Search results

  1. C

    your choice for battle

    Let's say you were going to war, you can choose any handgun you want in any chambering. What would it be and why? :D
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    9mm handgun at 130 yards

    I saw a video on youtube by nutnfancy. Him and his buds were shooting 9mm at 130 yards and connecting with the target. Is the 9mm -or any major handgun caliber for that matter- actually effective at that far? Revolvers included, y'all.
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    .50 GI

    Is the .50 GI even worth using? it would seem a .45 would do the job just as well.
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    Most expensive 1911?

    So it seems I'm not the only one who notices a LOT of digits in the MSRP for 1911s. So just for fun I'm going to ask that y'all post the most expensive 1911 you can find :D & or perhaps the most ridiculous one as well.
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    Why!!!! (rant)

    WHY do gun manufacturers produce guns that are over-priced? .. like custom 1911s I understand there's metals that are high-grade and such but.. still. - thank you
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    Building up from mil-spec 1911?

    I could go do all kinds of research about this but I figure asking people who already know off hand is much, much easier. If I got a Springfield Milspec 1911 how much would it cost to outfit it with all the basic custom features? this includes night sights, extended ambi-safety, grips...
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    5.7x28mm 1911 kit?

    Ok, I don't own any 5.7x28mm rounds so I can't check but.. would it be possible to fashion a conversion kit for a 1911 to utilize that round? if not.. wouldn't it really be something if a company manufactured such a pistol? a 1911 in 5.7 that is. ;) EDIT: let's toss Glock into this mix. Think...
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    Are Railed 1911 Pistols Against the Rules?

    Are railed 1911 pistols against the rules in competition? I read IDPA rules and only found statements about full length dust covers and add-on weight being illegal... so I'm pretty much clueless :barf: This isn't to say I'm asking ONLY about IDPA, how about other competitions? EDIT: as an...
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    Stainless Steel

    Is a stainless steel slide more durable on a handgun such as the XD, or Glock? Are fully stainless steel frame/slide 1911s better? These questions riddle my mind with thought.
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    SGS 92FS Compensator - is it good?

    does anyone know if the SGS Compensator for the 92FS is any good?
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    Aluminum Vs. Steel

    I've taken interest in an Aluminum framed firearm. However, I have doubts! What is your opinion on them? is the quote "if it ain't steel it ain't real" true? :confused:
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    Q: P.08 Luger - remade?

    I heard that there were remakes of the P.08. I looked on gunbroker and google's shopping section and it & all I can find are the $2,000 antiques. Does anyone know of any re-productions I can find that actually fire?
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    field hunter VR-MC youth, pump action

    Does anyone have this gun? if so, how good is it? :confused:
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    Guncrafter Industries 1911s and glock kits Does anyone own a GI 50 or a Converted glock?? how good are they (the round too) & how good is guncrafter industries itself? I've not seen many of these but they look interesting :)
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    M9 & the 92

    Beretta makes the M9 which is of course known as the current standard United States Military pistol. However there is the 92 which is almost exactly the same except for a few minor frame differences, and the sights. which of the two is better and why would they make two separate versions of...
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    Three dot or Two dot?

    what's best?: two dot straight 8 style sights.. or the traditional three dot?
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    HK USP match barrel accessory?

    I see this one must have been built like that, however. Is it possible to get that (or one like that) loverly front piece for any HK USP? if not, where can I get a USP like that?!
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    Seeking first side arm.

    I'm currently looking for a first pistol. (semi-auto) I've had my eye on Springfield's XD, Walthers, Berettas, and Armalite pistols.. however I am starting to drop all of those for Love of the 1911 pistol, ever since I was a kid I drooled over those. The reason I seek a side-arm is I want...