Search results

  1. W

    Backward ho!

    As I age, my USPSA classification scores continue to decline. I still go. I get better, but slower and blinder and cripplier, and the bar around me continues to rise. I only post this because, once again, I'm headed out for a 300-mile round trip to another state to shoot my zillionth USPSA...
  2. W

    Name one thing you froze at your last match

    I froze my brain. Apparently I was not alone. Our club, Green Mountain Practical Shooters, held its monthly match Sunday 1/15/12. It was -2F. 35 showed up for the 140-rd, five-stage match. It was cold. And very windy through the morning, enough to blow over steel. One shooter who came from out...
  3. W

    more Penn Bullets

    Since my pallets of .355" Rainiers are now a pile I can fit in my hand, and I have but a few Montana Gold 130g FMJ left, and I'm hesitant to shoot USPSA matches with Gold Dots and XTPs and Silvertips and even my favorite R-P 115g JHPs (although I have), and I have under a thousand each of the...
  4. W

    killing misconceptions

    Many think USPSA is all about uber-expensive guns, and 'race guns', about being competitive requires such gear, and how it isn't worth going without such stuff..... So I have a suggestion: Take your not-racy gear and ammo to any USPSA match, and offer to trade your set-up with someone wearing...
  5. W

    Falling to formulas

    If there were a mathematical method for determining cartridge/projectile effectiveness we'd have already figured it out. Darn pesky humans, all non-homogeneous. We certainly ain't gonna figure it out on this forum......
  6. W

    I am SO lazy

    I should be down in the shop filing merrily away at the sights on my two now-returned EAA Witnesses, enlargening the rear notches to a minimum of .145", and enhancing the 9mm front sight with my Nitesiters / Testors conncoction; I already did the 45 so I could shoot it at a USPSA match. I should...
  7. W

    EAA Service: a Modern (non)Fairy Tale

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I bought my first, a 9x19, in '94, then two more -one 9x19, one 45 ACP- in '95. Called EAA service about the first one I'd bought, because the second looked way different. Was NOT enamored with the quality of...
  8. W

    Manual Dichotomy

    Please remember, ALL manuals are GUIDES ONLY. They do NOT provide absolutes; they provide evidence of what the test equipment delivered using specific components in a specific environment. They did not test your stuff, not your gun, your components, your process, at your test location; they...
  9. W

    Witness pistolsmith

    I own older 'small-frame' full-size metal EAA Witnesses, and wonder who does extreme-quality pistolsmithing on them? I had superior results with Accurate Plating & Weaponry on one (1995? '96?), but wondered what others have experienced. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. W

    Let's agree to get real

    If competing was about the equipment, then the folks with the most money would win. They don't, because it's not. It's about using your gear. Best. So, "First it must go bang". Buy that. It must offer "controllable accuracy". Buy or make that, regardless of PF or scoring. Then some other...
  11. W

    Not-A-Poll: two simple choices

    One candidate offers everything I want, EXCEPT the candidate wishes (and may well be capable of) removing my right to keep AND bear arms. The other candidate offers many things I most decidedly do NOT want, yet expresses the desire to increase the allowances of my right. Who do YOU pick? (I...
  12. W

    'Movie guns'

    Movies are make-believe. Just wanted to clarify that for posters wanting to know what kind of gun is used in certain movies. They use make-believe guns. Believe it........
  13. W

    I am a simplistic one-issue voter

    I (now) vote based on 'gun rights' only. I don't care about tax policy. Nor environmental issues. Nor education spending. Not even "the War". I vote my simple single issue because in my now-53-yr-old life I've found folks fall only two ways: "I can take care of myself. I may need help...
  14. W

    Just GO

    Take whatever gun and gear you have and go. Start now. Most handgun games are NOT about the gun; they are about the shooting. Fancy crap NOT required. Only complaint heard (frankly, from everyone): "Wish I'd started sooner". Look here: (with links to other disciplines)
  15. W

    Divided: pendulum will not forever swing

    Gun rights; my only voting issue. Litmus test for clear thinking: If a politician cannot understand the 2nd, how can they be expected to understand other more complex issues facing us? Voting for your rights? Or not? Those, sadly, ARE the only two choices; no other issues exist (regardless...
  16. W

    Terminology 101: basic understanding

    Any object can become a 'weapon', but is not described as such unless actually used as such. (like sticking some BG in the cartoid with my BIC, ay?) Continuous usage of the word "weapon" to describe "gun" is incorrect, unless said gun is being used as a weapon. How about "deterrence device"? or...
  17. W

    Why is it?

    That 'gun control' advocates of any political persuasion never include themselves in the 'can't have' category. Only us poor dumb 'others'. Ever notice? Anyone?
  18. W

    MEETING 'GOAL': making better ammo

    When I make ammo I have a goal. It normally has a velocity requirement, but first I load for reliable function. Then I load for useable accuracy. THEN, and only then, do I search for velocity. Normally all I need is 'enough', enough to make Power Factor (because I shoot IPSC/USPSA, so ALL my...
  19. W

    you guys are killin' me

    "Gun". Until used as a "weapon" it's a "gun". If I stab you with a kitchen knife was it first a weapon? If I hit you with a baseball bat was it first a weapon? If I...oh, you get my point. An object is NOT A WEAPON until it is used as one, ay? ------------------------------ "my favorite...
  20. W

    Why I (still) handload 9x19

    It's not because of cost, although I'm convinced it's cheaper to make than to buy, but simply because the 9x19 ammo I make is flat out so good ;) Those that feel compelled to buy 9x19 yet handload other cartridges should: redo their math; refine their process so the 9x19 ammo they should be...