Search results

  1. C

    1/9 18" - can it take it?

    Hello all, I found an 18" 1/9 that I like but... I want a 1/7 since everyone says it matters with the ss109's and whatnots. Is it actually okay out an 18" or should I hold up for that 1/7? P.S. Answer if you really know, please.
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    RECALL - Bushmaster ACR

    Official notification PDF url:
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    What holster is this?

    I like this holster but don't know who makes it. Experts, help! :confused:
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    is HK snobby?

    I do the HK deal, I shoot HK. HK makes some awesome stuff but... Is it just me or is HK snobby? :eek: What leads me to ask you all here at this forum is the fact they do the whole 10 rounds default thing, they don't openly sell the tacticool G36.. instead they just do the Sporter... they do...
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    Full size .45 (not-1911)

    I'm new to this kind of stuff as far as non-1911 stuff goes. What sort of competition can I use a full-size non-1911 service pistol in?
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    USP .45 question (bit dumb)

    This is a semi-dumb question for you USP45 guys. I see that the USP originally was built as a .40 +P shooting gun. Was the USP45 built to do +P loads from the beginning as well?
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    AR-15 guys, help me out here.

    Ok, found a built flat-top AR-15 for about $800, railed all the way, markings say safe, semi, and Auto, it's dura-coated, retractable buttstock that holds batteries, foregrip rail covers, stainless steel inner components (trigger assembly, trigger, pins, and hammer) heavy chrome-lined 1:9 twist...
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    .44 Mag S&W Nickel Plated price?

    A guy has made me an offer for a .44 Mag S&W Nickel Plated. It's ether a 6 pr 7 inch barrel but I don't know for sure. What is the ballpark price for one of these used? I just need to know if I should grab it.
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    I've secured a talk with Bushmaster.

    I'll be basically interviewing a Bushmaster rep. He's going to answer any questions I have. I am wanting to center this around the new ACR. I'm asking why it costs so much and all kinds of other things. If you have any questions to contribute to my list please post them here.
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    Jericho 941 Longslide

    I was thinking. Wouldn't it be cool if there were such a thing as a Jericho 941 Longslide?
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    HK Pistol ad fail?

    Is it just me or are the bullets in that mag in backwards??? :eek: Look, I am an HK guy so no hate is intended for sure, but that just cracks me up, especially with that slogan. I actually google'd it so I obviously am not the first to point it out.
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    ACR's MSRP isn't so low

    A lot has been going around, and I realize I may not be the first to make a thread here like this. But the ACR is going to cost way too much. I do not only base this on my own opinion but on the opinions of many others for many individual and factual reasons. What I wanted to ask in this thread...
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    Check out my custom built M4

    Yeah, it's not real. But I did put it together. This site lets you build your own rifles from the inside out; it's pretty cool. :cool: Build your own dream gun(s) and post it, folks!
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    USP .45 Holsters?

    I've been looking around for an HK USP .45 holster and I can't find much. Does anyone know of a holster company that makes them? Photos would be greatly appreciated. ;)
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    Why compact?

    I have some of my own ideas about why compact might be good for a handgun. But then I see such things as the HK USP Compact and I'm confused just a little bit. Opinions, experiences, thoughts?
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    Can I Upgrade to Tactical?

    Is is possible to upgrade a normal HK USP .45 to be a "TACTICAL" ? ? ? To put more details on what I mean.. Can I put a treaded barrel and attach Meprolight "USP TACTICAL" sights to it? I ask because I'm not sure if the sights and barrel are fitted on differently on both models.
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    HK USP .45 Pricing

    I found one used for a little over $600 in VERY good condition. It actually looked brand new inside. Good price?
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    FN2000 Question (Telecopic sight)

    Can the default telescopic sight on an FN2000 be removed? If so is there a rail under it I can rig other sights onto such as an Aimpoint? I need to be sure 'cause.. I have my reasons. :cool:
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    Jericho 941 (Baby eagle) 40S&W - question

    I found a Jericho 941 or "Baby eagle" as it's called- chambered in 40 S&W up for adoption for a good price. It's used but I plan to check it out in and out. Are these good firearms, how accurate are they, could I compete with one, and will it preform well even if it's been used? let's say...
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    HK USP mag release.

    The H&K USP's mag release looks funky. Can someone make a quick reload as with a 1911 in competition? I ask because I am looking to compete with that class of pistol :cool: