Search results

  1. J

    Campus cops doing WHAT!?!?

    My wife, a engineering student at University of Alaska Fairbanks, came home mad after a late evening (10pm'ish) studying at the campus library. Seems the campus cops were canvassing the library, going table to table checking ID's. make sure you aren't a vagrant or something presumably...
  2. J

    post response time/search archive questions

    First: How come when I post a response it shows up on the end of the thread immediately and usually for up until about five minutes after.. then, like an hour later, I'll visit that topic and my response won't be there unless I hit 'refresh'? Then if I hit 'refresh' again, it may be gone again...
  3. J

    Mauser convert to detachable box mag?

    Has anyone heard of, or seen any kits or configurations allowing me to convert a Mauser to accept detachable box mags? Maybe M-14 or FAL mags for example(I am dealing in .308)? If not, where can I find compatible stripper clips? This rifle has the guide built into the receiver. Thanks in...
  4. J

    Who is Ragnar Benson?

    Some of my favorite reading and he really seems like a fascinating character. Though he occasionally drops hints about himself- past and present- you certainly never see the "About the Author" blurb on the back cover. Am I correct that he often seems to know what he's talking about? Has...