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  1. Z

    Making Tin or Zinc bullets.

    Anyone ever MAKE you own Tin or Zinc Bullets? Not much information about that. Like can you just cast them? And will the Zinc or Tin up your barrels at high velocities?
  2. Z

    Laser Rifles.

    Yeah. I Just made a 1 KW Laser Rifle. My Focus sucks and It can get just one shot an Hour. But that is how Firearms began. So...National Laser Association?
  3. Z

    How to Become a Gun Magazine Writer.

    So... I am sort of a Fundamentalist. I will never give up on preaching Practicing. Get a .22 In the same frame as you use for Hunting or your real job. But I want a Journalism Job in Gun Magazines. How do I Do That from here?
  4. Z

    Is Big Bullet Technology Dead?

    The .45 ACP an .44 Special work by mostly creating large permeate wound cavities by just being big ass bullets. Have expanding bullets finally made big bullets obsolete?
  5. Z

    Older Hunter.

    OK, so my eyes are not what they once were. I see now that I am in my 50s I prefer the Shotgun over the Rifle now. Am I am the only one?
  6. Z

    Most Accurate Pocket Pistol?

    Looking for a pocket pistol than can hit a cottontail at 25 Yards. Thinking the best I can get would be some flavor of Walther PPK but does anyone have any suggestions?
  7. Z

    6.5 Creedmoor.

    So what does this do better than a 6.5 Swedish Mauser or the 7MM-08? Honestly the 6.5 Swedish Mauser is easier to find ammo for.
  8. Z

    weatherby Shotguns

    So.... I have been looking at Weatherby 12 gauge pump shotgun for about 6 months. The price is $350. So.... why has no one bought it yet?
  9. Z

    Copper Bullets.

    I am in California so Lead Bullets are the normal option elsewhere. Thing is....Copper bullets really work. Anyone see a downside?
  10. Z

    .17 Caliber and 5MM

    Ultra Small bores are back. So what are your tricks and treats for ultra fast small bullets?
  11. Z

    Rimfire Wildcatting

    Looking for information about Wildcatting Rimfires. Specifically I want a FMJ or solid copper bullet option for the .17 Winchester Super Magnum Rimfire.
  12. Z

    .22 CB Caps.

    Anyone tame a .22 LR auto to cycle CCI .22 CB Caps?
  13. Z

    .22 LR?

    Where can you buy .22 LR rounds?
  14. Z

    Getting Older. Shotguns make up for it.

    So my eye sight isn't what it was 25 years ago. But my Resistance to recoil is about double. So Shotgun is the answer. Or am I crazy?
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    Road Rage.

    Ok. This is controversial. How far can you be harassed by a car till you fire back? I was recently harassed in Cortez Colorado for over 30 minutes. So what is the point You Shoot?
  16. Z

    The Magnum Disease.

    Once apon a time I believed in "Magnums" All they are is normal hunting rounds + 100 Yards. The Truth is practice is better than an imaginary cartridge that makes practice irrelevant. :eek:
  17. Z

    Getting Old. Liking Shotguns More.

    So. When I was 25 I killed lots of critter 400 yards with . 300 Winchester Magnum. Now I am over 50. Shotguns work better. Am I The Only One?
  18. Z

    Exotic Shotgun Pellets.

    Been thinking about this lately but Why not Copper or Silver Shotgun Pellets instead of Steel? Or even more exotic. Ceramic cased Tungsten?
  19. Z

    Glock Accidental Discharges.

    I have a problem with Glock pistols outside a combat zone. The trigger only safety causes lots of accidents. Why is this superior to a colt 1911 where you have to undo 3 Safety systems to fire? #1 Cock, #2 Unlock, #3 Grip Firmly.