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  1. J

    The best price on M1A mags??

    Just put in an order for an M1A today!! Anyway I'm going to want 8-10 mags for this rifle and I can't quite stomach paying $75+ apiece... or even $50 for that matter. Will this AWB hububb help bring prices down on these mags? How much, when, and where?
  2. J

    U.S. Remington 03-?3 info?

    I recently took posession of a sporterized military 30-06. I was told is was a "Springfield". Having taken off the Buehler scope mount in search of more info I found "US REMINGTON O3-?3 3511000" The question mark is because a scope mount hole has taken out that character. What info could...
  3. J

    Remington 514

    First of all, I was having a failure to extract. Extractor seemed fine. Replaced it anyway. Problem continued. Traced problem to a raised hump at the 6 o'clock position of the chamber. Seems the barrel set screw thing had been tightened too much (or something) and bulged into the chamber...
  4. J

    Several Benelli questions

    A friend of mine has an older Benelli that he has offered to me. Like I said, it's a little older (say 15-20yrs??) and it has a TWO PIECE RECEIVER. It seems like I've heard that these are desireable..(?). Has extended tube mag, wood furnished, rifle-type sites, LNIB condition. Questions: -...
  5. J

    Rainbow Six-- Elite UN death squad?

    Rainbow Six comes up here from time to time. I feel lucky to have had an opportunity to play it... it's a lot of fun. Does the scenario make anyone else uncomfortable? I can't escape a queasy feeling, as I perforate another "tango", that I'm playing the wrong side of the action. It seems...
  6. J

    Ramline .22 pistol firing pin

    A friend of mine came to me with a problem: He has one of those Ramline .22 pistols with broken firing pin. Ramline is out of business and no one has parts.. I'm left with fabricating a new one. Problems and questions-- -Half of it is missing so it won't be a simple matter of copying the old...
  7. J

    John Ross (UC author) has stoke at less than 40yo???

    John Ross, author of "Unintended Consequences" has had a stoke? I believe he is less than 40 years old. Seems strange. I heard mention of this on another TFL thread and dismissed it as rumor.. now a friend of a friend said he didn't show at a book signing because of it. Anyone have any...
  8. J

    Vote Gore: gun activist's long term strategy

    If you've studied guerilla warfare or the tactics of insurgency you know that sometimes the best way to destroy a regime and it's ideology is to actively support the worst elements of it. If not, you've no doubt heard lines such as "lose the battle to win the war" and "to save the village we...
  9. J

    How many of you train for combat? Physically?

    I was wondering how many here train for combat as opposed to just marksmanship, civil self-defense, hobby shooting, etc? The second part of my question relates to physical fitness training. Do you excercise with associated gear? Over rough terraign? Hone balance and agility over obstacles...
  10. J

    Why did the parkerizing on my P228 turn out so bad?

    I love my Sigs but they are rust buckets. My P228 was in my center console the day I left the sunroof open during a thunder shower. By the time I returned to the car it was deeply rusted! Took it to the local gunshop for a parkerizing job to give it a little more rust resistance. Well, he...
  11. J


    This "how-to" site was a link from a Claire Wolfe article. I think she only listed it because she felt we (freedom fighters) ought to be aware of what the environmentalist whackos are up to.. yup, I'm sure of it. Enjoy:
  12. J

    Tell us again why Boy Scouts should allow gay leaders

    Gay BS leader sodomizes 5 boys under 14. Here's the link... sorry I don't know how to make it blue. [This message has been edited by Jordan (edited August 29, 2000).]
  13. J

    Why should I be excited about "project exile" and clones?

    Maybe this subject has been beaten to death here and I just missed it. A couple of things have brought it to my attention recently though. Most notably a publication out of CA (CPRA? newsletter) and a NRA survey that came in the mail. They list off a number of pending laws that they support...
  14. J

    Stripper clips for .308 Mauser 98?

    Where might I find stripper clips for my (conververted to) .308 Mauser 98? It has the guide built into the receiver. Or does anyone know of S clips not intended for that application but would work? Would need only to hold 5 .308 rounds. Thanks
  15. J

    Moss 590: Safety bounces ON after vigorous pumping

    Okay, I admit, I was screwing around and took it off. Now upon replacing it, the safety selector on the tang will bounce ON (safe) after a couple of racks. More accurately, I think the bolt is bumping the safety sear thingy back into the 'safe' position. I'm not a complete idiot and have...
  16. J

    Woe, my detest for traffic cops runneth over

    Yep, I am goring one of TFL's sacred cows here tonight... those who grow faint at the sight of sacred cow blood should move along. I rolled through a STOP sign on the way to work this morning and now I owe the State of Alaska $60.00 and have surrendered a third of the points that comprise my...
  17. J

    Your actions with respect to the Law

    Imagine you live in, or are visiting, a rural area where open shooting is legal. You hear someone shooting and among the sporatic "POP,POP, POP" an occasional but obvious full auto burst. You don't know if it's an approved class III weapon, if it's one of those "Hell Fire" things, or if it's...
  18. J

    Over/under Rifle/shotgun... what's available?

    I've always thought these things were neat.. would like to have one for plinking, varmiting, or to pass on to a kid someday. What's available? I know Savage offers a few variations and some other new company has come out with something in the $1000+ range(!). Is Savage my only/best bet? Any...
  19. J

    An example of LEO "service"

    I've had this story stuck in my craw for over a year now. It's kind of a follow-up to the "How many times have you been saved by a LEO" thread that was up here a few days ago. Just before Thanksgiving a friend/co-worker's wife dissappeared without a trace... just like that. Called to say she...
  20. J

    Ban in your State-- Part II

    Digressing a little-- In Part I of this thread, HukeOKC said something to the effect of "...when others pick up their guns you'll know it's time.." Here's a story: When I was in 4th grade there was an older bigger bully type, hated and feared by all. I and a friend rallied a small group...