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  1. I

    Registration? It's already here.... So, if the forms are destroyed after 30 days, and Federal law says that the FBI and all them agencies must destroy the records, then how were they able to trace the gun to where it was purchased after one year had passed?
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    The Domino Effect

    Remember how some people said "If they can infringe on the Second Amendment, what's to stop them from infringing on all of them?" The answer was usually something along the lines of "It can't happen" or "They couldn't do that." Well, in reality....the joke about having a waiting period before...
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    Jobs Forum

    How about a forum (or a link to same) for people seeking employment with a pro-rights company, or for pro-rights business owners to post employment opportunities. As you may have guessed, I'm soon to be in need of employment.....
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    Now THIS is heinous!

    Oh, all you vets should like this. You've just been reduced to a mere voting strategy. I'm sorry, but I don't think this is right! it's an insult to veterans!
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    PETA and the Nevada Legislature

    NOTE:This is firearms related for anyone who enjoys hunting. Well, we all know that the destruction of the American way of life comes in disguise. Keeping true to that form, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA has somehow found an ally within the State of Nevada Senate...
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    National Assc. of Chiefs of Police support gun rights!

    From the thread about the South Carolina Attorney General's recent statements (, I decided to see if I could find the survey that was mentioned. And here it is! The full survey can be found here:
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    Nevada recriprocity coming.....

    and other good things, like getting rid of the "not more than two sepcific firearms" crap... If this passes, non-residents just have to stop by and pick up a sticker from the county sheriff. There would be a fee, of course, but it's better...
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    Politicians get some smarts!

    Concerning another thread in General related to restraining orders and protective orders, I went online to look at the Nevada laws about them. Politicians here in Nevada seem to want to avoid arbitrarily stripping a person of his/her Rights, like firearm possession, based on a "her word against...
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    From the Sierra Times....another raid (long) Nice to know the government is here to help.....:rolleyes:
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    Oakland Police Officer Killed by Rookies From the second link: Because there is no such thing as a CITIZEN using a firearm to stop a crime, right, so shoot first...
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    San Jose standoff... Guy shot his wife and 5 year old daughter, and now he's barricaded himself inside with his 2 year old son.
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    For sale?!

    Seen in the "Big Nickel" ad newspaper: Now, THAT'S a big gun! :D
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    Anybody hear about this? "Deplorable conditions" huh? A lazy, neglectful, mother who lets video games babysit her three year old while surrounded by trash and rotting garbage is the example of a...
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    3 Killed in Nevada City; mental patient arrested

    Here we go again....another case for the psyhciatric drugs?
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    Canadian Registration...

    Apparently, the government up there is blowing smoke up the people's wazoos....and the people are telling the government to "stick it".
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    cleaning my revolver...

    I'd really like to take my revolver (and a Buckmark pistol) down to the bare components to give it a really good cleaning. Is this something you'd recommend a gunsmith do, or is it possible for me to do it myself?
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    Can NRA sue HCI?

    HCI has a little thing for kids called "Clarence and Guns". One of the correct answers to this "game" is this: Jamal's House Scenario GOOD CHOICE! NEVER PLAY WITH GUNS-IF THERE IS A GUN IN A HOUSE YOU VISIT, DO NOT TRY AND FIND IT! IF YOU FIND A GUN IN A HOUSE, DO NOT TOUCH IT-FIND AN ADULT...
  18. I

    Letter Sent to Senators from HCI website:

    This should be interesting...thanks to their automatic fax program, this was sent from the HCI website... There may be hell to pay, but I don't mind getting into a little bit of trouble....note the sender's name at the bottom.....
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    California Homicides Up

    I can't seem to find it anywhere online (typical), but on CNN Headline news this morning, I moticed there was a quick blurb in the little box at the bottom: Califonia is reporting the first rise in homicide in 7 years. It's up 27% for the year 2000. If you go by their 1999 figures (the only...
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    Yes, Reno, there are idiots around.... Once again, stupidity takes center stage. How many people DON'T know that those bottles will go BOOM!?