Search results

  1. C

    If only one teacher had been armed...

    A high school in Bailey, CO (about 30 miles from where I sit now) was besieged by an armed lunatic today. The only good things about this incident are that the ****bag capped himself, and only one innocent died, after the attacker shot her in the head (OK, for a relative value of "good"... could...
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    The bleating of terrified sheeple 6 train halted in liquid bomb scare BY JO PIAZZA and ALISON GENDAR DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS Cops halted a Manhattan subway and examined passengers carrying bottled water and other drinks yesterday after a concerned tipster...
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    Analysis of the liquid bomb plot Credible? Yes. Moreso than the contradictory claims made by BAA and TSA.
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    If terrorism isn't involved...

    ...then why do They keep bringing it up? Every. Single. Time. There's a disaster, like this morning's explosion in NYC, some meat puppet from the Executive branch feels the need to remind us that "terrorism isn't a factor." I have my own cynical thoughts, but I'd like to see what the rest of...
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    Veteran arrested at VA med center for "protesting" Getting Busted for Wearing a Peace T-Shirt By MIKE FERNER Yesterday afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago's south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK...
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    Something to ponder

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." Anyone want to guess who first said that?
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    First rule of TWOT: Do not talk about TWOT

    Second rule: see rule #1. Newspapers reveal fund-tracking despite feds' pleas By The Associated Press 06.23.06 WASHINGTON — Several major newspapers yesterday rejected Bush administration requests to keep secret a program to track people...
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    Direct from a Brit

    One of my Livejournal friends, a very intelligent young British woman who goes by the nickname bites_the_sun, was assaulted by a bunch of young idiots. She was walking along the pavement (ObUS: sidewalk), minding her own business. As they were driving by (at an estimated 50 in a 30 zone), one of...
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    Nothing to hide, nothing to fear... right?,70886-0.html?tw=rss.index By Bruce Schneier 02:00 AM May, 18, 2006 The most common retort against privacy advocates -- by those in favor of ID checks, cameras, databases, data mining and other wholesale surveillance measures -- is this line: "If you aren't...
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    Cognitive dissonance among the supposedly free

    For 200-some years, the government has been telling us that they don't owe anyone any level of protection. You all know it; most of you cite this philosophy in defense of your decision to own firearms. Then why the screaming blue hell do you believe it when that same government - the one that...
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    Socialist and proud of it!

    People in Colorado tend to be rather proud of the fact that they live here, Bog knows why. There are a lot of stickers modeled after the design of our license plate, namely a green mountain skyline against a white background. Then there's white text on the mountains, saying things like "NATIVE"...
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    But it's OK, because we're at war Homeland Security opening private mail Retired professor confused, angered when letter from abroad is opened By Brock N. Meeks Chief Washington correspondent MSNBC Updated: 5:55 p.m. ET Jan. 6, 2006 WASHINGTON - In the 50 years that Grant Goodman has known...
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    Waco revisited

    Googling for AR-15 lowers in Denver, I stumbled upon a legal review of the Waco massacre. Yes, it's old meme, but considering the ongoing annihilation of the Fourth Amendment, it's still relevant. Perhaps more now than ever. :mad:
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    Гражданин, ваши бумаги, пожалуйста.

    Гражданин, ваши бумаги, пожалуйста.
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    And there was much rejoicing

    My C&R arrived today. yey!:D
  16. C

    CCW training has apparently changed

    I took my CCW training in, IIRC, 2000. We had the mandatory legal lectures, technical discussion, and practical exercise, involving shots at silhouette targets from 10, 25, and 50 feet. I've been out of the shooting community for quite a while, due to this and that... you know. Seems things...
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    The impending War On Terrorism

    Before we jump into yet another War On (fill in the blank), consider: I have a 3x5 flag hanging on a wall in my house. I have a pocket copy of the Declaration and Constitution. I have more than one gun, and more than 10 cartridges. And I have a copy of Unintended Consequences. Any one of...
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    Barf alert: Governor Reno?

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    OK, I'm sitting here at work, wearing my spiff new Molon Labe golf shirt... ...and not one person has said anything about it! :(
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    In the presence of Geekery For thems what's iggerant about Linux, the guy with the Uzi is Eric S Raymond (all computer geeks, bow your heads in silent prayer). ESR is one of the supreme deities in the Linux pantheon, along with Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman. That...