Search results

  1. E

    Going through Canada with gear and components.

    I'm planning a move to Alaska next year and will be driving. Does anyone know if bringing a couple hundred pounds of bullets and a couple thousand cases, along with my trunk of equipment, would cause any problems? I would be bringing no loaded ammo, no powder and no primers at all.
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    Buying for others.

    A new gun is being bought as a gift for a close relative. If you knew just what was wanted, would you make the purchase and have the gun in your name or fall back on cash or a gift certificate that could be earmarked for the item? Is there any serious downside to making the purchase if...
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    Good .22 with peeps.

    I want to get a decent-quality .22 for target practice, some small game, just an all-purpose little gun. I've been leaning toward a CZ 452 M2E LUX just from what I've read here and a couple other forums. The one thing I want to do is put a peep sight on it. So if the 452 is as good as I've...
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    Quick laughs.

    #1: My uncles knew an old coal miner upstate (PA) who used to pay a kid to wear his new hunting boots every day for two weeks before deer season started, so they'd be broken in and comfy when he put them on on opening day. #2: When teenagers, same uncles brought in a passel of squirrels to...
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    What exactly is a wildcat cartridge? A rare one? A custom-built one? What?
  6. E

    Ruger SS price question.

    I'm on the verge of picking up a .22 target pistol and will probably go with an MKII, probably the slabside. Leafing through the Ruger catalog for the hundredth time I noticed that overall there was little and sometimes no difference in prices between blued and stainless versions of the same...
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    Important question.

    Grew up saying "Hops" oil/#9/etc. and then heard someone say Hop-ees. Have I been so wrong for so long?
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    Lock out die?

    What is a lock out die?
  9. E

    Carbide dies.

    It doesn't seem that carbide dies are available for every caliber. If so, why? Either way, is there any reason not to use a carbide sizing die? Except for somewhat higher price, why hasn't carbide completely supplanted steel sizers?
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    Silverado coach gun comes home.

    Just picked up my matte nickel coach gun after waiting 10 weeks for it to come in. It is a beautiful looking little gun and the gun shop guy commented on what a nice piece of wood was used for the stock. I joked that for about $300 someone else must've got the knothole. Had only seen the...
  11. E

    Favorite sites besides TFL

    I asked a question like this pertaining to next-best firearms sites, but now I'm asking what non-firearms sites do you find most worthwhile? Just absolute, tried and true favorites. (Gun-related? What do gun folks like when they're not liking guns.)
  12. E

    Best value scope on 700?

    I know I'd find lots of opinions in the archives but I get to plead no-search-feature at the moment. I'm looking to pick up a Rem. 700 Mountain Rifle in the near future and was wondering what's the best scope I could put on it for about $300 (less mounts). It'll probably be .30-06, but I'm...
  13. E

    Libertarian books?

    Any recommendations? General overviews, intros, etc.
  14. E

    Kabul-ki Dance - Pt. 1

    Man, this came up twice before and now only the double is listed. Sure it's me and sure there'll probably be three nonsense threads next time I look. Anyway... FYI: This month's Atlantic Monthly has an article about the air war against the Taliban. It's written by Mark Bowden and gives an...
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    Kabul-ki Dance.

    Double post.
  16. E

    After-market drop tubes.

    What are the advantages of these add-ons? I see them in four- and six-inch versions in Sinclairs, and have seen some here mention them in regard to better consistency in powder throws, but what do they really do and how do they do it?
  17. E

    Hunting with fixed sights?

    Any folks here that have done this? I've already got my first Vaquero and am contemplating my second, but was wondering if I should go with a Redhawk or Blackhawk instead; at least if I was thinking about trying pistol on whitetails? Will probably end up with both, but wanted to know opinions...
  18. E

    D.C. plates?

    Just yesterday I pulled up behind a car with Washington, D.C. plates that had as its motto: "Taxation without Representation." Was this an overlay holder meant to fool or is this the genuine article? Sorry if I seem oblivious. Do we really have a legit plate logo that is basically a snotty whine?
  19. E

    Powder thrower micrometer?

    Anybody use one of these, like the screw-on one offered by RCBS? I was just wondering if they're that much of a timesaver and if they really can dial in previously-recorded settings reliably. I've been pretty impressed with the consistency of my RCBS thrower so far and was wondering if this...
  20. E

    What's "+P"?

    I see this often in reference to .38 specials. Is it just a hotter load? Is it used regarding other calibers? How long's this designation been around? What cautions apply?