer through it...
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    Shooting underwater?

    I have heard that you can shoot a 45 underwater. I would think that this would be very dangerous, but I have read about people doing this. Has anyone here done and if so what where the results. Why would anyone want to shoot there 45 underwater(with the exception of life or death).
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    You finally got to me.

    After hearing ,for a long time, how great Glocks are, I broke down and got one. I tried hard to resist at first but all of the Glock praise got to me. I got a Glock 30 with Trijicon Night sights and I plan on shooting it tomorrow(4th). Depending on how well it shoots I hope to use this as my...
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    H. R. 1762

    Have any of you heard of this. This is sponsored by Ron Paul of Texas and he needs cosponsors. This will be great if it can get support and get passed. ___________________________________________________________ HR 1762 IH 107th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1762 To restore the second amendment...
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    Kalashnikov Vodka?

    Does anyone know where I could obtain a bottle of Kalashnikov Vodka? I heard about it from the History Channel's show "Tales of the Gun" and ever since I have been looking for a bottle. All I really know is that there are two different types. If anyone knows where I could get a bottle from I...
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    .22 Revolver

    I am looking for a new or used 22 Revolver for plinking. Does any have a suggestion for an inexpensive 22?
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    Winchester Module 100 .308?

    Does anyone know anything about this rifles. I am about to get one from my grandfather and have not be able to find information much about it.
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    Why are people spelling California as Kalifornia.
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    N.Y. Court: Gun Makers Not Liable for Death, Injuries,2933,17335,00.html N.Y. Court: Gun Makers Not Liable for Death, Injuries Thursday, April 26, 2001 Email this Article ALBANY, N.Y. — Handgun manufacturers cannot be held liable in New York state for shooting deaths and injuries because of the...
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    What rifle would you grab first?

    Let say Bush never apologizes to China (which I don't think he should anyway), and things escalated to a nasty level. One day you look out your windows and see the Chinese army headed toward your home. What rifle would you want in your hands to defend you home and country? Also why would you...
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    How do you measure the size of a group?

    I need clarification. What is the standard way to measure the size of a group? If there are two shots (I am using two just to make it easier.) Let say that Hole A is on the left side of the target and Hole B is on the right. Do you: 1) Measure from the center of Hole A to the center of Hole B...
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    Are fluted Barrels better?

    Can someone explain to me what the advantages are to having a fluted barrel compared to a standard barrel.
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    Best Defensive Ammo for 9MM?

    I am looking for the best ammo in 9mm for home defense. There are a couple requirements that I would for the ammo to have. 1. I don't want a load that will not go through somebody, then through my wall and into the house next door. That would not be good. 2. I want it to have enough stopping...
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    Enfield .308?

    I saw an Indian Enfield .308 in a recent Shotgun News for $89.99. Does anyone have one of these and if so is it worth the money.
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    New Member

    Hello, I am a 28 year old pistol and rifle shooter new to this site, it was recommended to me by another member. I have spend the last two hours going thourgh this site, reading a lot of the posts. All I can say is that this site is great. [Edited by thumbtack on 03-12-2001 at 09:22 PM]