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  1. G

    My TFL Legacy

    It's not yet in, but I just wanted to beat the Jan. 1st deadline: Governor McGreevey, on December 23rd, signed into law legislation that will, in effect, make the law-abiding citizens of New Jersey the "test-pilots" for the non-existent smart gun technology. This move is yet another piece...
  2. G

    She Finally Arrived - Caution: Nice 1911 Content

    Gotta run, but thought some might like to see my new Rock River Arms Elite Commando. Just a no frills perfect execution. Happy Holidays.
  3. G

    Ruger SP101 Click in Trigger

    Finally got my SP101 shooting straight with the help of a good smith, but there's still a significant click in the initial phase of the trigger pull about half the time. Anyone know if this is pretty much a non issue or maybe it'll go away with time? It otherwise shoots fine. It's been to 4...
  4. G

    Arguements Needed Against Smart Guns

    Hope no one minds, but I need to respond today in a public forum to a major Smart Gun Bill advocate. If possible, please respond with compelling and informative rebuttals that the uninformed public can understand. Thanks muchos. I trudge forward.
  5. G

    Parallax/ Adj. Obj.

    I'm kind of a scope rookie. Is the idea of the adjustable objective on some scopes to make, for example, the change from 100 to 200 yards through the naked eye be equivalent to (or correlate equally to) how that same distance change appears through the scope?
  6. G

    Governor of NJ Demonstrates State Ethical Code

    Now maybe I'm a little oversensitive, but is this appropriate behavior for a Governor? And is there any possible connection to ethical standards and this man denying me my 2nd Amendment Rights? Just wondering. Of course, there's always that chance that I'm inexperienced, naive and a little...
  7. G

    Next Editorial

    May be in tomorrow. Hope you like it: The leadership of New Jersey has again pulled the wool over our eyes. The recent Smart Gun Bill is anything but smart as it applies to the non-existent technology of an inherently flawed concept. After all, who can argue with "do it for the...
  8. G

    How Will Manufacturers Respond to Smart Gun Technology?

    And how should they? And how should we?
  9. G

    My Editorial in the USA Today - Nov. 14th

    As it appeared: "Congratulations to the gun-control groups and politicians for seizing the recent Washington, DC-area tragedy to further their agenda. Certainly, we're all equally upset by the Beltway shootings and other criminal behavior. But predatory criminals, by virtue of their...
  10. G

    Is a 1911 Absolutely Necessary?

    I've had one on order for over a year that should be here one day. Are 1911's a necessity for any good collection? Just wondering.
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    My Latest Editorial Cory
  12. G

    Crunch Time - Kahr P9, MK9 Elite or Glock 33

    I'm ready to take the plunge and have narrowed it to these three leaning towards the Glock so I won't have to get another caliber (.357 Sig is a blast). The application is general range shooting and home defense (not against Democrats).
  13. G

    The Best Place to Live Might Be...?

    Spent a lovely day with the family today and my wife and I agree that we live in a place that may just be a bit too liberal, ignorant and rude. There's ton of great people and positive stuff, but the overall air ain't happen'in. Thinking of making a drastic move to a place that's: 1. got a...
  14. G

    SP101 Barrel Fix

    I have a Ruger SP101 with a barrel that's got a slight angle to the right. It, therefore, shoots a bit to the left. Anyone know who might be able to correct the problem and make it an accurate shooter? It's the gun and not me - I swear. Thanks.
  15. G

    Snubbie Accuracy - Does it really matter?

    I've got one of those Ruger SP101's that has the barrel that was installed on an angle (to the right) so it shoots a bit to the left (nice groups about 8" off point of aim at 25 yards/less, of course, at fighting distances). Are most snubbies somewhat inaccurate, but accurate enough for the...
  16. G

    What 9mm

    Don't really need it which is an outstanding reason to get it, but a 9mm will round out the stable (Sig P229, Ruger SP101, S&W 686 Plus and RRA Elite Commando). For no particular reason (except as a general all-arounder) would you get a Beretta Vertec, H&K USP9 Compact, Kahr P9 or K9, Glock 19...
  17. G

    Straight Poop on the Kahr P9

    I'm looking for something just like the Kahr P9, but can't seem to find it. There seems to be a lot of negative lately, so what's the deal with the latest batches of P9's? All of the shops rave about them, by the way.
  18. G

    Sig P228 (9) or P229 (.40/.357 Sig)?

    I've already got the P229 in .40 and .357 Sig and am in the "simplifying life" mode. Does it make sense at all to trade it in for a P228 (9mm) which I've never shot. It'll more than likely only see range time unless NJ gets a provision for lawful concealed carry or if I move to PA (which is...
  19. G

    Thoughts on S&W Model 37

    Pretty sure that this'll be the one. Just wondering if there's any input out there on it. Thanks again.
  20. G

    Thoughts on Taurus 85UL

    Anyone have any?