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  1. I

    Well, I did it...

    I finally subscribed. After reading all the good reviews here on TFL, and practically devouring a back issue that a buddy had almost thrown out (SACRILEGE!), I decided it was time... My wife will probably pitch a fit, but oh well. It'll be worth it! :D
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    Nevada Legislative Alert

    Ok, boys and girls. The next session of the Nevada Legislature hasn't even formally started yet, but I thought you might want to keep an eye on this one. It's a Bill Draft Request. BDR#697 Requested by Legislator (what, too ashamed to give a name?) 10/11/2002 Revise provisions governing...
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    Number of guns in England-doing some amateur research.

    hello, all. I've been doing a bit of research (don't worry, I won't pull a Bellesiles; all my sources will be documented and available to all.). I can't, however, fund some info I've been looking for, specifically for England/Wales/Great Brittain/United Kingdom. So, if anyone has knowledge...
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    Thanks, everyone.
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    Guard Battalion Called To Service

    Ok, NOW I'm REALLY scared. Click here for full story. Now, I want to know why they need artillery for STATESIDE assignments? What, they're gonna stop a car full of terrorists by shelling them?
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    A question on the Constitution.

    Concerning the U.S. Constitution, specifically Article IV, Sections 1 and 2: Article. IV. Section. 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in...
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    Dallas: Shooter won't be charged in slaying of intruder

    I thought Texas had a "he needed killin'" defense. At least, I thought they had a law that says a person may use deadly force between sunset and sunrise.... So why was this citizen even charged? Also, it makes a person really think twice about opening the door to someone who says they're a...
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    This one's for you, Jim March

    While checking out one of our numerous enemies, a group called IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms), I decided to take a look see at some of their participants. Lo and behold, guess who I found? Yep, right at the top of the third page, none other than the Trauma Foundation...
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    I feel so violated......

    Not to mention extremely PO'd. I decided to download Webshots, and use a few of the great Mr. Oleg Volk's graphics as a rotating screen saver. When I came in to work today, I was called on the carpet by my boss, and he reamed me a new one. Seems some of the liberal pansy bedwetters here saw...
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    Carson City, Nevada Counter Events on Mothers Day...

    Well, we all know that the MMM has been pretyy much trashed, thanks to Mr. Jim. (YES!!!!) But, I'm not taking any chances. On Mothers Day this year, I plan on being in Carson City, Nevada, to hand out some fliers, maybe engage in some debate, and generally annoy the hell out of any Commie...
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    CCW for School Administrators May Become Legal in Texas

    I happened to pick up on this at A Texas lawmaker has introduced a bill to help deal with school violence. In counties with a population of less than 20,000, the principal (or others) would be allowed to possess a handgun on school property if s/he has a concealed handgun permit...
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    Did anyone else see this about a ban? Boy, this guy must be really stupid.
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    CPHV is a Health and Medical Research Charity?

    This is truly interesting. The Combined Federal Campaign donation system allowes Fed employees to donate to select charities through payroll deduction. Interesting part is, HCI's junk legal branch is listed as an officially recognized charity of the CFC, under the health and Medical Charities...
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    Please excuse the bluntness of this post, but I've about had it with these sickos! The bodies aren't even cold, and already they're dancing in the blood.... California already has CAP laws, registration, safe storage laws... WHAT...
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    Nevada Gathering?

    I have an idea that I'd like to try, and was wondering how many TFL members in Nevada (or any members who might like to visit Nevada for a day) might like to get together and give it a "shot". I live in an apartment, and one of the concerns I have is over-penetration through walls. Because I...
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    A bit old, but interesting...

    From the CNN nes archive. It's interesting to note that the Feds admitted that the Brady Bill would do little to deter criminals.
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    legal Questions for Shotgun configuration.

    I recently (was finally allowed by my wife) purchased a brand new Mossberg 500 Persuader, 12 ga., 20" bbl, 8 shot. For home defense, as well as some hunting. However, when I went to the local gun shop to find some accessories for it, I was told that one was completely illegal to have on a...
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    Gun Locks Being Recalled...with an interesting quote. The Reno Gazette Journal is, as usual, fashionably late with news.... but this is interesting: How true.
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    Agents nab 2 men after weapons buy (Reno, NV) Ah, yes. I'd almost forgotten we had a local branch of the Bureaucratic Agency of Traitorous Felons here.... Yeah, right. The two men were the only suspects. I bet there's a local gun shop under investigation now.....
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    Zero Tolerance Strikes Again!

    This is getting seriously out of hand. Not only do they practice "zero intelligence" but they also seem to enjoy outright lying... Emphasis mine. Full Article is here: