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  1. D

    Redneck Skeet Shootin'

    Just got this video off another forum, thought you might get a kick out of it :eek: I sure did :D
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    Prayers needed for a lost Aussie shooter

    Sadly, my mate and instructor at my local Practical range died last tuesday :eek::( He passed away after being unwell for a week or so, was rushed to Canberra Hospital but died shortly after arriving there..... He died from Swine Flu.... or complications from it :( He was only 54 years old, an...
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    Saddam's Golden Guns

    Saddam's Golden Guns More pics added (post #13&#14) I got an email from a mate the other day, showing Saddams guns. I have posted a few pics, if you want me to forward the complete email, PM me your email or send a request to my email at: Evidently, the gold ones are...
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    Merle's got it right

    Great tune, great words..... very true
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    Ted Nugent for president

    :D Boy, do I agree with this dude :D We definately need a clone of Ted here in Oz ;)
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    My kinda toy.....

    I want one of these :D
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    The British want their guns back.....

    Just found this on youtube, very interesting...... worth takin' a look at ;) Sorry if you have seen it before...still a relevant reminder, IMO
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    Wolf ammo......9x19

    I went to the range the other day, took a couple of boxes of all the ammo's I had, some win white box, federal, highland hx & Wolf:barf: Everything was great, except the Wolf.... nice and accurate (when it actually fired) but was having four FTF's per 10 shot mag :mad: They fired ok the second...
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    I just Saw this on another (not gun related) sight

    Sorry if this is old news or not a worry, but it looked important, & they asked to spread it around the gun owners. I haven't even had time to read the link & have to go now.... If it is BS or not important, mods, please feel free to remove this thread ;):D...
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    Any news on the Muhs shooting?

    Just a querie from down under, we dont ever get any follow up news from cases like these over in the US? Would just like to know whether they got charged with murder, or if they are likely to wiggle out of it? I hope the family of the little boy who died are doing ok ;)
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    Get your machine gun fix here

    Just found this one on Youtube..... what a hoot :D wouldn't want to pick up the tab for the ammo tho :eek:
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    Shot some 22lr thru a standard 9mm Glock

    That got your attention :D If you believed that..... boy... gullible :eek: Nah, just wanted to brag.... went to an indoor range in Sydney last weekend and hosed a heap thru the Glock, P22 & Vaquaros Met up with a great bunch of soldiers (off duty)... They haven't had alot to do with...
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    Does rifling twist direction matter?

    I just had a weird thought (yup, another one I hear you all moan):barf: However, I will go on, regardless....:D Water goes down the drain clockwise here down south of the equator, up where you guys are, it goes down anti clockwise (I would love to see that) I have spoken with some serious boat...
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    New patented target holding system

    I hear they are always on the lookout for new, I mean applicants :eek: If you are looking for a career in the firearms industry, this might be for you? :D I like (not) the back stop?? You wouldn't want to be sitting at a desk in the building behind him?? :eek:
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    Practical jokes & guns? 50 cal shot by 9yo!

    I read a thread the other day on 'other rules for guns' and in post #35 I wrote about not playing practical jokes (huge loads, little people etc) and just now saw a couple of exact examples of this on Youtube...
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    High velocity ammo in .22 pistols

    I have a P22 (yes, I can hear y'all moaning from here :D) and whilst searching for the best ammo (that my gun likes) my gunshop dude (top bloke) advised me against going too high in velocity. He said that the short barrel of a pistol doesn't benefit greatly (perhaps the opposite) as the...
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    A 'Gripping' Idea

    I was fooling around with alternate grip ideas at the range the other day. I shoot equally as well with my left hand as I do my right (I think I am supposed to be right handed, I saw wood with my right hand & play golf/baseball with my right) But I found that gripping the entire pistol grip with...
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    Gun language?

    Ok, I'm in the mood to be stoopid..... but where did our gun terminology come from? Like, why are bullets called 'rounds'? they aren't round? Is it left over from muzzle loader days? That dude that showed the thread with the square bullet muzzle loader.... are they rounds? or squares...
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    The Ammo Poll

    Just a question.... The folks who have hoarded heaps and heaps of ammo.... (like pallets) and have enough ammo for a couple of years or more, are you still buying more? Why I ask, up until recently, I too have been buying alot of ammo, but now, I can actually go into a gunshop and not have to...
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    Tried some different 9x19 glock fodder today

    I went to a local range today and tried a few different ammo types in my Glock 34 today (Storm Lake Barrel). One I tried was that Serbian "Highland" 124gr LRN stuff,... it shot quite nicely, very good accuracy.... a little smokey, not bad, but noticable. I also tried Federal (red box) FMJ...